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- Paper of the month 2025
- Elementor #32608
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- Optical Component Positioning Fixture
- Optics Holder for Laser Alignment
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- Quick Release Mount for Microscope Lens
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- 100 Profiles
Faculty Members
- Jonathan Kadmon
- Ehud Zohary
- Yosef Yarom
- Yair Weiss
- Eilon Vaadia
- In memoriam: Naftali Tishby
- Hermona Soreq
- Haim Sompolinsky
- Idan Segev
- Yifat Prut
- David Omer
- Israel Nelken
- Adi Mizrahi
- Baruch Minke
- Aviv Mezer
- Eran Meshorer
- Eran Lottem
- Michael London
- Yonatan Loewenstein
- Chaya Kalcheim
- Leo Joskowicz
- Mati Joshua
- Shaul Hochstein
- Naomi Habib
- Hanoch Gutfreund
- Yosef Grodzinsky
- Inbal Goshen
- Professor Leon Y. Deouell
- Ami Citri
- Professor Yoram Burak
- Alexander Binshtok
- Hagai Bergman
- Aya Ben Yakov
- Raunak Basu
- Lilach Avitan
- Merav Ahissar
- Yoav Adam
- Ami Citri
Lab Members
- Avigail Ben Eliyahu
- Guy Avraham
- Elad Dvir
- Shira Horev
- Rivka Masar
- Eden Mishne
- Shira Siegel
- Avital Pushett
- Ziv Brodie
- Ilia Bezgin
- Dean Geckt
- Ameer Alayan
- Nitsan Lichtman
- Satya Rungta
- Inbar Elmaliach
- Lior Shapira
- Hagit Eliyahu
- Dr. Noam Saadon-Grosman
- Yousef Jubeh
- Ronny Yariv
- Chen Schieber
- Tamara Salaymeh
- Miada Abu salih
- Ivon Ben Zaken
- Alon Dotan
- Nimrod Agassi
- Jaroslav Slobodskoy
- Adam Hafzadi
- Guy Elihai
- Koren Cazes
- David Hansel
- Michal Leci
- Maor Nativ
- Daniela Yoeli
- Sapir Shapira
- Ido Aizenbud
- Netanel Ofer
- Noa Katz
- Tamar Zioni
- Vishnu Priya Sampath
- Sara Neeman Raz
- Evyatar Michlis
- Itamar Sabban
- Shoham Atia
- Yakir Winograd
- Liraz Yehoshua
- Yonny Hammer
- Aaron Olender
- Gal Shturm
- Renana Malka
- Yaniv Pasternak
- Noam David
- Nirvik Sinha
- Henn Kramer
- Ora Ben Harush Sabag
- Nofar Haik
- Shira Baror
- Ofer Perl
- Liam Aisenberg
- Abeer Karmi Hallak, Ph.D.
- Itay Ottenheimer
- Netta Livneh
- Sapir Bashari
- Eldan Chodorov
- Karin Vashdi
- Shir Hadad
- Gur Aminadav
- Omer Cooper
- Shulamit Baror-Sebban, Ph.D
- Alon Olesinski
- Eitan Israeli
- Guy Oren
- Aner Shapira
- Alina Ryabtsev
- Roey Ben-Yosef
- Avichai Chaimi
- Shay Meron
- Stefano Quaglioni
- Yaara Aram
- Tamar Preminger
- Amichai Lavi-Rudel
- Shahar Haim
- Itai Wasserman
- Shai Yellinek
- Gabrielle Marmur
- Shalhevet Klemfner
- Tzukit Tal
- Adria Dym
- Maryana Pozina
- Shay Grunwald
- Yotam Feitelson
- Kevin Campion
- Susanna Ventriglia
- David Cohen
- Varda Ben-Ami
- Tal Bruker
- Nischal Mainali
- Yuval Steinberg
- Yuval Marcus
- Ido Shachal
- Edward Tananyan
- Rachel Cohen
- David Shoresh
- Mousa Karayanni
- Reuven Lifshitz
- Roni Cohen
- Yirat Henshke
- Aviel Sulem
- Yarden Weiss
- Adi Glebotzki
- Gabi Stemp
- Tav Cohen
- Roni Nahari
- Hadar Sagi
- Haran Shani Narkiss
- Yoav Rubinstein
- Shai Tishby
- Imri Lifshitz
- Michal Rubin
- Samira Souffi
- Nechama Novick
- Shachar Moskovich
- Lee Cohen
- Olena Landa
- Shai Ofek
- Dina Rekler
- Nitza Kahane
- Robert Reiner
- Haneen Rajabi
- Jonathan Schwarcz
- Zhe Liu
- Elena Kudryavitsakaya
- Efrat Sheinbach
- Qixin Yang
- Dan Beniamini
- Nathaniel Zuk
- Baruch Haimson
- Georg Chechelnizki
- Victor Pedrosa
- Arik Monash
- Gilad Green
- Noa Guttman
- Gal Chen
- Naomi Revel
- Ariel Furstenberg PhD
- Gal Vishne
- Chen Gueta
- Carmel Auerbach
- Ruoyi Cao
- Maayan Moshkovitz
- Nir Mazor
- Shalom Rochman
- Avigail Suna
- Netanell Avisdris
- Bella Spektor Fadida
- Adi Szeskin
- Petra Pollins
- Ester Bennett
- David Greenberg
- Serafima Dubnov
- Or Yakov
- Gadi Mintz
- Uri Cohen
- Nimrod Shaham
- Ariel Furstenberg
- Menachem
Kalmanson - Moria Fridman
- Sima Dubnov
- Ori Brook
- Dana Shulman
- Neta Rosner-Wach
- Guy Lutsker
- Daniel Bar Hanin
- Masha Adam
- Anna Schmidtner
- Inbar Shapira
- Or Gold
- Adi Ravid
- Hodaya Vrubel
- Dekel Wainer
- Lior Naggan
- Yael Morose
- Yogev Hendel
- Yuval Pundak Mint
- Shahar Mazie
- Dr . Rahel Bar David
- Eli Fivelzon
- Asael Sklar
- Maayan Raveh
- Sara Attias
- Lior D. Aloni
- Ilana Nave
- Daniel Houry
- Tanya Orlov
- Nora Vrieler
- Inbar Kotzer
- Shani Vaknine
- Nimrod Madrer
- Yonat Tzur
- Gilli Moshitzky
- Tamara Zorbaz
- Katarzyna Winek
- Jonathan Leibner
- Toviah Moldwin
- Hadas Manor
- Eyal Gal
- Eilam Goldenberg Leleo
- Lital Summer
- Mousa Karayanni
- Kamini Sehrawat
- Arthur Berrou
- Ana Polterovich
- Alex Kazakov
- Moran Aharoni
- Maciek Jankowski
- Johannes Niediek
- Dina Moshitch
- Meirav Givon
- Benne Praegel
- Or Yudco
- Elham Taha
- Tal Brandwine
- Rita Gutotov
- Rachel Zaguri
- Elisheva Rhodes-Mordov
- Oshrat Shtangel
- Elior Drori
- Dr. Rona Shaharabani
- Malka Nissim-Rafinia PhD
- Walaa Oweis
- Tamar Segal
- Ayelet – Hashahar Cohen
- Neta Zylbermann
- Yair Deitcher
- Vitaly Lerner
- Stav Hertz
- Shiran Michael
- David Beniaguev
- Benjamin Weiner
- Amir Dudai
- Adi Kaduri Amichai
- Shir Shapira
- Tsahi Asher
- Tomer Barak
- Lotem Elber-Dorozko
- Lior Fox
- Sari Kagan
- Yoni Arndt
- Yudith Botschko
- Noga Larry
- Matan Cain
- Gil Zur
- Adi Lixenberg
- Indrajeet Indrajeet
- Danny Kitsberg
- Kedem Snir
- Nitsan Kugler-Ettinger
- Assaf Brown
- I-An Tan
- Andreas haida
- Tirzah Merzel Kreisel PhD
- Itay Shalom
- Daniel Nudelman
- Reut Fluss
- Hagit Turm PhD
- Tal Prinz
- Lior Ziv
- Noa Peretz-Rivlin
- Gal Atlan
- Diptendu Mukherjee
- Ben Gonzales
- Anna Terem (Nudler)
- David Lipton
- Nadav Ben-Shushan
- David Roberson
- Arik Tzour
- Shaya Lev
- Lama Abd Al Razzaq
- Devora Gershon
- Yishai Kushnir PhD
- Yaki Caspi
- Robert H. Goldstein
- Omer Barkai
- Ben Title
- Yoav Mazor
- Ben Katz PhD
- Shimon Firman
- Uri Werner-Reiss
- Sharon Friman PhD
- Orilia Ben Yishay Nizri
- Nir Asch
- Aviv Mizrahi-Kliger
- Salam Qukal
- Halen Baker
- Shiran Katabi
- Shai Heiman Grosberg
- Pnina Rapel
- Odeya Marmor
- Noa Rahamim
- Daniel Sand
- Dan Valsky
- Alexander Kaplan
- Lily Iskhakova
- Jing Guang
- Gennadiy Fonar
- Nadav Amir
- Michal Dobner Ives
- Keren Kasten
- Ayelet Gertsovski
- Rotem Kipper
- Mor Margolin
- Chaviva Moshavi
- Dan Jagoda
- Efrat Scheinbach
- Georg Chechelnizki
- Hodaya Vrubel
- Inbar Shapira
- Isaac Ashkenazi
- Jonathan Leibner
- Jonathan Schwarcz
- Kinneret Gordon
- Nischal Mainali
- Rachel Cohen
- Sapir Shapira
- Serafima Dubnov
- Yoav Rubinstein
- Stefanie Glowinsky
- Yasmin Yarden-Rabinowitz
- Dan Beniamini
- Hen Emuna
- Noa Guttman
- Zhe Liu
- Arthur Berrou
- Chen Shani
- Elior Drori
- Elisheva Schwarz
- Ilana Nave
- Levi Solomyak
- Matan Cain
- Mousa Karayanni
- Shachar Moskovich
- Shiran Michael
- Eilam Goldenberg Leleo
- Gil Zur
- Guy Hacohen
- Hadas Manor
- I-An Tan
- Libi Feigin
- Lior Fox
- Noga Larry
- Shir Filo
- Wu Zongze
- Yoav Deshalit
- Alex Kazakov
- Ayelet Gertsovski
- Daniel Batyrev
- Gal Vishne
- Lea Cohen
- Lotem Elber-Dorozko
- Nir Ophir
- Noa Rahamim
- Ruoyi Cao
- Stav Yardeni
- Tomer Barak
- Adi Doron
- Aharon Azulay
- Adi Kaduri Amichai
- Carmel Ash Auerbach
- David Beniaguev
- Kamini Sehrawat
- Lior Lebovich
- Noa Peretz-Rivlin
- Omri Gilday
- Ravid Ziv
- Toviah Moldwin
- Yair Deitcher
- Yoav Matov
- Alexander Kaplan
- Amir Dudai
- Dan Valsky
- Gal Atlan
- Haggai Agmon
- Lilach Edelstein
- Lior Tiroshi
- Michael Doron
- Roey Schurr
- Shai Berman
- Adar Adamsky
- Adi Kol
- Benjamin Weiner
- Daniel Hershcovich
- Haran Shani-Narkiss
- Jonathan Bain
- Nimrod Levin
- Noga Zaslavsky
- Oren Peles
- Ori Lavi Rotbain
- Pnina Rapel
- Ana Polterovich
- Haim Dubossarsky
- Itamar Landau
- Michal Yoles Frankel
- Nadav Yayon
- Neta Ravid Tannenbaum
- Rotem Yogev Dan
- Tamar Regev
- Hadar Levi Aharoni
- Itay Lieder
- Michal Moshkovitch
- Nadav Amir
- Uri Cohen
- Galit Agmon
- Tal Golan
- Eyal Gal
- Dana Slabbekoorn
- Aviram Aharoni
- Halen Baker
- Jonathan Berrebi
- Simona Zlatopolsky
- Yifei Wei
- Noa Blaistein
- Noa Simon
- Tamar Malinovitch
- Henrike Horn
- Matan Holzer
- Talia Tron
- Arnon Brit
- Eitan Schechtman
- Pini Kopolovitch
- Yehezkel Reshef
- BatSheve Beterman
- Edden Gerber
- Ido Maor
- Matan Sorek
- Merav Stern
- Ofir Bibi
- Sagi Jaffe
- Tohar Yarden
- Yulia Yoganian
- Zvi Roth
- Eva Kelman
- Hanan Shteingart
- Ran Darshan
- Roi Livni
- Shahar Barabash
- Yoav Tal
- Avi Libster
- Avital Adler
- Dana Barniv
- Elad Mezuman
- Maya Geva
- Nadin Sigalov
- Nori Yaacobi
- Omer Naor
- Ran Tesler
- Sofer Omri
- Tomer Olman
- Yonatan Witzman
- Amit Yaron
- Daniel Zoran
- Daniel Shushan
- Eyal Schwartz
- Ido Davidesco
- Maya Slovik
- Moshe Safran
- Noa Zeharia
- Noa Danon
- Ofri Raviv
- Uri Shalit
- Uri Hertz
- Achia Kronman
- Ben Engelhard
- Golan Pomdack
- Itai Hershenhorn
- Michal Ramot
- Nitzan Herzog
- Orit Elgavi
- Rea Mitelman
- Shaul Drukman
- Udi Sigalis
- Yuval Ben Hurin
- Adam Zaidel
- Alon Keren
- Asaf Gal
- Etay Hay
- Gideon Rothschild
- Hagit Kopel
- Maayan Avron
- Ohad Nachshon
- Rinat Avital
- Roie Kliper
- Roy Weiss
- Tal Neiman
- Yael Biterman
- Yonatan Pertzov
- Angelo Moscati
- Assaf Kron
- Dmitry Davidov
- Ela Mendelson
- Gabriel Zimerman
- Guy Levy
- Hagai Lalazar
- Mati Joshua
- Michal Eisenberg
- Moran Surf
- Natan Manor
- Nevo Taaseh
- Roi Reichart
- Samuel Zibman
- Anat Yaron-jakoubovitch
- Avishalom Shalit
- Dorrit Inbar
- Ester Hoffmann
- Itamar Lerner
- Jonathan Rubin
- Michal Jacob
- Noa Granot
- Shlomit Greenberg
- Tidhar Seifer
- Yaron Rakach
- Yuval Tassa
- Alit Stark
- Dina Farkas
- Eyal Krupka
- Erez Shapira
- Isiparce Fritzie
- Michal Rivlin
- Mikael Levy
- Mor Nahum
- Tamar Geva
- Yael Niv
- Yaniv Oshrat
- Yehoshua Rosenberg
- Yuval Yanai
- Alon Zakai
- Alon Kaufman
- Amit Miller
- Atira Bick
- Eyal Sinai
- Irit Nowik
- Itai Rabinowitch
- Maya Dank
- Moshe Meiseles
- Naama Parush
- Neta Zach
- Reuven Hammer
- Sharon Shacham
- Tomer Fekete
- Aharon Bar-hillel
- Amir Navot
- Anna Sorkin
- Dov Luski
- Irit Shapira
- Itamar Bar-tur
- Lavi Shpigelman
- Liora Ahdut
- Michael Fink
- Tomer Hertz
- Uri Maoz
- Assaf Ariel
- Gal Chechik
- Gilad Jacobson
- Itay Asher
- Meir Shaked
- Ron Jortner
- Vered Gatt
- Amir Globerson
- Amir Amedi
- Asaf Mayrose
- Ayelet Harel
- Daphne Harris
- Erez Shasha
- Eyal Fink
- Jesse Alpert
- Mordechai Schattner
- Rony Paz
- Rotem Shem-tov
- Uri Gordon
- Vladimir Litvak
- Anna Gribova
- Assaf Dvorkin
- Genela Morris
- Ifat Levi
- Iftach Nachman
- Joshua Goldberg
- Michal Wolf
- Nachum Ulanovsky
- Uri Hershberg
- Yonatan Loewenstein
- Yoram Louzoun
- Yuval Aviel
- Galia Avidan
- Itzhak Ishay
- Izhar Bar-gad
- Omri Mann
- Yehoshua Yehuda
- Yoram Yekutieli
- Zvi Marx
- Gabi Hayon
- Galit Fuhrman
- Noam Slonim
- Oren Shriki
- Ranit Aharonov
- Uri Feintuch
- Yaakov Engel
- Yoram Ben Shaul
- Elad Schneidman
- Erez Ezrachi
- Esther Adi-japha
- Lidror Troyansky
- Noam Shental
- Puah Mann-metzer
- Sygal Amitay
- Tuvia Beker
- Amir Raz
- Dan Tzur
- Dana Cohen
- Michal Balberg
- Mickey London
- Yoram Gdalyahu
- Adria Dym
- Ariel Biton
- Dan Amir
- Eli Rosner
- Gabriell Marmur
- Imri Lifshitz
- Itay Shalom
- Maysan Bader
- Nitzan Luxembourg
- Oded Wertheimer
- Sapir Bashari
- Shai Yellinek
- Shai Tishby
- Sharon Yakim
- Yarden Weiss
- Amichai Lavi
- Coral Schapiro
- Danielle Babitzkarn
- Deena Elul
- Eden Deri
- Matityahou Erez
- Ido Aizenbud
- Jonathan Nir
- Michael Mazar
- Mohammad Salama
- Qixin Yang
- Roi Meir
- Tal Sofer
- Tomer Sheinfeld
- Yotam Federman
- Zhenyi Wang
Post Docs
- Reut Suliman-Lavie
- Shirly Someck
- Noam Saadon-Grosman
- Shira Baror
- Walaa Oweis
- Gil Zur
- Ofer Perl
- Netanel Ofer
- Noam Khayat
- Vishnu Priya Sampath
- Alkesh Yadav
- Ana Polterovich
- Ivan Andres Davidovich
- Xiaowei Liu
- Aviel Sulem
- Tamara Zorbaz
- Baruch Haimson
- Elham Taha
- Samira Souffi
- Indrajeet
- Prudhviraj Rayi
- Anna-Kristina Schmidtner
- Rona Shaharabani
- Yoav Mazor
- David Lipton
- Jing Guang
- Moran Aharoni
- Batsheva Weisinger
- Carmel Ben Yosef
- Yonah Huppert
- Haggar Prince
- Gai Gefen
- Eden Mama
- Niv Amos
- Dr. Shir Filo
- Almog Miron
- Ron Refaeli
- Adi Doron
- Maciej Jankowski
- Johannes Niediek
- Ori Brook
- Noam Khayat
- Leshem Choshen
- Paymon Ashourian
- Victor Pedrosa
- Dana Shulman
- Lior Fox
- Lotem Elber-Dorozko
- Nimrod Agassi
- Aner Shapira
- Yaniv Melamed
- Nathaniel Zuk
- Guy Dudovitch
- Michael Braginsky
- Netanel Avisdris
- Avigail Suna
- Avichai Haimi
- Nir Mazor
- Benny Di Veroli
- Shalom Rochman
- Adi Szeskin
- Tamar Malinovitch
- Gon Ishay
- Moran Moradi
- Tal Golan
- Yuval Rom
- Rotem Ovadia
- Noa Garty
- Yahel Gazit
- Anat Marom-Rotem, Ph.D.
- Ron Buchnic
- Einat Sarig
- Amichai Offenbacher
- Roei Yehuda
- Shai Fenster-Kveller
- Neta Kenneth
- Adar Adamsky
- Adi Kol
- Claudia Maggi
- Omri Gilday
- Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg
- Ofek Shaviv
- Josue Zini
- Dr. Matan Sorek
- Talia Rohrlich
- Haggai Agmon
- Peleg Emanuel
- Noga Weiss Mosheiff
- Roni Stein
- Johnatan Navott
- Ehud Vinepinsky
- Moriel Ben Zwi
- Lior Lebovich
- Dr. Shai Berman
- Dr. Jonathan Bain
- Amitay Nachmani
- Dr. Asier Erramuzpe
- Amos Boasson
- Dr. Roey Schurr
- Noam Saadon-Grosman
- Erez Wolfson
- Elena Kudryavitslaya
- Itay Lieder
- Eva Kimel
- Dror Cohen
- Silviya Tommasin
- Yinnon Dolev
- Galit Agmon
- Tamar Regev
- Talia Shrem
- Shani Shalgi
- Nofya Zinger
- Liad Mudrik
- Ido Amihai
- Edden Gerber
- Deborah Marciano
- Assaf Breska
- Alon Keren
- Assif Ziv
- David Ungarish
- Neta Ravid
- Matan Sorek
- Yoni Lavi
- Eran Marom
- Ofri Raviv
- Tal Neiman
- Ohad Asulin
- Chanan Shteingart
- Uri Yanover
- Ariel Gilad
- Gen-ichi Tasaka
- Yishai Elyada
- Hadas Lapid
- Maya Groysman
- Lior Cohen
- Ronen Eavry
- Amit Vinograd
- Ido Maor
- Yael Shlomai
- Yoav Livneh
- Yoav Adam
- Hagit Kopel
- Libi Feigin
- Rachel Nissim
- Natan Gold
- Gilead Raday
- Odelia Shayevitz
- Dina Farkas
- Jonathan Rubin
- Shahaf Granot
- Odeya Guri
- Itamar Kinreich
- Olga Aizenberg
- Luba Daikhin
- Atalia Hai
- Sagi Jaffe Dax
- Nori Jacoby
- Ofri Raviv
- Mark Shovman
- Yulia Oganian
- Ariel Rokem
- Yehoshua Rosenberg
- Sygal Amitay
- Gal Ben Yehudah
- Keren Banai
- Shachar Moskovich
- Itamar Landau
- Haran Shani Narkiss
- Asier Erramuzpe
- Ohad Dan
- Alon Simchovitz
- Nadav Yayon
- Bshara Awwad
- Deborah Marciano
- Tamar Regev
- Shlomo Tsuriel
- Sagi Gudes
- Hodaya Leibovich
- Hagit Raizel
- Alon Schindel
- Naomi Niederhoffer
- Mor Hanan
- Oren Amsalem
- Michael Doron
- Siwei Wang
- Yehuda Albeck
- Shahar Mendelssohn
- Mor Harpaz
- Tamar Regev
- Nadav Amir
- Libi Feigin
- Elena Kudryavitskaya
- Assif Ziv
- David Ungarish
- Matan Sorek
- Neta Ravid
- Yoni Lavi
- Dror Cohen
- Ohad Assulin
- Daniel Schwartz
- Uri Yanover
- Hanan Shteingart
- Ofri Raviv
- Tal Neiman
- Eran Marom
- Yinnon Dolev
- Galit Agmon
- Silviya Tommasin
- Gianluigi Mongillo
- Shai Ofek
- Dina Rekler
- Nitza Kahane PhD
- Itay Lieder
- Gal Vishne
- Yasmin Yarden-Rabinowitz
- Eva Kimel
- Yaron Rotman
- Yael Bitterman
- Roi Kliper
- Omer Bar-Yosef
- Nevo Taaseh
- Nachum Ulanovsky
- Mor Nahum
- Livia de Hoz
- Liora Las
- Leila Khouri
- Itai Hershenhoren
- Gal Chechik
- Flora Antunes
- Eyal Wigderson
- Dana Barniv
- Ayelet Shapira
- Amit Yaron
- Alon Fishbach
- Yoav Livneh PhD
- Yoav Adam PhD
- Yishai Elyada PhD
- Yael Shlomai PhD
- Tohar Sion Yarden
- Talia Singer
- Ronen Eavri PhD
- Racheli Nisim
- Natan Gold
- Maya Groysman PhD
- Lior Cohen PhD
- Hagit Kopel PhD
- Hadas Lapid PhD
- Gilad Raday
- Gideon Rothschild
- Gen-ichi Tasaka
- Ariel Gilad
- Amit Vinograd PhD
- Ami Shalev
- Amitay Nachmani
- Jonathan Bain
Administrative Staff
- Professor Leon Y. Deouell
- Professor Yoram Burak
- Orit Ozana
- Lee Ashkenazi
- Tomer Finesinger
- Itamar Frachtenberg
- Daniel Haberfeld
- Anna Koren
- Michal Leci
- Rona Shaharabani
- Dikla Horwitz
- Shani Shapira
- Adi Tamam
- Maya Sherman
- Shir Vaknin
- Nili Vershov
- Assaf Yohalashet
- Sarah Avnon
- Osama Mansour
- Noga Terry
- Zehavit Ben Dahan
- Linoy Shaulof
- Aleksey Zilberov
- Ruth Yakobovich
- Varda Ben Ami
- Racheli Chocron
- Yakov Korzh
Art Gallery
- Passion for the Real
- Brainwaves Scorched
- Looking at ourselves – Imaging technologies applied in archaeology, brain sciences, then design
- Imagine a Sound That Slowly Dissipates
- Sundowning
- Working Memory
- Stop ! Wandering
- Retinopathy
- Gallery Talk on “Retinopathy” – January 31, 2020
- פתיחת תערוכה ושיח גלריה – טופוגרפיה של ראיה
Live Concerts
Community Events
NoneSpecial Projects
- מרכז אדמונד ולילי ספרא למדעי המוח ומטה משפחות החטופים מארחים את האמן והמאייר זאב אנגלמאיר
- מארחים את הקהילה
- היום שאחרי: מפת דרכים – הרצאות פתוחות בקמפוס ספרא
- כשנוער פוגש מדע: מפגש פרונטירז עם המוח
- What makes us human? How do stress and trauma affect our brain? How do mothers’ brains change once they give birth?
- ערב חגיגי לרגל צאת הספר “נוֹיְרוֹפּוֹאֵטִיקָה: שירה פוגשת מדע” – 8.7.2023
- אקדמיה ודמוקרטיה: הרצאות פתוחות בקמפוס ספרא
- Multisense: a Concert+ Event
- Lecture series: Poet in Residence | סדרת הרצאות: משורר הבית
- Brain, Rhythm, MUSIC: A Concert+ Event
- Emotions: An international itinerant conference 8 topics in 8 cities
- סדרת אירועי מודעות לתופעת רצח נשים בישראל
- זום למוח 2
- זום למוח
Art & Brain
- ELSC Annual Retreat 2025
- ENU Safety Training
- MRI Club
- Advances in Brain Sciences 2024
- NeuroBridges 2024
- ELSC Annual Retreat 2024
- ELSC Annual Retreat 2023
- NeuroBridges 2023
- Brains at the crossroads of theory and experiment: A worldwide homage to Carl van Vreeswijk (1962-2022)
- Advances in Brain Sciences 2022
- Brainy Days in Jerusalem: The Future of Neuroscience – December 12-14th, 2022
- The Gatsby tri-center meeting for theoretical neuroscience 2022 30/5-1/6
- How to Tell a (Scientific) Story
- ELSC Annual Retreat 2022
- NeuroBridges 2022
- Virtual Open Day 2022 for the Direct Ph.D. Program in Brain Sciences
- Advances in Brain Sciences 2021
- ELSC Annual Retreat 2021
- Virtual Open Day 2021 for the Direct Ph.D. Program in Brain Sciences
- The COVID-19 Vaccine: Is the Pandemic Behind Us?
- Inside Our Heads: Convergence of Art and the Brain
- Advances in Brain Sciences 2020
- Brain Circle 2020 – Home Edition
- Connections: Shaping the future of ELSC – Canceled
- CRCNS 2020 PI meeting – Canceled
- The Dynamic Brain – Synaptic Plasticity and Intrinsic Volatility
- Advances in Brain Sciences 2019: Glimpses of the Future
- Brainy Days in Jerusalem 3: An Interdisciplinary Celebration
- Open Day 2019
- ELSC Annual Retreat – 2019
- Deep Learning and the Brain
- Advances in Brain Sciences: Glimpses of the Future
- What Makes Us Human: From Genes to Machines
- The Dynamic Organism: from Molecules to Cognition – HUJI-UCL joint meeting
- ELSC Annual Retreat – Kibbutz Ein Gedi – 2018
- Brainy Days in Jerusalem 2 – An Interdisciplinary Celebration
- Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: From Generation to Degeneration
- Information, Control, and Learning – The Ingredients of Intelligent Behavior
- Neural Circuits: From Structure to Computation
- Brainy Days in Jerusalem: An interdisciplinary celebration – 2015
- The 12th Otto Loewi and 1st ELSC Conference
- The Future of Brain Research
- Webinar on New Diagnostic Tests for COVID19
- Open Day 2020
- NeuroBridges 2020 – Canceled
- ELSC Annual Retreat – 2020
- JerusML Artificial Intelligence in the Holy City
- The Israeli Human Neuroimaging Conference 2019
- NeuroBridges 2019
- ENU Workshop 2018
- ENU Day 2017
- The 3rd ENU Annual Workshop
- ENU mini-workshop on Diffusion MRI of the Brain: Basics, Methods & Applications
- NeuroBridges 2014
- Special Seminar – Juliane Britz – Nov. 21st, 2013
- Functional MRI – The art of data acquisition
Press & Media
- שימוש חדש ומפתיע לשיטה בת 140 שנה בחקר המוח
- מחקר חדש מצא כי המקור לתנועות עיניים קטנות הוא המוח ולא השריר
- נחשף הגורם שאחראי לשיבוש המערכת המוטורית אצל חולי פרקינסון
- פרס אופזיין לחקר פרקינסון הוענק לפרופ’ חגי ברגמן ממרכז אדמונד ולילי ספרא למדעי המוח והפקולטה לרפואה
- Elucidating the Brain’s White Matter
- מחקר חדש בכתב העת Nature: פוענח כיצד ה-GPS במוח מייצג תלת-ממד
- New Discovery: Rare Regenerating Neurons Improve Odor Coding in the Brain
- Cutting-edge research at ELSC reveals the role of the claustrum in promoting contextual associations that drive drug addiction
- Hebrew University Researchers Develop COVID-19 Test that is Significantly Faster and Cheaper
- Dr. Inbal Goshen to provide mentoring for students from multiple schools around Jerusalem
- i24 NEWS – Interview with Prof. Ami Citri about coronavirus
- Fascinating discoveries about the different learning patterns in dyslexia and autism
- חוקרת המוח, הציירת והעיוורים שהתחילו לראות
- הביולוגיה על-פי חרמונה
- 2019 Year In Review – Neuroscience Research
- New Discovery By Prof. Binshtok Could Revolutionize Chemotherapy
- People’s Choice: Denisovan Research is Breakthrough of the Year
- MRI Scans of Scientists in Antarctica Show a Shrink in Size
- Men and women need different treatments for mental illness
News & Announcements
- New Method Reveals DNA Methylation in Ancient Tissues, Unlocking Secrets of Human Evolution
- In memory of Viviana Goren Kasam
- Shimon Peres fellowship – 2024
- Prof. Hagai Bergman Wins the 2024 Israel Prize for Life Sciences
- Prof. Inbal Goshen wins a Prusiner-Abramsky Research Award for 2024 in Clinical and Basic Neuroscience
- ELSC Members list of publications: January – June 2023
- Prof. Haim Sompolinsky is awarded The Brain Prize 2024
- Prof. Idan Segev has won the prestigious COMBINE NINDS grant
- Dr. Raunak Basu wins prestigious ERC starting grant
- ELSC Members list of publications: January – June 2023
- Study sheds light on where conscious experience resides in brain
- Discovery of a Neural Brake on Opioid Consumption
- Breakthrough in Alzheimer’s Disease Research Discovered at ELSC
- Prof. Aviv Mezer wins a Prusiner-Abramsky Research Award in Clinical and Basic Neuroscience
- Prof. Merav Ahissar named by HUJI “Outstanding Female Researcher” for International Day of Women and Girls in Science, February 11th, 2023
- Prof. Inbal Goshen wins prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant
- ELSC Members list of publications: July – December 2022
- Congratulations to Dr. David Lipton for winning the Shimon Peres Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2023
- ELSC congratulates Dr. Aya Ben-Yakov for winning an ERC Starting Grant
- Dr. Naomi Habib named among Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers of 2022
- Congratulations to Dr. Indrajeet for winning the Shimon Peres Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2022
- ELSC congratulates Dr. David Omer for winning the prestigious ERC Synergy Grant
- ELSC congratulates Prof. Israel (Eli) Nelken on winning the Humboldt Research Award
- ELSC Members list of publications: January – June 2022
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem mourns the passing of Mrs. Lily Safra (z”l)
- ELSC congratulates Prof. Haim Sompolinsky on winning the 2022 Gruber Neuroscience Prize
- ELSC congratulates Prof. Haim Sompolinsky for his election as fellow of the Israel Physical Society.
- ELSC congratulates Prof. Hermona Soreq for winning the 2022 EMET Prize
- ELSC Members list of publications: July-December 2021
- Prof. Naftali Tishby passes away at the age of 68
- Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Kadmon for receiving the Azrieli Early Career Faculty Fellowship.
- Congratulations to our new ELSC graduates!
- ELSC congratulates Dr. Naomi Habib for winning the 2021 Krill Prize
- ELSC Members list of publications: July-December 2020
- Thabat Khatib wins the Shimon Peres Postdoctoral Award for 2020-21
- A warm welcome to all our students for the 2020-2021 academic year!
- Congratulations to Dr. Yoav Adam for Receiving an ERC Starting Grant
- Congratulations to Dr. David Omer for Receiving a NARSAD Young Investigator Grant
- Catherine Dulac Wins Breakthrough Prize for Life Sciences
- ELSC congratulates Prof. Yoram Burak for winning the prestigious ERC Synergy Grant
- Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Niediek for Receiving the Shimon Peres Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2019-2020
- ELSC Doctoral Students Find a Method to Increase the Efficiency of COVID-19 Testing
- Actions during COVID-19 outbreak
- Congratulations Dr. Yoav Adam for Winning the Prestigious Alon Fellowship
- Diplomats from 27 Countries Visit ELSC
- President Rivlin Visits ELSC – June 2020
- The Meshorer and Carmel Labs Receive an Award for Groundbreaking Research
- ELSC Members’ Publications: January-June 2020
- ELSC members’ publications – July-December 2019
- Prof. Catherine Dulac receives the prestigious Ralph W. Gerard Prize
- First anatomical reconstruction of the elusive Denisovans
- The Hebrew University signed an agreement for the establishment of a brain research innovation center in Guangzhou, China (Hebrew Article)
- Save The Date: ELSC’s 10th Birthday Celebration!
- ELSC members publications – January-June 2019
- Dean’s List Recipients 2019
- The Hebrew University’s 82nd Board of Governors Meeting
- Dr. Ami Citri appointed as fellow of CBD program at CIFAR
- Congratulations Shir Filo
- Congratulations to the new graduates!
- Congratulations Prof. Idan Segev
- Summer Internship 2019
- ELSC congratulates Prof. Merav Ahissar for winning the ERC Grant
- Congratulations Prof. Naftali (Tali) Tishby
- Shimon Peres fellowship – 2018-2019
- Special ISF Canada-Israel collaboration grant for 2018-19
- Dr. Inbal Goshen selected as a FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence scholar
- Students from Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Iran and Pakistan learn about the human brain at the Hebrew University
Research Spotlight
Faculty Spotlight
Student Spotlight
ELSC Seminars Series
- Hamutal Slovin Seminar
- Striatal cholinergic cell assemblies in movement disorders
- Inna Slutsky Seminar
- Ofer Yizhar Seminar
- Dori Derdikman Seminar
- On cognitive maps and reinforcement learning in large-scale animal behaviour
- Neural dynamics of the primate attention network
- Eran Stark Seminar
- From function to cognition: New spectroscopic tools for studying brain neurochemistry in-vivo
- Takashi Kawashima Seminar
- How do humans recognize faces? Insights from biological and artificial face recognition systems
- Two views of the Cognitive Brain
- A directed form of plasticity shapes hippocampal representations
- A motor theory of sleep control
- Theory of feature selectivity in rodent primary visual cortex
- Can you see a thought? Neuronal ensembles as emergent units of cortical function
- Systems consolidation of memory during sleep
- Neural correlates of belief updates in the mouse secondary motor cortex
- Studying social cognition in mice, primates and humans
- Abstraction and inference in the prefrontal hippocampal circuitry
- Specialized and spatially organized dopamine signals
- Structuring experience in cognitive spaces
- Social transmission of maternal behavior via oxytocin and synaptic plasticity
- Follow the model: computations for representing space within and across the senses
Heller Lecture Series
- Reading Out Information from Large Neural Populations without Loss
- Rhythmic self-motion and the encoding of orofacial sensation
- Novel mechanisms of neurogenesis and repair
- Synaptic Plasticity: The Brain’s Response to Experience
- Navigational computations of social space in the human brain
- Neural basis of elementary cognition in larval fish
- Deep language models as a cognitive model for natural language processing in the human brain
- Complementary learning systems in memory and navigation
- Deep neural networks as scientific models of vision
- Deep language models as a cognitive model for natural language processing in the human brain
- Ways to think about the brain
- The costs and advantages of having a human brain or Why you really have to go to school
- Perceiving with the benefit of hindsight
- How nature and nurture conspire to control brain development and function
- Cortical Circuits of Vision
- Hereditary Hearing Impairment in Humans: From The Underlying Deficits To Emerging Gene Therapies
- The inevitability of Brain Simulations
- The Biology of Memory and Age Related Memory Loss
- How Bees Learn from Each Other
- Surprising stories about the living human brain
- Soloists and Choristers in the Orchestra of the Brain
- Reverse engineering common sense in the human mind and brain
- Rewarding honesty when truth is not verifiable
- Molecular, Genetic and Viral Approaches for Linking Neural Circuit Structure and Function
- The Brains Behind Morality
- The Visual Brain: Computing through Complexity
- Animal to animal variability and robust behavior to environmental challenge
- How learning to read changes the brain
- Philosophical Implications of Brain Research: Discrepancies between first and third person perspective
- Brain Circuit Tuning During Developmental Critical Periods
- Pitch and Harmonicity Representations in Auditory Cortex
- Dendritic structure of sensory inputs to cortical neurons in vivo
- Lighting up the neural circuits underlying tactile sensation
- Neural Circuits in the Cockpit of the Fly
- The amyloid cascade hypothesis and opportunities for therapeutic developments
- Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Conscious Processing
- Neuronal basis for the unitary perception of color and form
- Neural circuits for sparse sensory coding in cerebral cortex
- From waves to vision: the development of functional circuits in the retina
- What the perceptual expert cannot tell you
- Plasticity in the brain is not always good: examples from hearing impairment
- Time and belief: A neural mechanism of decision making
- The nature and control of blood flow in the brain
- Flying with Drosophila in the face of neurodegenerative disease
- How does the brain navigate in space
- Intelligence and Learning in Brains and Machines
- The beginnings of optogenetics
- Integrating neuroscience knowledge: Brain research in the digital age
- Eyes smarter than scientists believed: Neural computations in the retina
- How experience changes the circuitry of the brain
- The Social Brain: Perception, Motion and Emotion
- Does bigger mean better? Intersubject variability in human brain anatomy
- Mirror neurons: a mechanism for understanding others
- The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature
- Human Prefrontal Cortex and Behavior
- Mechanisms of learning in the auditory system of the barn owl
- Human CNS Pain Pathways and Networks
- Measuring time – the ultimate challenge for sensory systems
- A Critique of Pure Vision
- Pattern Classification: Lessons From Olfaction
- The self-tuning brain: homeostatic plasticity in neural microcircuits
- The Art of Neuroscience
- Our Habitual Lives: How the Brain Makes and Breaks Habits
- Watching the brain compute and tracing its wires: new methods to solve old riddles
- Doing many things at once: Controlling dynamics, kinematics and final position in reaching
- Computing with Neural Ensembles
- Experience-dependent Modification of Developing Neural Circuits
- The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach
- The Physiology of Truth: From Molecular Biology of the Brain to Consciousness
- Shortcuts from molecules to behavior. The case of the NMDA receptor
- The Dynamic Origin of Consciousness
- Inside the Songbird’s Brain: The Neural Control of Vocalization
- How the Brain Generates Consciousness?
- Cortical Microcircuits and their Plasticity
- Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar ‘Loops’ with the Cerebral Cortex: Circuits for Movement, Cognition and Perception
- Tracking the Spotlight of Attention: Psychophysics and Physiological Mechanisms
Postdoctoral Opportunities
- A Machine Learning Approach to Study Brain Aging
- Computational cognition
- Developing third-generation DBS methods to stop/slow Parkinson’s progression in animal models
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Episodic Memory
- TRP Channels in Vision and Pain
- Neural dynamics and computation in artificial and biological networks
- Voltage imaging, Optogenetics and hippocampal plasticity
- The whole-brain neural basis of goal directed behavior at single cell resolution
- Pain-Mediated Neuronal Plasticity
- Theoretical Neuroscience: ERC KiloNeurons collaboration
- The Claustrum: Physiology and function
- Bridging intracranial and extracranial signals in humans
- Neurons and Astrocytes in High Brain Function
- Neural Basis for Voluntary Control of Eye Movements
- Developmental Neurobiology
- Function of serotonin in learning and decision-making
- Pluripotent Models for Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Human Brain Quantitative MRI
- Cortical Plasticity
- Auditory Perception of Real-World Signals
- Deciphering the neural code for space & territoriality
- Motor control of facial expressions
- Forebrain small RNAs’ (transfer RNA fragments (tRFs) sharing common motifs, microRNAs (miRs)) as controllers of brain functioning in health and disease
Paper Of The Month
- Paper of the month – September 2025 (Omer’s lab)
- Paper of the month – September 2025 (Mizrahi’s lab)
- Paper of the month – September 2025 (Kalcheim’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2024 (Sompolinsky’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2024 (Ahissar’s lab)
- Paper of the month – June 2024 (Soreq’s lab)
- Paper of the month – June 2024 (Citri’s lab)
- Paper of the month – June 2024 (Bergman’s lab)
- Paper of the month – May 2024 (Goshen’s lab)
- Paper of the month – May 2024 (Minke’s lab)
- Paper of the month – March 2024 (Citri’s lab)
- Paper of the month – March 2024 (Joshua’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – January 2024 (Grodzinsky’s lab)
- Paper of the month – January 2024 (Soreq’s lab)
- Paper of the month – January 2024 (Joskowicz’s lab)
- Paper of the month – November 2023 (Goshen’s lab)
- Paper of the month – November 2023 (Ahissar’s lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2023 (Citri’s lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2023 (Burak’s lab)
- Paper of the month – August 2023 (Nelken’s lab)
- Paper of the month – August 2023 (London’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2023 (Soreq’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2023 (Habib’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2023 (Hochstein’s lab)
- Paper of the month – April 2023 (Ahissar’s lab)
- Paper of the month – April 2023 (Deouell’s lab)
- Paper of the month – April 2023 (Minke’s lab)
- Paper of the month – February 2023 (Binshtok’s lab)
- Paper of the month – February 2023 (Omer’s lab)
- Paper of the month – February 2023 (Mizrahi’s lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2022 (Minke’s lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2022 (Sompolinsky’s lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2022 (Binshtok’s lab)
- Paper of the month – November 2022 (Meshorer’s lab)
- Paper of the month – November 2022 (Ahissar’s lab)
- Paper of the month – November 2022 (Soreq’s lab)
- Paper of the month – November 2022 (Prut’s lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2022 (Sompolinsky’s lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2022 (Goshen’s lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2022 (Mezer’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2022 (Zohary’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2022 (Avitan’s lab)
- Paper of the month – July 2022 (Burak’s lab)
- Paper of the month – April 2022 (Joshua & Burak Labs)
- Paper of the month – April 2022 (Kalcheim’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2021 (Sompolinsky’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2021 (London’s & Segev’s Labs)
- Paper of the month – December 2021 (Bergman’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2021 (Ahissar’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2021 (Ahissar’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2021 (Minke’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – October 2021 (Segev’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – September 2021 (Mezer’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – September 2021 (London & Segev Labs)
- Paper of the month – September 2021 (Sompolinsky’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – September 2021 (Zohary’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – June & July 2021 (Bergman’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – June & July 2021 (Goshen’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – June & July 2021 (Mizrahi’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – May 2021 (Citri’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – May 2021 (Nelken’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – May 2021 (Zohary’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – April 2021 (Nelken’s & Tishby’s Labs)
- Paper of the month – April 2021 (Meshorer’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – April 2021 (Kalcheim’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – April 2021 (Joshua’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – March 2021 (Soreq’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – March 2021 (Mizrahi’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – March 2021 (Loewenstein’s & Ahissar’s Labs)
- Paper of the month – March 2021 (Prut’s & Joshua’s Labs)
- Paper of the month – December 2020 (Yarom’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2020 (Ahissar’s Lab)
- Paper of the month – December 2020 (Tishby’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, November 2020 (Mezer’s & Citri’s Labs)
- Paper of the Month, November 2020 (Mizrahi’s & Sompolinsky’s Labs)
- Paper of the Month, November 2020 (Binshtok’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2020 (Soreq’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2020 (Soreq’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2020 (Loewenstein’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, October 2020 (Mezer’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2020 (Burak’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2020 (Nelken’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2020 (Goshen’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2020 (Loewenstein’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, August 2020 (Citri’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, August 2020 (Mizrahi’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, August 2020 (Soreq’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, August 2020 (Habib’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, June 2020 (Binshtok’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, June 2020 (Mizrahi’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, June 2020 (Bergman’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, June 2020 (Kalcheim’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, April 2020 (Segev’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, April 2020 (Meshorer’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, April 2020 (Grodzinsky’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, April 2020 (Vaadia’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, March 2020 (Segev’s & Yarom’s Labs)
- Paper of the Month, March 2020 (Joshua’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, March 2020 (London’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, March 2020 (Soreq’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, January 2020 (Mezer’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, January 2020 (Meshorer’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, January 2020 (Sompolinsky’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, December 2019 (Burak’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, December 2019 (Citri’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, December 2019 (Joshua’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2019 (Loewenstein’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2019 (Meshorer’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, September 2019 (Mezer’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, August 2019 (Ahissar’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, July 2019 (Hochstein’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, July 2019 (Kalcheim’s Lab)
- Paper of the Month, July 2019 (Loewenstein’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, June 2019 (Nelken’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, June 2019 (Prut’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, June 2019 (Citri’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, May 2019 (Binshtok’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, April 2019 (Goldberg’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, April 2019 (Mezer’s Lab)
- Ha’aretz Article – Naftali Tishby
- Article of the Month, March 2019 (Ahissar’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, January 2019 (Joshua’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, November 2018 (Loewenstein’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, November 2018 (Joshua’s Lab)
- Article of the Month, November 2018 (Mezer’s Lab)
- Evaluating the accuracy of diffusion MRI models in white matter
- The Structural Properties of Major White Matter Tracts in Strabismic Amblyopia
- Abnormal white matter properties in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa
- Evaluating quantitative proton-density-mapping methods
- Microstructural proliferation in human cortex is coupled with the development of face processing
- g-Ratio weighted imaging of the human spinal cord in vivo.
- Test-retest reliability of myelin imaging in the human spinal cord: Measurement errors versus region-and aging-induced variations
- PD: Proton Density of Tissue Water
- A Phantom System Designed to Assess the Effects of Membrane Lipids on Water Proton Relaxation
- Tractography optimization using quantitative t1 mapping in the human optic radiation
- Evaluating g-ratio weighted changes in the corpus callosum as a function of age and sex.
- More than myelin: Probing white matter differences in prematurity with quantitative T1 and diffusion MRI
- The effect of motion correction interpolation on quantitative T1 mapping with MRI
- Diffusivity and quantitative T1 profile of human visual white matter tracts after retinal ganglion cell damage
- Modeling conduction delays in the corpus callosum using MRI-measured g-ratio
- Disentangling molecular alterations from water-content changes in the aging human brain using quantitative MRI
- Evaluating arcuate fasciculus laterality measurements across dataset and tractography pipelines
- Tractography delineation of the vertical occipital fasciculus using quantitative T1 mapping
- The effect of motion correction interpolation on quantitative T1 mapping with MRI
- The robust and independent nature of structural STS asymmetries
- Automatic segmentation of the dorsal claustrum in humans using in vivo high-resolution MRI
- Subdividing the superior longitudinal fasciculus using local quantitative MRI
- Nuclear lamins: key regulators of nuclear structure and activities
- Receptor Potentials from a Visual Pigment with Two Thermally Stable States
- Latencies and correlation in single units and visual evoked potentials in the cat striate cortex following monocular and binocular stimulations
- A Visual Pigment with Two Physiologically Active Stable States
- Rapid Dark Recovery of the Invertebrate Early Receptor Potential
- Early Receptor Potential Evidence for the Existence of Two Thermally Stable States in the Barnacle Visual Pigment
- Antagonistic Process as Source of Visible-Light Suppression of Afterpotential in Limulus UV Photoreceptors
- Antagonistic Components of the Late Receptor Potential in the Barnacle Photoreceptor Arising from Different Stages of the Pigment Process
- Derivation of a Quantitative Kinetic Model for a Visual Pigment from Observations of Early Receptor Potential
- The Transverse Dielectric Properties of KH2PO4
- The Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Protonic E- Mode in KDP-Type Crystals
- Isolation of light-induced response of the central retinula cells from the electroretinogram of Drosophila
- Induction of photoreceptor voltage noise in the dark in Drosophila mutant
- Unified Model for the Transverse Electric Susceptibility in KH2PO4 and NH4H2PO4 Type Crystals
- Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Transverse Dielectric Properties of KD2PO4
- Nonlocal interactions in the photoreceptor transduction process.
- Coupling Between Protonic E-Mode and Lattice Vibrations in KDP- Type Crystals
- Central E-Mode and Transverse Dynamical Properties of KDP-Type Crystals
- Evidence for a sensitising pigment in fly photoreceptors
- Effect of Short-Range Interactions on the Transverse Dynamical Properties of KD2PO4
- Drosophila mutant with a transducer defect
- The kinetics of visual pigment systems: II. Application to measurements on a bistable pigment system
- The kinetics of visual pigment systems: I. Mathematical analysis
- The Kinetics of Formation of Metarhodopsin in Intact Photoreceptors of the Fly
- Microspectrophotometric evidence for two photointerconvertible states of visual pigment in the barnacle lateral eye.
- Upper limit on translational diffusion of visual pigment in intact unfixed barnacle photoreceptors
- Transduction in photoreceptors with bistable pigments: Intermediate processes
- The contribution of a sensitizing pigment to the photosensitivity spectra of fly rhodopsin and metarhodopsin.
- Low-Frequency Dynamics of KH2PO4 Type Crystals
- A mathematical model of conduction of action potentials along bifurcating axons
- Wave vector dependent susceptibility of KD2PO4 in the four cluster approximation
- The Wavevector Dependence of the Polarization Fluctuations in KD2PO4
- Intermediate processes in phototransduction. A study in Drosophila mutants
- Fast electrical potentials arising from activation of metarhodopsin in the fly.
- Universal ratios among corrections-to-scaling amplitudes in the large- n limit
- Time-Dependent Order Parameters in Spin-Glasses
- Staggered-magnetization approach to spin-glasses
- Fluorescence of photoreceptor cells observed in vivo
- Dynamic Theory of the Spin Glass Phase
- Spin-resonance frequencies in spin-glasses with random anisotropies
- Single-unit activity related to sensorimotor association in auditory cortex of a monkey
- Relaxational dynamics of the infinite-ranged spin glass with n-component spins
- Relaxational dynamics of the Edwards-Anderson model and the mean-field theory of spin-glasses
- Light-induced reduction in excitation efficiency in the trp mutant of Drosophila.
- Irreversible Response in Spin Glasses: An Experimental Study in Amorphous Fe-Mn
- Cluster approximation for q -dependent correlations in magnetic and ferroelectric systems
- Anisotropic Polarization Fluctuations in KD2PO4-Type Crystals
- Transduction in invertebrate photoreceptors: role of pigment bistability.
- The trp is a Drosophila mutant sensitive to developmental temperature
- The effects of stimuli on the activity and functional connectivity of local neuronal groups in the cat auditory cortex
- Synaptic integration mechanisms: A theoretical and experimental investigation of temporal postsynaptic interaction between excitatory and inhibitory inputs
- Scaling behavior of diffusion on percolation clusters
- Localization in a disordered elastic medium near two dimensions
- Light activated electrogenic Na+-Ca2+-exchange in fly photoreceptors: Modulation by Na+/K+-pump activity
- Fluctuations in Short-Range Spin-Glasses
- Equivalence of statistical-mechanical and dynamic descriptions of the infinite-range Ising spin-glass
- Phase Transition in a Szyaloshinksy-Moriya Spin Glass
- Non-local interactions between light induced processes in Calliphora photoreceptors
- Exchange Stiffness and Macroscopic Anisotropy in Heisenberg Spin-Glasses
- Activation of electrogenic Na-Ca exchange by light in fly photoreceptors
- Transverse ordering in anisotropic spin glasses
- The characteristics of chemically induced noise in Musca photoreceptors
- Storing infinite numbers of patterns in a spin-glass model of neural networks
- Spin-glass transition in a magnetic field
- Spin-glass models of neural networks
- Signal enhancement in distal cortical dendrites by means of interactions between active dendritic spines
- Scaling in spin-glasses
- Nonlinear cable properties of the giant axon of the cockroach Periplaneta Americana
- Modeling the electrical behavior of anatomically complex neurons using a network analysis program: passive membrane
- Modeling the electrical behavior of anatomically complex neurons using a network analysis program: Excitable membrane
- Mean-field theory of the Potts glass
- Light-activated guanosinetriphosphatase in Musca eye membranes resembles the prolonged depolarizing afterpotential in photoreceptor cells
- Unit study of monkey frontal cortex: active localization of auditory and of visual stimuli
- Temporal association in asymmetric neural networks
- Spatial properties of the prolonged depolarizing afterpotential in barnacle photoreceptors. II. Antagonistic interactions.
- Spatial properties of the prolonged depolarizing afterpotential in barnacle photoreceptors. I. The induction process.
- Photopigment-dependent Adaptation in Invertebrates — Implications for Vertebrates
- Neural networks with nonlinear synapses and a static noise
- Light induced sodium dependent accumulation of calcium and potassium in the extracellular space of bee retina
- Level repulsion and the dielectric relaxation in quadrupolar glasses
- Effect of Random Anisotropy on the Critical Properties of CuMn Spin Glasses
- Effect of gold impurities on the critical properties of {CuMn} spin-glasses
- The Theory of Neural Networks: The Hebb Rule and Beyond
- The role of interstitial potassium in the generation of low-calcium hippocampal seizures
- Temporal firing patterns of single units, pairs and triplets of units in the auditory cortex
- Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks Near Saturation
- On the “Naive” Mean-Field Equations for Spin Glasses
- Mean-field theory of spin-glasses with finite coordination number
- Magnetic properties of a high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O7: Reentry-like features, paramagnetism, and glassy behavior
- Light-dependent phospholipase C activity in Musca eye membranes and excitation of photoreceptor cells by inositol triphosphate and 2,3 diphosphoglycerate.
- Information storage in neural networks with low levels of activity
- Graph Optimization Problems and the Potts Glass
- Dynamics of spin systems with randomly asymmetric bonds: Langevin dynamics and a spherical model
- Coupling of photoexcited rhodopsin to inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in fly photoreceptors
- Bleaching adaptation in photoreceptors.
- Associative recall of memory without errors
- Rotational symmetry breaking in Heisenberg spin glasses: A microscopic approach
- Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks
- Spectrum of large random asymmetric matrices
- Neuronal activity preceding directional and nondirectional cues in the premotor cortex of rhesus monkeys
- Light reduces the excitation efficiency in the nss mutant of the sheep blowfly Lucilia.
- Inositol Lipid Cascade of Vision Studied in Mutant Flies
- Electrotonic architecture of type-identified a-motoneurons in the cat spinal cord
- Dynamics of spin systems with randomly asymmetric bonds: Ising spins and Glauber dynamics
- Computational study of an excitable dendritic spine
- Chaos in random neural networks
- Associative neural network model for the generation of temporal patterns. Theory and application to central pattern generators
- Analysis of the activity of single neurons in stochastic settings
- Single-unit activity related to active localization of acoustic and visual stimuli in the frontal cortex of the rhesus monkey
- Single unit activity in the auditory cortex of a monkey performing a short term memory task
- Scaling properties of the irreversible magnetization curves of high-temperature superconductors
- Scaling of the irreversible magnetization curves of YBaCuO
- Reasoning about the kinematics of mechanical devices
- Neuronal activities related to higher brain functions–theoretical and experimental implications
- Neural Networks with Low Local Firing Rates
- Light-induced retinal degeneration in rdgB (retinal degeneration B) mutant of Drosophila: Electrophysiological and morphological manifestations of degeneration
- A phantom system for assessing the effects of membrane lipids on water proton relaxation
- Factors that control the efficacy of group Ia synapses in alpha-motoneurons
- Chemically induced retinal degeneration in the rdgB (retinal degeneration B) mutant of Drosophila
- Chemical excitation and inactivation in photoreceptors of the fly mutants trp and nss.
- Associative Network Models for Central Pattern Generators
- [Gene amplification in tumors]
- Willshaw model: Associative memory with sparse coding and low firing rates
- Voltage behavior along the irregular dendritic structure of morphologically and physiologically characterized vagal motoneurons of the guinea pig
- Reversal of experimental parkinsonism by lesions of the subthalamic nucleus
- Properties of sparsely connected excitatory neural networks
- Phorbol ester induces photoreceptor-specific degeneration in a Drosophila mutant
- Oscillatory activity of single units in a somatosensory cortex of an awake monkey and their possible role in texture analysis
- Molecular cloning and construction of the coding region for human acetylcholinesterase reveals a G + C-rich attenuating structure
- Mechanism comparison and classification for design
- Manipulations of cholinesterase gene expression modulate murine megakaryocytopoiesis in vitro
- Learning in a Two-Layer Neural Network of Edge Detectors
- Learning from examples in large neural networks
- Learning from Examples in a Single-Layer Neural Network
- Improving poor in vitro transcription from G,C-rich genes
- Global processing of visual stimuli in a neural network of coupled oscillators
- Expression of alternatively terminated unusual human butyrylcholinesterase messenger RNA transcripts, mapping to chromosome 3q26-ter, in nervous system tumors
- Expression and in vivo amplification of the human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase genes
- Computer study of presynaptic inhibition controlling the spread of action potentials into axonal terminals
- Computer simulation of group Ia EPSPs using morphologically realistic models of cat a-motoneurons
- Coinjection of Xenopus oocytes with cDNA-produced and native mRNAs: a molecular biological approach to the tissue-specific processing of human cholinesterases
- Aspartate-70 to glycine substitution confers resistance to naturally occurring and synthetic anionic-site ligands on in-ovo produced human butyrylcholinesterase
- Anionic site interactions in human butyrylcholinesterase disrupted by two single point mutations
- Amplification of butyrylcholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase genes in normal and tumor tissues: putative relationship to organophosphorous poisoning
- Acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase genes coamplify in primary ovarian carcinomas
- A sensitive estimator for crosscorrelograms
- Spatial restriction of light adaptation and mutation-induced inactivation in fly photoreceptors
- Small Nervous Systems and Neural Network Models
- Propagation of action potentials along complex axonal tree: Model and implementation
- Phase Coherence and Computation in a Neural Network of Coupled Oscillators
- Neural interactions in the frontal cortex of a behaving monkey: signs of dependence on stimulus context and behavioral state
- Lanthanum reduces the excitation efficiency in fly photoreceptors.
- Human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase are encoded by two distinct genes
- Effect of geometrical irregularities on propagation delay in axonal trees
- Cooperative dynamics in visual processing
- Computational kinematics
- Chorionic villus cDNA library displays expression of butyrylcholinesterase: putative genetic disposition for ecological danger
- Chapter 5 Inositol lipid pathway in fly photoreceptors: Excitation, calcium mobilization and retinal degeneration
- A role for cholinesterases in tumorigenesis?
- [Medical aspects and structural implications of cholinesterase inhibitors]
- Xenopus oocyte microinjection: from gene to protein
- X inactivation in mammalian testis is correlated with inactive X-specific transcription
- The trp gene is essential for a light-activated Ca2+ channel in Drosophila photoreceptors
- The nss mutation or lanthanum inhibits light-induced Ca2+ influx into fly photoreceptors.
- The Molecular Mechanism of Retinal Degeneration in the Retinal Degeneration B (rdgB) Mutant of Drosophila
- The inositol-lipid pathway is necessary for light excitation in fly photoreceptors.
- The impact of parallel fiber background activity on the cable properties of cerebellar Purkinje cells
- Synchronization and computation in a chaotic neural network
- Statistical mechanics of learning from examples
- Spatial coherence and temporal chaos in macroscopic systems with asymmetrical couplings
- Single neurone models: oversimple, complex and reduced
- Query by Committee
- Processing of Sensory Information by a Network of Oscillators with Memory
- Matching dendritic neuron models to experimental data
- Mapping the human acetylcholinesterase gene to chromosome 7q22 by fluorescent in situ hybridization coupled with selective PCR amplification from a somatic hybrid cell panel and chromosome-sorted DNA libraries
- Intramolecular relationships in cholinesterases revealed by oocyte expression of site-directed and natural variants of human BCHE
- Intracellular Messengers in Invertebrate Photoreceptors Studied in Mutant Flies
- Interpretation of time constant and electrotonic length estimate of multi-cylinder or branched neuronal structures
- In vivo gene amplification in non-cancerous cells: cholinesterase genes and oncogenes amplify in thrombocytopenia associated with lupus erythematosus
- Excavations into the active-site gorge of cholinesterases
- Encoding of sound-source location and movement: activity of single neurons and interactions between adjacent neurons in the monkey auditory cortex
- Dependence of cortical plasticity on correlated activity of single neurons and on behavioral context
- Clustering in globally coupled phase oscillators
- Cloning and antisense oligodeoxynucleotide inhibition of a human homolog of cdc2 required in hematopoiesis
- Characterization of fly rhodopsin kinase
- Calcium is necessary for light excitation in barnacle photoreceptors
- Calcium channel blockers inhibit retinal degeneration in the retinal-degeneration-B mutant of Drosophila
- Broken symmetries in multilayered perceptrons
- A probabilistic approach to the analysis of propagation delays in large cortical axonal trees
- Theoretical Issues in Learning from Examples
- Structure-function relationship studies in human cholinesterases reveal genomic origins for individual variations in cholinergic drug responses
- Stimulus-Dependent Synchronization of Neuronal Assemblies
- Spatiotemporal firing patterns in the frontal cortex of behaving monkeys
- Solvable model of spatiotemporal chaos
- Simple models for reading neuronal population codes
- Signal delay and input synchronization in passive dendritic structures
- Scaling laws in learning of classification tasks
- Regulatory arrestin cycle secures the fidelity and maintenance of the fly photoreceptor cell.
- Protein kinase C is required for light adaptation in Drosophila photoreceptors
- Promoter elements and alternative splicing in the human ACHE gene
- Pattern of Synchrony in Integrate-and-Fire-Networks
- Pattern of synchrony in inhomogeneous networks of oscillators with pulse interactions
- Novel Ca2+ channels underlying transduction in Drosophila photoreceptors: implications for phosphoinositide-mediated Ca2+ mobilization
- Molecular dissection of cholinesterase domains responsible for carbamate toxicity
- Mechanisms and genetics of photoreceptors desensitization in Drosophila flies
- Expression of a human acetylcholinesterase promoter-reporter construct in developing neuromuscular junctions of Xenopus embryos
- Correlation Functions in a Large Stochastic Neural Network
- Chimeric human cholinesterase. Identification of interaction sites responsible for recognition of acetyl- or butyrylcholinesterase-specific ligands
- Ca2+ limits the development of the light response in Drosophila photoreceptors
- Automated modeling and kinematic simulation of mechanisms
- Use of partially phosphorothioated “antisense” oligodeoxynucleotides for sequence-dependent modulation of hematopoiesis in culture
- Two separate inhibitory mechanisms shape the responses of dorsal cochlear nucleus type IV units to narrowband and wideband stimuli
- Transgenic engineering of neuromuscular junctions in Xenopus laevis embryos transiently overexpressing key cholinergic proteins
- Theory of correlations in stochastic neural networks
- The primate subthalamic nucleus. II. Neuronal activity in the MPTP model of parkinsonism
- The light response of drosophila photoreceptors is accompanied by an increase in cellular calcium: Effects of specific mutations
- Testicular amplification and impaired transmission of human butyrylcholinesterase cDNA in transgenic mice
- Synchronization in neuronal transmission and its importance for information processing
- Statistical mechanics of the maximum-likelihood density estimation
- Spontaneous activation of light-sensitive channels in Drosophila photoreceptors.
- Site-directed mutagenesis of active site residues reveals plasticity of human butyrylcholinesterase in substrate and inhibitor interactions
- Segmentation by a Network of Oscillators with Stored Memories
- Population responses to multifrequency sounds in the cat auditory cortex: one- and two-parameter families of sounds
- Population diversity and distinct haplotype frequencies associated with ACHE and BCHE genes of Israeli Jews from trans-Caucasian Georgia and from Europe
- Physiology, morphology and detailed passive models of cerebellar Purkinje cells
- Overexpressed monomeric human acetylcholinesterase induces subtle ultrastructural modifications in developing neuromuscular junctions of Xenopus laevis embryos
- Mutations and impaired expression in the ACHE and BCHE genes: neurological implications
- Is the receptor potential of fly photoreceptors a summation of single-photon responses?
- In search of the best stimulus: an optimization procedure for finding efficient stimuli in the cat auditory cortex
- Genetic dissection of light-induced Ca2+ influx into Drosophila photoreceptors.
- Expression of three alternative acetylcholinesterase messenger RNAs in human tumor cell lines of different tissue origins
- Cholinotoxic effects on acetylcholinesterase gene expression are associated with brain-region specific alterations in G,C-rich transcripts
- Calcium-dependent inactivation of light-sensitive channels in Drosophila photoreceptors.
- Antisense oligonucleotide inhibition of acetylcholinesterase gene expression induces progenitor cell expansion and suppresses hematopoietic apoptosis ex vivo
- Antisense inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase gene expression predicts adverse hematopoietic consequences to cholinesterase inhibitors
- Antisense inhibition of acetylcholinesterase gene expression causes transient hematopoietic alterations in vivo
- Accumulation of calcium in degenerating photoreceptors of several Drosophila mutants
- TRP, a protein essential for inositide-mediated Ca2+ influx is localized adjacent to the calcium stores in Drosophila photoreceptors
- Transgenic expression of human acetylcholinesterase induces progressive cognitive deterioration in mice
- The morphoelectrotonic transform: a graphical approach to dendritic function
- The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN): Mechanisms and function
- Synaptic and epidermal accumulations of human acetylcholinesterase are encoded by alternative 3′-terminal exons
- Successive organophosphate inhibition and oxime reactivation reveals distinct responses of recombinant human cholinesterase variants
- Subthreshold oscillations and resonant frequency in guinea pig cortical neurons: physiology and modeling
- Somatosensory effects on neurons in dorsal cochlear nucleus
- Phosphoinositide-mediated phototransduction in Drosophila photoreceptors: the role of Ca2+ and trp
- On-line Learning of Dichotomies: Algorithms and Learning Curves
- Neurons in the globus pallidus do not show correlated activity in the normal monkey, but phase-locked oscillations appear in the MPTP model of Parkinsonism
- Medical robotics at IBM research
- Local and global convergence of on-line learning
- HER-2 amplification but not butyrylcholinesterase multability reflects aggressiveness of European-originated ovarian tumors
- heory of orientation tuning in visual cortex
- Genetic predisposition to adverse consequences of anti-cholinesterases in ‘atypical’ BCHE carriers
- Engineering of human cholinesterases explains and predicts diverse consequences of administration of various drugs and poisons
- Electrical consequences of spine dimensions in a model of a cortical spiny stellate cell completely reconstructed from serial thin sections
- Dynamics of neuronal interactions in monkey cortex in relation to behavioural events
- Cortical activity flips among quasi-stationary states
- Computational Kinematic Analysis of Higher Pairs with Multiple Contacts
- Calmodulin binding to Drosophila NinaC required for termination of phototransduction
- ‘Dynamics of neuronal interactions’ cannot be explained by ‘neuronal transients’
- Why do cats need a dorsal cochlear nucleus?
- The roles of trp and calcium in regulating photoreceptor function in Drosophila
- Simultaneously recorded single units in the frontal cortex go through sequences of discrete and stable states in monkeys performing a delayed localization task
- Role of Drosophila TRP in inositide-mediated Ca2+ entry
- Pyridostigmine brain penetration under stress enhances neuronal excitability and induces early immediate transcriptional response
- Pharmacology of a capacitative Ca2+ entry in Xenopus oocyte
- Overlapping drug interaction sites of human butyrylcholinesterase dissected by site-directed mutagenesis
- Overexpression of alternative human acetylcholinesterase forms modulates process extensions in cultured glioma cells
- Organization of octopus arm movement: A model system for studying the control of flexible arm
- On-line Gibbs learning
- Neuronal synchronization of tonically active neurons in the striatum of normal and Parkinsonian primates
- Neural network models of perceptual learning of angle discrimination
- Murine and human mast cell express acetylcholinesterase
- Modeling back propagating action potential in weakly excitable dendrites of neocortical pyramidal cells
- Interference-Free Insertion of a Solid Body Into a Cavity: An Algorithm and a Medical Application
- Infrared nonlinear optical measurements of membrane potential in photoreceptor cells
- Efficient compositional modeling for generating causal explanations
- Coexpression of Drosophila TRP and TRP-like proteins in Xenopus oocytes reconstitutes capacitative Ca2+ entry
- Cholinergic drug resistance and impaired spatial learning in transgenic mice overexpressing human brain acetylcholinesterase
- Chaos in neuronal networks with balanced excitatory and inhibitory activity
- Chaos and synchrony in a model of a hypercolumn in visual cortex
- An overview of computer-integrated surgery at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
- A representation language for mechanical behavior
- A Brief History of Time (Constants)
- Traveling waves and the processing of weakly tuned inputs in a cortical network module
- Synaptic relationships in the granule-cell associated systems in dorsal cochlear nucleus
- Specializations of the auditory system for the analysis of natural sounds
- Responses of field AES neurons to virtual space stimuli
- Probing accessible sites for ribozymes on human acetylcholinesterase RNA
- Parametric kinematic tolerance analysis of planar mechanisms
- Normal and atypical butyrylcholinesterases in placental development, function, and malfunction
- New perspectives on the mechanisms for orientation selectivity
- Low amplitude oscillations in the inferior olive: A model based on electrical coupling of neurons with heterogeneous channel density
- Linear and nonlinear spectral integration in type IV neurons of the dorsal cochlear nucleus. II. Predicting responses with the use of nonlinear models
- Linear and nonlinear spectral integration in type IV neurons of the dorsal cochlear nucleus. I. Regions of linear interaction
- Learning Exact Patterns of Quasi-synchronization among Spiking Neurons from Data on Multi-unit Recordings
- Kinematic tolerance analysis
- Interneurons which shape response properties in dorsal cochelar nucleus
- In vitro phosphorylation of acetylcholinesterase at non-consensus protein kinase A sites enhances the rate of acetylcholine hydrolysis
- Immature human megakaryocytes produce nuclear-associated acetylcholinesterase
- Head-related transfer functions in cat: Neural representation and the effects of pinna movement
- Genetic manipulations of cholinergic communication reveal trans-acting control mechanisms over acetylcholine receptors
- Enhanced hemicholinium binding and attenuated dendrite branching in cognitively impaired acetylcholinesterase-transgenic mice
- Dynamics of neuronal interactions: relation to behavior, firing rates, and distance between neurons
- Differentiation intensifies the susceptibility of pheochromocytoma cells to antisense oligodeoxynucleotide-dependent suppression of acetylcholinesterase activity
- Calmodulin regulation of light adaptation and store-operated dark current in Drosophila photoreceptors
- Calmodulin Regulation of Calcium Stores in Phototransduction of Drosophila
- Acetylcholinesterase-transgenic mice display embryonic modulations in spinal cord choline acetyltransferase and neurexin Ibeta gene expression followed by late-onset neuromotor deterioration
- Transgenic acetylcholinesterase induces enlargement of murine neuromuscular junctions but leaves spinal cord synapses intact
- Sound grounds for computing dendrites
- Reading neuronal synchrony with depressing synapses
- Primary motor cortex is involved in bimanual coordination
- Position effect variegations and brain-specific silencing in transgenic mice overexpressing human acetylcholinesterase variants
- Physiology of MPTP tremor
- Physiological aspects of information processing in the basal ganglia of normal and parkinsonian primates
- Parametric kinematic tolerance analysis of general planar systems
- On-line Gibbs Learning. II. Application to Perceptron and multilayer networks
- On-line Gibbs learning. I. General Theory
- Modeling Feature Selectivity in Local Cortical Circuits. In Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Synapse to Networks
- Mesh simplification with smooth surface reconstruction
- Ion channel stochasticity may be critical in determining the reliability and precision of spike timing
- In vivo and in vitro resistance to multiple anticholinesterases in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
- Hebbian-like functional plasticity in the auditory cortex of the behaving monkey
- Group report: emergent properties of natural and artificial systems
- Functionally Distinct NMDA Receptors Mediate Horizontal Connectivity within Layer 4 of Mouse Barrel Cortex
- Functional redundancy of acetylcholinesterase and neuroligin in mammalian neuritogenesis
- Excitable dendrites and spines: earlier theoretical insights elucidate recent direct observations
- Emergence of spatio-temporal patterns in neuronal activity
- Dynamical Simulation of Planar Systems With Changing Contacts Using Configuration Spaces
- Cholinergic mechanisms–tenth international symposium. 1-5 September 1998, Arcachon, France
- Cholinergic excitation induces activity-dependent electrophysiological and transcriptional responses in hippocampal slices
- Chaotic balanced state in a model of cortical circuits
- Acute stress facilitates long-lasting changes in cholinergic gene expression
- Acetylcholinesterase enhances neurite growth and synapse development through alternative contributions of its hydrolytic capacity, core protein, and variable C termini
- Spatiotemporal structure of cortical activity: properties and behavioral relevance
- Who tells one hand what the other is doing: the neurophysiology of bimanual movements
- Visualizing 3D configuration spaces for mechanical design
- Understanding mechanical motion: From images to behaviors
- TRP and calcium stores in Drosophila phototransduction
- Tracking cholinergic pathways from psychological and chemical stressors to variable neurodeterioration paradigms
- The Effect of Correlations on the Fisher Information of Population Codes
- Taming time in the olfactory bulb
- Structural roles of acetylcholinesterase variants in biology and pathology
- Statistical Mechanics of Support Vector Networks
- Spectral integration by type II interneurons in dorsal cochlear nucleus
- Solving Systems of Difference Constraints Incrementally
- Signal transfer in passive dendrites with non-uniform membrane conductance
- Responses of auditory-cortex neurons to structural features of natural sounds
- Motion planning in crowded planar environments
- Manipulations of ACHE gene expression suggest non-catalytic involvement of acetylcholinesterase in the functioning of mammalian photoreceptors but not in retinal degeneration
- Learning a continuous hidden variable model for binary data
- Human osteogenesis involves differentiation-dependent increases in the morphogenically active 3′ alternative splicing variant of acetylcholinesterase
- Frontal cognitive impairments and saccadic deficits in low-dose MPTP-treated monkeys
- FRACAS: a System for Computer-Aided Image-Guided Long Bone Fracture Surgery
- Dendritic asymmetry cannot account for directional responses of neurons in visual cortex
- Computer-integrated revision total hip replacement surgery: concept and preliminary results
- Computer-aided mechanical design using configuration spaces
- Axons as computing devices: Basic insights gained from models
- Antisense technologies have a future fighting neurodegenerative diseases
- Anticholinesterases induce multigenic transcriptional feedback response suppressing cholinergic neurotransmission
- Algorithms for independent components analysis and higher order statistics
- Human erythrocyte but not brain acetylcholinesterase hydrolyses heroin to morphine
- Untangling dendrites with quantitative models
- Transition from Anaerobic to Aerobic Growth Conditions for the Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Desulfovibrio oxyclinae Results in Flocculation
- Thouless-anderson-palmer equations for neural networks
- The role of single neurons in information processing
- Synaptogenesis and myopathy under acetylcholinesterase overexpression
- Subthreshold voltage noise due to channel fluctuations in active neuronal membranes
- Stable Orientation Tuning in the Visual Cortex
- Phospholipase C and termination of G-protein-mediated signalling in vivo
- Novel Mechanism of Massive Photoreceptor Degeneration Caused by Mutations in the trp Gene of Drosophila
- Nicotinic receptor subtypes in human brain ageing, Alzheimer and Lewy body diseases
- Neural coding: higher-order temporal patterns in the neurostatistics of cell assemblies
- Metabolic Stress Reversibly Activates the Drosophila Light-Sensitive Channels TRP and TRPL In Vivo
- Information capacity and robustness of stochastic neuron models
- Hydration interactions: aqueous solvent effects in electric double layers
- Genomic and transcriptional characterization of the human ACHE locus: complex involvement with acquired and inherited diseases
- Firing patterns and correlations of spontaneous discharge of pallidal neurons in the normal and tremulous MPTP Vervet model of Parkinsonism
- Excess “read-through” acetylcholinesterase attenuates but the “synaptic” variant intensifies neurodeterioration correlates
- Efficient Linear Unboundedness Testing: Algorithm and Applications to Translational Assembly Planning
- Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into embryoid bodies compromising the three embryonic germ layers
- Cognitive neuroscience. Learning how the brain learns
- Auditory localization using direction-dependent spectral information
- Antisense prevention of neuronal damages following head injury in mice
- Anti-sense approach to anticholinesterase therapeutics
- A transcription-activating polymorphism in the ACHE promoter associated with acute sensitivity to anti-acetylcholinesterases
- The TRP Channel and Phospholipase C-Mediated Signaling
- The leukemic effect of anticholinesterases
- The generation of oscillations in networks of electrically coupled cells
- Synthesizing spatially complex sound in virtual space: an accurate offline algorithm
- Sound-localization experiments with barn owls in virtual space: influence of interaural time difference on head-turning behavior
- Relating cluster and population responses to natural sounds and tonal stimuli in cat primary auditory cortex
- Recurrence methods in the analysis of learning processes
- Population coding in neuronal systems with correlated noise
- Neural interactions between motor cortical hemispheres during bimanual and unimanual arm movements
- Mutual information of population codes and distance measures in probability space
- Modified testicular expression of stress-associated “readthrough” acetylcholinesterase predicts male infertility
- Local field potentials related to bimanual movements in the primary and supplementary motor cortices
- Genomic dissection reveals locus response to stress for mammalian acetylcholinesterase
- Frequent blood-brain barrier disruption in the human cerebral cortex
- Failure in identification of overlapping spikes from multiple neuron activity causes artificial correlations
- Expression of recombinant human acetylcholinesterase in transgenic tomato plants
- Equilibrium properties of temporally asymmetric Hebbian plasticity
- Discrete aqueous solvent effects and possible attractive forces
- Correlation codes in neuronal networks
- Computers in imaging and guided surgery
- Complex host cell responses to antisense suppression of ACHE gene expression
- Compensatory mechanisms enhance hippocampal acetylcholine release in transgenic mice expressing human acetylcholinesterase
- Changes in neuronal acetylcholinesterase gene expression and division of labor in honey bee colonies
- Auditory edge detection: a neural model for physiological and psychoacoustical responses to amplitude transients
- ARP, a peptide derived from the stress-associated acetylcholinesterase variant, has hematopoietic growth promoting activities
- An Information Maximization approach to overcomplete and recurrent representations
- Activity of pallidal and striatal tonically active neurons is correlated in mptp-treated monkeys but not in normal monkeys
- Acetylcholinesterase–new roles for an old actor
- A Common Mechanism Underlies Vertebrate Calcium Signaling and Drosophila Phototransduction
- Upregulation of neuronal nicotinic receptor subunits alpha4, beta2, and alpha7 in transgenic mice overexpressing human acetylcholinesterase
- TRP Channel Proteins and Signal Transduction
- Transcriptional regulation of erythropoiesis. Fine tuning of combinatorial multi-domain elements
- Timing of bimanual movements in human and non-human primates in relation to neuronal activity in primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area
- The stress-associated acetylcholinesterase variant AChE-R is expressed in human CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitors and its C-terminal peptide ARP promotes their proliferation
- The information efficacy of a synapse
- Synaptic scaling in vitro and in vivo
- Sustained cholinesterase inhibition in AD patients receiving rivastigmine for 12 months
- Single-unit activity related to bimanual arm movements in the primary and supplementary motor cortices
- Runx1/AML1 in leukemia: disrupted association with diverse protein partners
- Responses of neurons in cat primary auditory cortex to bird chirps: effects of temporal and spectral context
- Pre‐mRNA splicing modulations in senescence
- Playing the devil’s advocate: is the Hodgkin-Huxley model useful?
- Playing the devil’s advocate: Is the Hodgkin-Huxley model useful?
- Oscillations by symmetry breaking in homogeneous networks with electrical coupling
- Neuronal populations in primary motor cortex encode bimanual arm movements
- Neuronal overexpression of “readthrough” acetylcholinesterase is associated with antisense-suppressible behavioral impairments
- Light-Regulated Subcellular Translocation of Drosophila TRPL Channels Induces Long-Term Adaptation and Modifies the Light-Induced Current
- Involvement of brain cytokines in the neurobehavioral disturbances induced by HIV-1 glycoprotein120
- Intracerebral HIV-1 glycoprotein 120 produces sickness behavior and pituitary–adrenal activation in rats: Role of prostaglandins
- Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis-associated behavioral syndrome as a model of ‘depression due to multiple sclerosis’
- Enhanced synchrony among primary motor cortex neurons in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine primate model of Parkinson’s disease
- Development of human antibody fragments directed towards synaptic acetylcholinesterase using a semi-synthetic phage display library
- Defects in Pre-mRNA Processing as Causes of and Predisposition to Diseases
- Computer-Based Periaxial Rotation Measurement for Aligning Fractured Femur Fragments from CT: A Feasibility Study
- Complex regulation of acetylcholinesterase gene expression in human brain tumors
- Comparative In Vitro Study of Contact-and Image-Based Rigid Registration for Computer-Aided Surgery
- Coding of Temporal Information by Activity-Dependent Synapses
- Brain Interleukin-1 Is Involved in Spatial Memory and Passive Avoidance Conditioning
- Behavioral aspects of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Auditory processing deficits in reading disabled adults.
- Alternative Splicing and Neuritic mRNA Translocation Under Long-Term Neuronal Hypersensitivity
- A possible role of olivary gap-junctions in the generation of physiological and pathological tremors
- TRP gating is linked to the metabolic state and maintenance of the Drosophila photoreceptor cells
- Transformation of stimulus representation in the ascending auditory system
- The role of readthrough acetylcholinesterase in the pathophysiology of myasthenia gravis
- The Role of Endogenous Interleukin-1 in Stress-Induced Adrenal Activation and Adrenalectomy-Induced Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Hypersecretion
- Temporal integration by calcium dynamics in a model neuron
- Synchrony is stubborn in feedforword cortical networks
- Regulation of light‐dependent Gqα translocation and morphological changes in fly photoreceptors
- Rate models for conductance-based cortical neuronal networks
- Processing of low-probability sounds by cortical neurons
- Primary auditory cortex of cats: feature detection or something else?
- Preparatory activity in motor cortex reflects learning of local visuomotor skills
- Ph.D. Thesis: The Olivo-cerebellar System: Dynamical Processes and Computational Principles
- Onset of DNA aggregation in presence of monovalent and multivalent counterions
- On the transmission of rate code in long feedforward networks with excitatory-inhibitory balance
- Neural model for physiological responses to frequency and amplitude transitions uncovers topographical order in the auditory cortex
- Mexican hats and pinwheels in visual cortex
- Learning input correlations through nonlinear temporally asymmetric Hebbian plasticity
- Kinematic analysis of spatial fixed-axis higher pairs using configuration spaces
- Interaction of “readthrough” acetylcholinesterase with RACK1 and PKCbeta II correlates with intensified fear-induced conflict behavior
- Information processing, dimensionality reduction and reinforcement learning in the basal ganglia
- Inference of hand movements from local field potentials in monkey motor cortex
- Impairment of interleukin-1 (IL-1) signaling reduces basal pain sensitivity in mice: genetic, pharmacological and developmental aspects
- Impaired interleukin‐1 signaling is associated with deficits in hippocampal memory processes and neural plasticity
- Hints for a topographic map of tuning properties in primate motor cortex
- Gradient-based 2-D/3-D rigid registration of fluoroscopic X-ray to CT
- Functional correlations between neighboring neurons in the primate Globus Pallidus are weak or nonexistent
- Ethics, public policy and behavioral genetics
- Endotoxin-induced changes in human working and declarative memory associate with cleavage of plasma “readthrough” acetylcholinesterase
- Cortical representation of bimanual movements
- Computer-Assisted Image-Guided Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fractures
- Chronic acetylcholinesterase overexpression induces multilevelled aberrations in mouse neuromuscular physiology
- Charge regulation of interacting weak polyelectrolytes
- Bone-mounted miniature robot for surgical procedures: Concept and clinical applications
- Acetylcholinesterase promotes beta-amyloid plaques in cerebral cortex
- Viewing and doing: similar cortical mechanisms for perceptual and motor learning
- Tissue distribution of cholinesterases and anticholinesterases in native and transgenic tomato plants
- The beat goes on: spontaneous firing in mammalian neuronal microcircuits
- Test-charge theory for the electric double layer
- synaptic music in dendrites
- Stress-induced alternative splicing of acetylcholinesterase results in enhanced fear memory and long-term potentiation
- Spike synchronization in the cortex/basal-ganglia networks of Parkinsonian primates reflects global dynamics of the local field potentials
- Specificity of sensorimotor learning and the neural code: neuronal representations in the primary motor cortex
- Short-term memory in orthogonal neural networks
- Processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the auditory cortex
- Patterns of ongoing activity and the functional architecture of the primary visual cortex
- Organophosphate risk of leukemogenesis
- Novel Dominant Rhodopsin Mutation Triggers Two Mechanisms of Retinal Degeneration and Photoreceptor Desensitization
- Nonlinear population codes
- Multiple time scales of adaptation in auditory cortex neurons
- Multiple mechanisms govern the dynamics of depression at neocortical synapses of young rats
- Long-lasting acetylcholinesterase splice variations in anticholinesterase-treated Alzheimer’s disease patients
- Long bone panoramas from fluoroscopic X-ray images
- Learning-induced improvement in encoding and decoding of specific movement directions by neurons in the primary motor cortex
- Large-scale organization of ferret auditory cortex revealed using continuous acquisition of intrinsic optical signals
- Information tuning of populations of neurons in primary visual cortex
- Independent coding of movement direction and reward prediction by single pallidal neurons
- From brain to blood: alternative splicing evidence for the cholinergic basis of Mammalian stress responses
- Excessive expression of acetylcholinesterase impairs glutamatergic synaptogenesis in hippocampal neurons
- Direct Evidence for Substrate-induced Proton Release in Detergent-solubilized EmrE, a Multidrug Transporter
- CREB regulates AChE-R-induced proliferation of human glioblastoma cells
- Cortical processing of complex sound: a way forward?
- Complex locking rather than complete cessation of neuronal activity in the globus pallidus of a 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-treated primate in response to pallidal microstimulation
- Competition between condensation of monovalent and multivalent ions in DNA aggregation
- Comparing information about arm movement direction in single channels of local and epicortical field potentials from monkey and human motor cortex
- Combinatorial Complexity of 5′ Alternative Acetylcholinesterase Transcripts and Protein Products
- Columnar Resolution of Blood Volume and Oximetry Functional Maps in the Behaving Monkey: Implications for fMRI
- Coincident but distinct messages of midbrain dopamine and striatal tonically active neurons
- Blood-cell-specific acetylcholinesterase splice variations under changing stimuli
- Activation of the Drosophila TRP and TRPL channels requires both Ca2+ and protein dephosphorylation
- Acetylcholinesterase/paraoxonase genotype and expression predict anxiety scores in Health, Risk Factors, Exercise Training, and Genetics study
- A Temporal Kernel-Based Model for Tracking Hand-Movements from Neural Activities
- voltage noise of rat neocortical pyramidal neurones
- Tolerance envelopes of planar mechanical parts with parametric tolerances
- Spikernels: predicting arm movements by embedding population spike rate patterns in inner-product spaces
- Segregation between acquisition and long-term memory in sensorimotor learning
- SC35 promotes sustainable stress-induced alternative splicing of neuronal acetylcholinesterase mRNA
- Role of the Central Amygdala in Modulating the Pituitary-Adrenocortical and Clinical Responses in Experimental Herpes Simplex Virus-1 Encephalitis
- RNA-targeted suppression of stress-induced allostasis in primate spinal cord neurons
- Representation of tone in fluctuating maskers in the ascending auditory system
- Purification of transgenic plant-derived recombinant human acetylcholinesterase-R
- Precise robot-assisted guide positioning for distal locking of intramedullary nails
- Muscarinic modulations of neuronal anticholinesterase responses
- Memory deficits correlating with acetylcholinesterase splice shift and amyloid burden in doubly transgenic mice
- Light-regulated interaction of Dmoesin with TRP and TRPL channels is required for maintenance of photoreceptors
- Interleukin-1 antagonizes morphine analgesia and underlies morphine tolerance
- Inherited and acquired interactions between ACHE and PON1 polymorphisms modulate plasma acetylcholinesterase and paraoxonase activities
- Identifying subtle interrelated changes in functional gene categories using continuous measures of gene expression
- Functional Organization of Ferret Auditory Cortex
- Functional manipulations of acetylcholinesterase splice variants highlight alternative splicing contributions to murine neocortical development
- Function of alternative splicing
- Excess of Gβe over Gqαe in vivo prevents dark, spontaneous activity of Drosophila photoreceptors
- Encoding stimulus information by spike numbers and mean response time in primary auditory cortex
- Encoding of movement direction in different frequency ranges of motor cortical local field potentials
- Emerging patterns of neuronal responses in supplementary and primary motor areas during sensorimotor adaptation
- Effects of Solvent Mediated Interactions on Electrolytes and Related Electrostatic Systems
- Depressed responses of facilitatory synapses
- Chronic cholinergic imbalances promote brain diffusion and transport abnormalities
- Characterizing pea acetylcholinesterase
- Central IL-1 receptor signaling regulates bone growth and mass
- Cellular stress reactions as putative cholinergic links in Alzheimer’s disease
- Bistability of cerebellar Purkinje cells modulated by sensory stimulation
- Adaptation without parameter change: Dynamic gain control in motion detection
- Acquisition and generalization of visuomotor transformations by nonhuman primates
- Acetylcholinesterase/paraoxonase interactions increase the risk of insecticide-induced Parkinson’s disease
- Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors reduce brain and blood interleukin-1beta production
- What do dendrites and their synapses tell the neuron?
- Virtues and woes of AChE alternative splicing in stress-related neuropathologies
- TRP channels and Ca2+ signaling
- The tempotron: a neuron that learns spike timing-based decisions
- The Interplay Between Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity and Functional Dendritic Compartments
- The Endurance and Selectivity of Spatial Patterns of Long-Term Potentiation/Depression in Dendrites under Homeostatic Synaptic Plasticity
- Termination and beyond: acetylcholinesterase as a modulator of synaptic transmission
- Subcellular translocation of the eGFP-tagged TRPL channel in Drosophila photoreceptors requires activation of the phototransduction cascade
- Stress-induced cholinergic signaling promotes inflammation-associated thrombopoiesis
- Spike propagation in dendrites with stochastic ion channels
- Responses of neurons in primary auditory cortex (A1) to pure tones in the halothane-anesthetized cat
- Relative Position Computation for Assembly Planning With Planar Toleranced Parts
- Reduction of information redundancy in the ascending auditory pathway
- Readthrough acetylcholinesterase: a multifaceted inducer of stress reactions
- RACK1 has the nerve to act: structure meets function in the nervous system
- Purkinje cells in awake behaving animals operate in stable upstate membrane potential
- Operant matching is a generic outcome of synaptic plasticity based on the covariance between reward and neural activity
- NMDA Receptors in Layer 4 Spiny Stellate Cells of the Mouse Barrel Cortex Contain the NR2C Subunit
- Neuromuscular therapeutics by RNA-targeted suppression of ACHE gene expression
- Modulated splicing-associated gene expression in P19 cells expressing distinct acetylcholinesterase splice variants
- Midbrain dopamine neurons encode decisions for future action
- Manning condensation in two dimensions
- Light-regulated translocation of signaling proteins in Drosophila photoreceptors
- Insights on TRP Channels from In Vivo Studies in Drosophila
- Implications of neuronal diversity on population coding
- Image-guided system with miniature robot for precise positioning and targeting in keyhole neurosurgery
- Hyperdynamic Plasticity of Chromatin Proteins in Pluripotent Embryonic Stem Cells
- Hydrolytic and nonenzymatic functions of acetylcholinesterase comodulate hemopoietic stress responses
- High-Level and Low-Level Processing in the Auditory System: The Role of Primary Auditory Cortex
- GTP cyclohydrolase and tetrahydrobiopterin regulate pain sensitivity and persistence
- Gene-environment interactions in sporadic Parkinson’s disease
- Do we understand the emergent dynamics of grid cell activity?
- Depression induces bone loss through stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
- Coding region paraoxonase polymorphisms dictate accentuated neuronal reactions in chronic, sub-threshold pesticide exposure
- Butyrylcholinesterase attenuates amyloid fibril formation in vitro
- ARP, the cleavable C-terminal peptide of “readthrough” acetylcholinesterase, promotes neuronal development and plasticity
- Adaptive acetylcholinesterase splicing patterns attenuate 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced Parkinsonism in mice
- ACHE gene expression in human brain tumors involves alternative splicing and CREB-induced proliferative signals
- Acetylcholinesterase modulates stress-induced motor responses through catalytic and noncatalytic properties
- A CT-Based High-Order Finite Element Analysis of the Human Proximal Femur Compared to In-vitro Experiments
- Treatment of human myasthenia gravis with oral antisense suppression of acetylcholinesterase
- Translocation of Gqα Mediates Long-Term Adaptation in Drosophila Photoreceptors
- Translational control of recombinant human acetylcholinesterase accumulation in plants
- The thymic theme of acetylcholinesterase splice variants in myasthenia gravis
- The origins of specificity in polyketide synthase protein interactions
- The fast release of sticky protons: Kinetics of substrate binding and proton release in a multidrug transporter
- The Effects of Background Noise on the Neural Responses to Natural Sounds in Cat Primary Auditory Cortex
- Statistical properties of pauses of the high-frequency discharge neurons in the external segment of the globus pallidus.
- Robust coding of flow-field parameters by axo-axonal gap junctions between fly visual interneurons
- Robotic assisted spinal surgery–from concept to clinical practice
- Readthrough acetylcholinesterase in inflammation-associated neuropathies
- Quantifying the isolation quality of extracellularly recorded action potentials.
- Processing of sounds by population spikes in a model of primary auditory cortex
- Plant-derived human acetylcholinesterase-R provides protection from lethal organophosphate poisoning and its chronic aftermath
- Physiological and anatomical evidence for multisensory interactions in auditory cortex
- Peripheral site acetylcholinesterase blockade induces RACK1-associated neuronal remodeling
- Optimization principles of dendritic structure
- Open Channel Block by Ca2+ Underlies the Voltage Dependence of Drosophila TRPL Channel
- Modeling a L4-to-L2/3 module of a single column in rat neocortex – interweaving in vitro and in vivo experimental observations
- Mismatch negativity and stimulus-specific adaptation in animal models
- It is all about resolution. Meeting report based upon presentations at the 10th International Global BioMillennium 2006 symposium on molecular cell biology (Tbilisi, Georgia)
- Interleukin-1 signaling modulates stress-induced analgesia
- Inhibition of nociceptors by TRPV1-mediated entry of impermeant sodium channel blockers
- Independent component analysis of high-resolution imaging data identifies distinct functional domains
- Impaired hippocampal plasticity and errors in cognitive performance in mice with maladaptive AChE splice site selection
- Fracture-table-mounted versus bone-mounted dynamic reference frame tracking accuracy using computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery–a comparative study
- Electrostatic interactions of asymmetrically charged membranes
- Chromatin in embryonic stem cell neuronal differentiation
- Cholinergic status modulations in human volunteers under acute inflammation
- BACE1 regulates voltage-gated sodium channels and neuronal activity
- Advances in image-guided targeting for keyhole neurosurgery: a survey paper
- Adaptive changes in acetylcholinesterase gene expression as mediators of recovery from chemical and biological insults
- Adaptation and information transmission in fly motion detection
- Acetylcholinesterase/C terminal binding protein interactions modify Ikaros functions, causing T lymphopenia
- Acetylcholinesterase activity in veterans of the first Gulf War
- A Novel Multiple Objective Optimization Framework for Automated Constraining of Conductance-Based Neuron Models by Noisy Experimental Data
- A novel isoform of acetylcholinesterase exacerbates photoreceptors death after photic stress
- A neural computation for visual acuity in the presence of eye movements
- A dual role for interleukin-1 in hippocampal-dependent memory processes
- Information theory in auditory research
- What grid cells convey about rat location
- Weak- and strong-coupling electrostatic interactions between asymmetrically charged planar surfaces
- Ultra-fine frequency tuning revealed in single neurons of human auditory cortex
- Two opposing plasticity mechanisms pulling a single synapse
- Transient induced gamma-band response in EEG as a manifestation of miniature saccades
- Transgenic inactivation of acetylcholinesterase impairs homeostasis in mouse hippocampal granule cells
- The structural basis of amyloid formation
- Stress-induced alternative splicing modulations in brain and periphery: acetylcholinesterase as a case study
- Robustness of learning that is based on covariance-driven synaptic plasticity
- Responses of neurons in the inferior colliculus to binaural disparities: Insights from the use of Fisher information and mutual information
- Responses of auditory cortex to complex stimuli: functional organization revealed using intrinsic optical signals
- Resolving the dynamics of EEG generators by multichannel recordings
- Registration of a CT-like atlas to fluoroscopic X-ray images using intensity correspondences
- Processing of complex sounds in the auditory system
- Parallel topology of genetically fused EmrE homodimers
- Nociceptors Are Interleukin-1β Sensors
- Nicotine relieves anxiogenic-like behavior in mice that overexpress the read-through variant of acetylcholinesterase but not in wild-type mice
- Neurons and objects: the case of auditory cortex
- Neural basis of sensorimotor learning: modifying internal models
- Navigated total knee replacement – a comprehensive clinical state of the art study
- N-acetylcholinesterase-induced apoptosis in Alzheimer’s disease
- Midbrain dopaminergic neurons and striatal cholinergic interneurons encode the difference between reward and aversive events at different epochs of probabilistic classical conditioning trials.
- Memory traces in dynamical systems
- Low-pass filter properties of basal ganglia cortical muscle loops in the normal and MPTP primate model of parkinsonism
- Low-level information and high-level perception: the case of speech in noise
- Introduction: cholinesterases, from molecular complexity to non-hydrolytic functions
- Intrahippocampal Transplantation of Transgenic Neural Precursor Cells Overexpressing Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Blocks Chronic Isolation-Induced Impairment in Memory and Neurogenesis
- Imaging chromatin in embryonic stem cells
- Identifying alternative hyper-splicing signatures in MG-thymoma by exon arrays
- Human recombinant butyrylcholinesterase purified from the milk of transgenic goats interacts with beta-amyloid fibrils and suppresses their formation in vitro
- Grid cells: the position code, neural network models of activity, and the problem of learning
- Gone with the Wnt/Notch: stem cells in laminopathies, progeria, and aging
- Global Transcription in Pluripotent Embryonic Stem Cells
- Functional gradients of auditory sensitivity along the anterior ectosylvian sulcus of the cat
- Expression and function of the rat vesicular monoamine transporter 2
- Evaluating automated parameter constraining procedures of neuron models by experimental and surrogate data
- Encoding by response duration in the basal ganglia
- Emergence of novel representations in primary motor cortex and premotor neurons during associative learning
- Cytokines and cholinergic signals co-modulate surgical stress-induced changes in mood and memory
- Chromatin and nuclear architecture in the nervous system
- Changes in readthrough acetylcholinesterase expression modulate amyloid-beta pathology
- Capsaicin Combined with Local Anesthetics Preferentially Prolongs Sensory/Nociceptive Block in Rat Sciatic Nerve
- Brain interleukin-1 mediates chronic stress-induced depression in mice via adrenocortical activation and hippocampal neurogenesis suppression
- Antisense treatment for myasthenia gravis: experience with monarsen
- An iterative Bayesian approach for nearly automatic liver segmentation: algorithm and validation
- Acetylcholinesterase-R increases germ cell apoptosis but enhances sperm motility
- Acetylcholine-induced seizure-like activity and modified cholinergic gene expression in chronically epileptic rats
- A paradoxical isopotentiality: a spatially uniform noise spectrum in neocortical pyramidal cells
- A Hebbian learning rule mediates asymmetric plasticity in aligning sensory representations
- The role of the read through variant of acetylcholinesterase in anxiogenic effects of predator stress in mice
- Alternate AChE-R variants facilitate cellular metabolic activity and resistance to genotoxic stress through enolase and RACK1 interactions
- Advanced microarray analysis highlights modified neuro-immune signaling in nucleated blood cells from Parkinson’s disease patients
- Unraveling the principles of auditory cortical processing: can we learn from the visual system?
- Trial-to-trial variability of single cells in motor cortices is dynamically modified during visuomotor adaptation
- Transcriptional regulation of the murine Presenilin-2 gene reveals similarities and differences to its human orthologue
- Transcriptional competence in pluripotency
- Time-warp-invariant neuronal processing
- Three-dimensional distribution patterns of newborn neurons in the adult olfactory bulb
- The minimum information principle and its application to neural code analysis
- The dynamics of dopamine in control of motor behavior
- The butyrylcholinesterase K variant confers structurally derived risks for Alzheimer pathology
- The Broadband-Transient Induced Gamma-Band Response in Scalp EEG Reflects the Execution of Saccades
- Synchronization of midbrain dopaminergic neurons is enhanced by rewarding events
- Surface-based facial scan registration in neuronavigation procedures: a clinical study
- Stimulus-Dependent Correlations in Threshold-Crossing Spiking Neurons
- Stem cells do play with dice: A statistical physics view of transcription
- Spike-Timing-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity and Synaptic Democracy in Dendrites
- Sensory Input Enhances Synaptogenesis of Adult-Born Neurons
- Reverse hierarchies and sensory learning
- Removal of spatial biological artifacts in functional maps by local similarity minimization
- Pro-apoptotic protein-protein interactions of the extended N-AChE terminus
- Order and Stochastic Dynamics in Drosophila Planar Cell Polarity
- Operant matching as a Nash equilibrium of an intertemporal game
- Multiperturbation analysis of distributed neural networks: The case of spatial neglect
- Modeling the auditory scene: predictive regularity representations and perceptual objects
- Membrane Lipid Modulations Remove Divalent Open Channel Block from TRP-Like and NMDA Channels
- Mechanisms of tactile information transmission through whisker vibrations
- Localization and registration accuracy in image guided neurosurgery: a clinical study
- Linoleic acid inhibits TRP channels with intrinsic voltage sensitivity: Implications on the mechanism of linoleic acid action
- Learning reward timing in cortex through reward dependent expression of synaptic plasticity
- Learning from learning: what can visuomotor adaptations tell us about the neuronal representation of movement?
- Interleukin-1 (IL-1): A central regulator of stress responses
- Inhibitory plasticity in auditory cortex
- Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G regulates splice site selection by binding to CC(A/C)-rich regions in pre-mRNA
- Grand challenges of brain computer interfaces in the years to come
- Environmental Enrichment Restores Memory Functioning in Mice with Impaired IL-1 Signaling via Reinstatement of Long-Term Potentiation and Spine Size Enlargement
- Encoding of probabilistic rewarding and aversive events by pallidal and nigral neurons.
- EEG Generator—A Model of Potentials in a Volume Conductor
- Drosophila photoreceptors and signaling mechanisms
- Distraction in a visual multi-deviant paradigm: Behavioral and event-related potential effects
- Differences in context and feedback result in different trajectories and adaptation strategies in reaching
- Coapplication of Lidocaine and the Permanently Charged Sodium Channel Blocker QX-314 Produces a Long-lasting Nociceptive Blockade in Rodents
- Chromatin organization marks exon-intron structure
- Chd1 regulates open chromatin and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells
- Carvacrol is a novel inhibitor of Drosophila TRPL and mammalian TRPM7 channels
- Brain computer Interface and Neurofeedback
- Brain activity during landmark and line bisection tasks
- Arousal increases the representational capacity of cortical tissue
- Accurate Path Integration in Continuous Attractor Network Models of Grid Cells
- A noninvasive, fast and inexpensive tool for the detection of eye open/closed state in primates
- MicroRNA-132 potentiates cholinergic anti-inflammatory signaling by targeting acetylcholinesterase
- A network-based method for predicting disease-causing genes
- VEGF is required for dendritogenesis of newly born olfactory bulb interneurons
- Topographic representation of the human body in the occipitotemporal cortex
- Theory of spike timing-based neural classifiers
- The time-course of auditory and visual distraction effects in a new crossmodal paradigm
- The History of the Drosophila TRP Channel: The Birth of a New Channel Superfamily
- Synaptic theory of replicator-like melioration
- Subthalamic span of beta-oscillations predicts deep brain stimulation efficacy for Parkinson’s patients
- Stimulus-specific adaptation in the auditory thalamus of the anesthetized rat
- Stimulus-dependent suppression of chaos in recurrent neural networks
- Stimulus uncertainty and perceptual learning: similar principles govern auditory and visual learning
- Statistical mechanics of compressed sensing
- Short-term memory in neuronal networks through dynamical compressed sensing
- Serum Cholinesterase Activities Distinguish between Stroke Patients and Controls and Predict 12-Month Mortality
- Serum AChE Activities Predict Exercise Heart Rate Parameters of Asymptomatic Individuals
- Selectively targeting pain in the trigeminal system
- Saccadic spike potentials in gamma-band EEG: Characterization, detection and suppression
- Rapid formation of spatiotopic representations as revealed by inhibition of return
- Plant-derived human butyrylcholinesterase, but not an organophosphorous-compound hydrolyzing variant thereof, protects rodents against nerve agents
- Patient specific quantitative analysis of fracture fixation in the proximal femur implementing principal strain ratios. Method and experimental validation
- Novelty encoding by the output neurons of the basal ganglia
- Neurons in both pallidal segments change their firing properties similarly prior to closure of the eyes.
- Neuronal correlates of memory formation in motor cortex after adaptation to force field
- Neural correlates of binaural masking level difference in the inferior colliculus of the barn owl (Tyto alba)
- Momentary Fluctuations in Allocation of Attention: Cross-modal Effects of Visual Task Load on Auditory Discrimination
- Molecular and Cellular Approaches for Diversifying and Extending Optogenetics
- Interregional synaptic competition in neurons with multiple STDP-inducing signals
- Heteromultimeric TRPML channel assemblies play a crucial role in the regulation of cell viability models and starvation-induced autophagy
- Global and local fMRI signals driven by neurons defined optogenetically by type and wiring
- Functional Organization of Human Motor Cortex: Directional Selectivity for Movement
- Functional organization and population dynamics in the mouse primary auditory cortex
- Erythropoietin attenuates hyperoxia-induced oxidative stress in the developing rat brain
- ERP evidence for context congruity effects during simultaneous object–scene processing
- Engineering DYRK1A overdosage yields Down syndrome-characteristic cortical splicing aberrations
- Efficient representation and computation of geometric uncertainty: The linear parametric model
- Discordant Tasks and Motor Adjustments Affect Interactions between Adaptations to Altered Kinematics and Dynamics
- Cortical activity during tactile exploration of objects in blind and sighted humans
- Constitutive Activity of TRP Channels: Methods for Measuring the Activity and Its Outcome
- Constitutive Activity of the Human TRPML2 Channel Induces Cell Degeneration
- Combined Adaptiveness of Specific Motor-Cortical Ensembles Underlies Learning
- Circuit formation and maintenance—perspectives from the mammalian olfactory bulb
- Chromatin plasticity and genome organization in pluripotent embryonic stem cells
- Changes in Brain MicroRNAs Contribute to Cholinergic Stress Reactions
- Cellular functions of Transient Receptor Potential channels
- Bayesian model of dynamic image stabilization in the visual system
- Amputees “neglect” the space near their missing hand
- Alanine-to-threonine substitutions and amyloid diseases: Butyrylcholinesterase as a case study
- Acetylcholinesterase Variants in Alzheimer’s Disease: From Neuroprotection to Programmed Cell Death
- Acetabular orientation variability and symmetry based on CT scans of adults
- A time for atlases and atlases for time
- A Novel Field-of-View Augmentation Wand for C-arm Computed Tomography-Like Fluoroscopy-Based Intraoperative Navigation New Technology
- A bimodal role for AChE in regulating lymphocytic proliferation
- Inferring Stimulus Selectivity from the Spatial Structure of Neural Network Dynamics
- Viewed actions are mapped in retinotopic coordinates in the human visual pathways
- Translocation of the Drosophila Transient Receptor Potential-like (TRPL) Channel Requires Both the N- and C-terminal Regions Together with Sustained Ca2+ Entry
- The Representation of Visual and Motor Aspects of Reaching Movements in the Human Motor Cortex
- The Neuronal Basis of Long-Term Sensorimotor Learning
- Targeting of sodium channel blockers into nociceptors to produce long‐duration analgesia: a systematic study and review
- Target and Trajectory Clinical Application Accuracy in Neuronavigation
- Stimulus-specific adaptation and deviance detection in the rat auditory cortex
- Scene congruency biases Binocular Rivalry
- Scalp-Recorded Induced Gamma-Band Responses to Auditory Stimulation and Its Correlations with Saccadic Muscle-Activity
- Rhodopsin as Thermosensor?
- Reversible modulations of neuronal plasticity by VEGF
- Reply to Wehrhahn: Experimental requirements for testing the role of peripheral cues in dynamic image stabilization
- Reinforcement learning in professional basketball players
- Quantum Dot Labeling of Butyrylcholinesterase Maintains Substrate and Inhibitor Interactions and Cell Adherence Features
- Prophylactic oligonucleotide-mediated enhancement of host acetylcholinesterase protects from organophosphate poisoning
- Pluripotency-related, Valproic Acid (VPA)-induced Genome-wide Histone H3 Lysine 9 (H3K9) Acetylation Patterns in Embryonic Stem Cells
- Photobleaching Assays (FRAP & FLIP) to Measure Chromatin Protein Dynamics in Living Embryonic Stem Cells
- Perceptual learning transfer between hemispheres and tasks for easy and hard feature search conditions
- Optetrode: a multichannel readout for optogenetic control in freely moving mice
- Open chromatin in pluripotency and reprogramming
- Online adaptation and over-trial learning in macaque visuomotor control
- Neural adaptation is related to face repetition irrespective of identity: a reappraisal of the N170 effect
- Neocortical excitation/inhibition balance in information processing and social dysfunction
- Music and the auditory brain: where is the connection?
- Multisensory Integration of Natural Odors and Sounds in the Auditory Cortex
- Multiplicative dynamics underlie the emergence of the log-normal distribution of spine sizes in the neocortex in vivo
- Multiple reference frames for saccadic planning in the human parietal cortex
- MRI internal segmentation of optic pathway gliomas: clinical implementation of a novel algorithm
- Models of Neocortical Layer 5b Pyramidal Cells Capturing a Wide Range of Dendritic and Perisomatic Active Properties
- Measuring pictorial balance perception at first glance using Japanese calligraphy
- Long‐term changes in the morphology and synaptic distributions of adult‐born neurons
- Long-Term Imaging Reveals Dynamic Changes in the Neuronal Composition of the Glomerular Layer
- Liver tumors segmentation from CTA images using voxels classification and affinity constraint propagation
- Letter by Shenhar-Tsarfaty et al Regarding Article, “Autonomic Shift and Increased Susceptibility to Infections After Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage”
- Just do it: action-dependent learning allows sensory prediction
- Integration without awareness: expanding the limits of unconscious processing
- Induction of human neuronal cells by defined transcription factors
- Immune modulation of learning, memory, neural plasticity and neurogenesis
- How the Brain Generates Movement
- High-level binocular rivalry effects
- Hearing While Blinking: Multisensory Attentional Blink Revisited
- H3K9 histone acetylation predicts pluripotency and reprogramming capacity of ES cells
- Global epigenetic changes during somatic cell reprogramming to iPS cell
- Geometrical analysis of registration errors in point-based rigid-body registration using invariants
- Gathering and Retaining Visual Information Over Recurring Fixations: A Model
- Functional mapping of single spines in cortical neurons in vivo
- fMRI-Based Hierarchical SVM Model for the Classification and Grading of Liver Fibrosis
- First spike latency code for interaural phase difference discrimination in the guinea pig inferior colliculus
- Expressions of multiple neuronal dynamics during sensorimotor learning in the motor cortex of behaving monkeys
- Experience-dependent plasticity of mature adult-born neurons
- Evaluation framework for carotid bifurcation lumen segmentation and stenosis grading
- Embedding of Cortical Representations by the Superficial Patch System
- Dynamics of Retrieval Strategies for Remote Memories
- Descending Systems Translate Transient Cortical Commands into a Sustained Muscle Activation Signal.
- Coupling between spontaneous (resting state) fMRI fluctuations and human oculo-motor activity
- Conscious awareness is necessary for processing race and gender information from faces
- Computer-assisted orthopaedic fracture reduction: clinical evaluation of a second generation prototype
- Comprehensive qPCR profiling of gene expression in single neuronal cells
- Closed-loop deep brain stimulation is superior in ameliorating Parkinsonism
- Cholinesterase-targeting microRNAs identified in silico affect specific biological processes
- Cholinesterase modulations in patients with acute bacterial meningitis
- Butyrylcholinesterase interactions with amylin may protect pancreatic cells in metabolic syndrome
- Bayesian inference underlies the contraction bias in delayed comparison tasks
- Astrocytes support hippocampal-dependent memory and long-term potentiation via interleukin-1 signaling
- Assessment of two 3-D fluoroscopic systems for articular fracture reduction: a cadaver study
- Alternative Sites of Synaptic Plasticity in Two Homologous “Fan-out Fan-in” Learning and Memory Networks
- Activation of the Alternative NFκB Pathway Improves Disease Symptoms in a Model of Sjogren’s Syndrome
- A unifying framework underlying mechanotransduction in the somatosensory system
- A curvelet-based patient-specific prior for accurate multi-modal brain image rigid registration
- Two-photon optogenetic toolbox for fast inhibition, excitation and bistable modulation
- Threshold-Independent Meta-Analysis of Alzheimer`s Disease Transcriptomes shows Progressive Changes in Hippocampal Functions, Epigenetics and microRNA Regulation
- The History of the Prolonged Depolarizing Afterpotential (PDA) and Its Role in Genetic Dissection of Drosophila Phototransduction
- The Generation of Phase Differences and Frequency Changes in a Network Model of Inferior Olive Subthreshold Oscillations
- The activity of the TRP-like channel depends on its expression system
- Temporal convergence of dynamic cell assemblies in the striato-pallidal network
- Systematic Determination of Replication Activity Type Highlights Interconnections between Replication, Chromatin Structure and Nuclear Localization
- Stressing hematopoiesis and immunity: an acetylcholinesterase window into nervous and immune system interactions
- Stress-induced epigenetic transcriptional memory of acetylcholinesterase by HDAC4
- Spatial Localization of Auditory Stimuli in Human Auditory Cortex is Based on Both Head-independent and Head-centered Coordinate Systems
- Sound-evoked network calcium transients in mouse auditory cortex in vivo
- Single neurons in M1 and premotor cortex directly reflect behavioral interference
- Signal-dependent hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate without activation of phospholipase C: implications on gating of Drosophila TRPL (transient receptor potential-like) channel
- Sensitivity to Complex Statistical Regularities in Rat Auditory Cortex
- Reward Action in the Initiation of Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements
- Residual Expression of Reprogramming Factors Affects the Transcriptional Program and Epigenetic Signatures of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
- Reduced risk trajectory planning in image‐guided keyhole neurosurgery
- Reciprocal Effects of Attention and Perception
- Principles Governing the Operation of Synaptic Inhibition in Dendrites
- Predictors for Poststroke Outcomes: The Tel Aviv Brain Acute Stroke Cohort (TABASCO) Study Protocol
- Predictive information processing in the brain: the neural perspective
- Post-traumatic anxiety associates with failure of the innate immune receptor TLR9 to evade the pro-inflammatory NFκB pathway
- Polyglutamine (polyQ) disorders The chromatin connection
- Point distance and orthogonal range problems with dependent geometric uncertainties
- Phospholipase C-Mediated Suppression of Dark Noise Enables Single-Photon Detection in Drosophila Photoreceptors
- Paedriatic Supracondylar Fractures of the Humerus – Computer Assisted Finite Element Analysis of Fixation Configuration
- Nicotinic stimulation induces Tristetraprolin over-production and attenuates inflammation in muscle
- Motion adaptation reveals that the motion vector is represented in multiple coordinate frames
- Microelectrode Recording Duration and Spatial Density Constraints for Automatic Targeting of the Subthalamic Nucleus
- Meta-analysis of genetic and environmental Parkinson’s disease models reveals a common role of mitochondrial protection pathways
- Mechanisms in anesthesia and analgesia: convention, crisis, and the shoulders of giants
- Losing the battle but winning the war: game theoretic analysis of the competition between motoneurons innervating a skeletal muscle
- Live imaging of induced and controlled DNA double-strand break formation reveals extremely low repair by homologous recombination in human cells
- Is any awareness necessary for an Ne?
- Interactive segmentation of plexiform neurofibroma tissue: method and preliminary performance evaluation
- Insights into Volumetric and Sub Segmentation Long-term Analysis of Treated OPG Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
- How Recent History Affects Perception: The Normative Approach and Its Heuristic Approximation
- Histone modifications and lamin A regulate chromatin protein dynamics in early embryonic stem cell differentiation
- Further developments with antisense treatment for myasthenia gravis
- Fundamental limits on persistent activity in networks of noisy neurons
- Fluoxetine induces vasodilatation of cerebral arterioles by co‐modulating NO/muscarinic signalling
- Fiducial Optimization for Minimal Target Registration Error in Image-Guided Neurosurgery
- Expression of TRPV1 channels after nerve injury provides an essential delivery tool for neuropathic pain attenuation
- Exon Arrays Reveal Alternative Splicing Aberrations in Parkinson’s Disease Leukocytes
- Enhanced synaptic integration of adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb of lactating mothers
- Elucidating the temporal dynamics of chromatin-associated protein release upon DNA digestion by quantitative proteomic approach
- Effective Stimuli for Constructing Reliable Neuron Models
- Deep brain stimulation induces rapidly reversible transcript changes in Parkinson’s leucocytes
- Cross-sensory transfer of sensory-motor information: visuomotor learning affects performance on an audiomotor task, using sensory-substitution
- Compressed sensing, sparsity, and dimensionality in neuronal information processing and data analysis
- Compartmentalization and Ca2+ Buffering Are Essential for Prevention of Light-Induced Retinal Degeneration
- Chromatin and Genome Organization in Reprogramming
- Cholinergic‐associated loss of hnRNP‐A/B in Alzheimer’s disease impairs cortical splicing and cognitive function in mice
- Carvacrol Together with TRPC1 Elimination Improve Functional Recovery after Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
- Carotid vasculature modeling from patient CT angiography studies for interventional procedures simulation
- Can a partial volume edge effect reduction algorithm improve the repeatability of subject-specific finite element models of femurs obtained from CT data?
- Blood–brain barrier dysfunction–induced inflammatory signaling in brain pathology and epileptogenesis
- Automatic segmentation, internal classification, and follow-up of optic pathway gliomas in MRI
- Auditory abstraction from spectro-temporal features to coding auditory entities
- Adaptive Alternative Splicing Correlates with Less Environmental Risk of Parkinsonism
- Acetylcholinesterase loosens the brain’s cholinergic anti-inflammatory response and promotes epileptogenesis
- A Hierarchical Structure of Cortical Interneuron Electrical Diversity Revealed by Automated Statistical Analysis
- Uncertain lines and circles with dependencies
- The unimodal distribution of subthreshold, ongoing activity in cortical networks
- The Role of First Impression in Operant Learning
- The neuro-pianist
- The Basal Ganglia Is Necessary for Learning Spectral, but Not Temporal, Features of Birdsong
- Temporally-structured acquisition of multidimensional optical imaging data facilitates visualization of elusive cortical representations in the behaving monkey
- Systems analysis utilising pathway interactions identifies sonic hedgehog pathway as a primary biomarker and oncogenic target in hepatocellular carcinoma
- Sympathetic neurons and chromaffin cells share a common progenitor in the neural crest in vivo
- Stochasticity, bistability and the wisdom of crowds: a model for associative learning in genetic regulatory networks
- Stimulus-specific adaptation beyond pure tones
- Stereotactic Injection of MicroRNA-expressing Lentiviruses to the Mouse Hippocampus CA1 Region and Assessment of the Behavioral Outcome
- Statistically invalid classification of high throughput gene expression data
- Small RNA sequencing-microarray analyses in Parkinson leukocytes reveal deep brain stimulation-induced splicing changes that classify brain region transcriptomes
- Preserving axosomatic spiking features despite diverse dendritic morphology
- Plasma Acetylcholinesterase Activity Correlates with Intracerebral β-Amyloid Load
- Non-polyadenylated transcription in embryonic stem cells reveals novel non-coding RNA related to pluripotency and differentiation
- Neural crest and Schwann cell progenitor-derived melanocytes constitute two spatially segregated populations similarly regulated by Foxd3
- Multiplex Genome Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas Systems
- Multilayered chromatin analysis reveals E2f, Smad and Zfx as transcriptional regulators of histones
- Multi-item working memory
- Modeling behavior in different delay match to sample tasks in one simple network
- MicroRNA-132 Modulates Cholinergic Signaling and Inflammation in Human Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Labeling Acetyl- and Butyrylcholinesterase Using Semiconductor Nanocrystals for Biological Applications
- It’s hard to forget: resetting memory in delay-match-to-multiple-image tasks
- Is there any electrophysiological evidence for subliminal error processing?
- Inducing Gamma Oscillations and Precise Spike Synchrony by Operant Conditioning via Brain-Machine Interface
- Immediate effects of exposure to positive and negative emotional stimuli on visual search characteristics in patients with unilateral neglect
- HMGN1 Modulates Nucleosome Occupancy and DNase I Hypersensitivity at the CpG Island Promoters of Embryonic Stem Cells
- Hippocampal microRNA-132 mediates stress-inducible cognitive deficits through its acetylcholinesterase target
- Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 in health and neurodegenerative disease: From structural insights to post-transcriptional regulatory roles
- Hemispatial neglect: Computer-based testing allows more sensitive quantification of attentional disorders and recovery and might lead to better evaluation of rehabilitation
- he role of dendritic inhibition in shaping the plasticity of excitatory synapses
- Functional Organization of Information Flow in the Corticospinal Pathway
- Forebrain Deletion of the Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter Results in Deficits in Executive Function, Metabolic, and RNA Splicing Abnormalities in the Prefrontal Cortex
- Familiarity Memory
- Encoding by Synchronization in the Primate Striatum
- Elevated correlations in neuronal ensembles of mouse auditory cortex following parturition
- Drosophila TRP and TRPL are assembled as homomultimeric channels in vivo
- Diversity of Neural Responses in the Brainstem during Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements Constrains the Circuit Mechanisms of Neural Integration
- Distribution-Dependent Sample Complexity of Large Margin Learning
- Dissecting Local Circuits: Parvalbumin Interneurons Underlie Broad Feedback Control of Olfactory Bulb Output
- Different correlation patterns of cholinergic and GABAergic interneurons with striatal projection neurons
- Deep brain stimulation modulates nonsense-mediated RNA decay in Parkinson’s patients leukocytes
- Decline in Serum Cholinesterase Activities Predicts 2-Year Major Adverse Cardiac Events
- Covariance-Based Synaptic Plasticity in an Attractor Network Model Accounts for Fast Adaptation in Free Operant Learning
- Contribution of Intracolumnar Layer 2/3-to-Layer 2/3 Excitatory Connections in Shaping the Response to Whisker Deflection in Rat Barrel Cortex
- Complex Population Response of Dorsal Putamen Neurons Predicts the Ability to Learn
- Cholinergic involvement and manipulation approaches in multiple system disorders
- Brain, Computer and Society
- Brain Projects Think Big
- Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis parameters in stroke patients associate with paraoxonase polymorphism and esterase activities
- An ear for statistics
- Alteration of the microRNA network during the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
- Activity-dependent silencing reveals functionally distinct itch-generating sensory neurons
- A Dynamic code of dorsal neural tube genes regulates the segregation between neurogenic and melanogenic neural crest cells
- A Bayesian approach for characterizing direction tuning curves in the supplementary motor area of behaving monkeys
- Permeation and block of TRPV1 channels by the cationic lidocaine derivative QX-314
- Visual memory in unilateral spatial neglect: immediate recall versus delayed recognition
- Validation of a stereo camera system to quantify brain deformation due to breathing and pulsatility
- Using Tweedie distributions for fitting spike count data
- Transcription Factors Bind Negatively Selected Sites within Human mtDNA Genes
- The Role of Slow and Persistent TTX-resistant Sodium Currents in Acute Tumor Necrosis Factor α – Mediated Increase in Nociceptors Excitability
- The optogenetic revolution in memory research
- The neural code that makes us human
- The Neural Code for Motor Control in the Cerebellum and Oculomotor Brainstem.
- The Misbehavior of Reinforcement Learning
- Synchronous contextual irregularities affect early scene processing: Replication and extension
- Sustained Alzheimer’s Amyloid Pathology in Myeloid Differentiation Protein-88-Deficient APPswe/PS1 Mice
- Spatio-Temporal Representations of Rapid Visual Target Detection: A Single Trial EEG Classification Algorithm
- Spatially Distributed Dendritic Resonance Selectively Filters Synaptic Input
- Spatial Generalization in Operant Learning: Lessons from Professional Basketball
- Spatial computation with gamma oscillations
- Spatial coding and attractor dynamics of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex
- Sparseness and Expansion in Sensory Representations
- Snf2h-mediated chromatin organization and histone H1 dynamics govern cerebellar morphogenesis and neural maturation
- Semiautomatic segmentation and follow‐up of multicomponent low‐grade tumors in longitudinal brain MRI studies
- Selectivity and Sparseness in Randomly Connected Balanced Networks
- Segregation of striated and smooth muscle lineages by a Notch-dependent regulatory network
- Reinforcement learning and human behavior
- Reconstructing the DNA methylation maps of the Neandertal and the Denisovan
- Quantitative functional MRI biomarkers improved early detection of colorectal liver metastases
- Predicted overlapping microRNA regulators of acetylcholine packaging and degradation in neuroinflammation-related disorders
- PNist: interactive volumetric measurements of plexiform neurofibromas in MRI scans
- PAX6 Regulates Melanogenesis in the Retinal Pigmented Epithelium through Feed-Forward Regulatory Interactions with MITF
- Parallel Coding Schemes of Whisker Velocity in the Rat’s Somatosensory System
- Optogenetic recruitment of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons acutely decreases mechanosensory responsivity in behaving mice
- MR assisted Vascular and Volumetric Imaging (MAVVI) for objective findings in schizophrenia
- Long Non-Coding RNA and Alternative Splicing Modulations in Parkinson’s Leukocytes Identified by RNA Sequencing
- Learning Precisely Timed Spikes
- Intracellular correlates of stimulus-specific adaptation
- Higher chromatin mobility supports totipotency and precedes pluripotency in vivo
- Hands in motion: an upper-limb-selective area in the occipitotemporal cortex shows sensitivity to viewed hand kinematics
- Global Coevolution of Human MicroRNAs and Their Target Genes
- Genes related to differentiation are correlated with the gene regulatory network structure
- Functional transformations of odor inputs in the mouse olfactory bulb
- Frequency-dependent auditory space representation in the human planum temporale
- Frequency tuning in the behaving mouse: different bandwidths for discrimination and generalization
- Following the same nerve track toward different cell fates
- Emerging bioinformatics approaches for analysis of NGS-derived coding and non-coding RNAs in neurodegenerative diseases
- Emergence of Context-Dependent Variability across a Basal Ganglia Network
- Elimination of undifferentiated cancer cells by pluripotent stem cell inhibitors
- Dendrites Impact the Encoding Capabilities of the Axon
- Coronal tibiofemoral subluxation: a new measurement method
- Contradictory Behavioral Biases Result from the Influence of Past Stimuli on Perception
- Computational neuroscience: beyond the local circuit
- Comprehensive analysis of transcription dynamics from brain samples following behavioral experience
- Competing targets of microRNA-608 affect anxiety and hypertension
- Cholinesterases as Biomarkers for Parasympathetic Dysfunction and Inflammation-Related Disease
- Brain and Art
- Benefits of pathway splitting in sensory coding
- Balanced Interhemispheric Cortical Activity Is Required for Correct Targeting of the Corpus Callosum
- Automatic bias of temporal expectations following temporally regular input independently of high-level temporal expectation
- Auditory cortical processing in real-world listening: the auditory system going real
- Auditory cortical processing in real-world listening: the auditory system going real
- Asynchronous transcriptional silencing of individual retroviral genomes in embryonic cells
- Across-ear stimulus-specific adaptation in the auditory cortex
- AChE and RACK1 Promote the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Fluoxetine
- A high-throughput chemical screen with FDA approved drugs reveals that the antihypertensive drug Spironolactone impairs cancer cell survival by inhibiting homology directed repair
- A framework for using signal, noise, and variation to determine whether the brain controls movement synergies or single muscles
- The Representation of Interaural Time Differences in High-Frequency Auditory Cortex
- Stimulus-specific adaptation and deviance detection in the auditory system: experiments and models
- Single neuron and population coding of natural sounds in auditory cortex
- Odor Processing by Adult-Born Neurons
- Dynamics of Random Neural Networks with Bistable Units
- Whole transcriptome RNA sequencing data from blood leukocytes derived from Parkinson’s disease patients prior to and following deep brain stimulation treatment
- Tumor burden evaluation in NF1 patients with plexiform neurofibromas in daily clinical practice
- The Visual System
- The role of automatic computer-aided surgical trajectory planning in improving the expected safety of stereotactic neurosurgery
- The processing of polar quantifiers, and numerosity perception
- The neocortical microcircuit collaboration portal: a resource for rat somatosensory cortex
- The Limits of Shape Recognition following Late Emergence from Blindness
- The Effect of Sample Size and Cognitive Strategy on Probability Estimation Bias
- The effect of chemotherapy on optic pathway gliomas and their sub‐components: A volumetric MR analysis study
- SF3B1 Association with Chromatin Determines Splicing Outcomes
- Rescue of long-range circuit dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease models
- Reconstruction and Simulation of Neocortical Microcircuitry
- Readthrough acetylcholinesterase (AChE-R) and regulated necrosis: pharmacological targets for the regulation of ovarian functions?
- Predicting the Dynamics of Network Connectivity in the Neocortex
- Preclinical and first-in-human evaluation of PRX-105, a PEGylated, plant-derived, recombinant human acetylcholinesterase-R
- Position and Identity Information Available in fMRI Patterns of Activity in Human Visual Cortex
- Plasticity during Motherhood: Changes in Excitatory and Inhibitory Layer 2/3 Neurons in Auditory Cortex
- Parameter Estimation of Linear Sensorimotor Synchronization Models: Phase Correction, Period Correction, and Ensemble Synchronization
- Multispectral labeling technique to map many neighboring axonal projections in the same tissue
- Mechanisms of myogenic specification and patterning
- Lower bound on the accuracy of parameter estimation methods for linear sensorimotor synchronization models : quantifying the problem and suggesting a solution
- Interplay between population firing stability and single neuron dynamics in hippocampal networks
- Interactions between target location and reward size modulate the rate of microsaccades in monkeys
- In vivo interrogation of gene function in the mammalian brain using CRISPR-Cas9
- HP1 Is Involved in Regulating the Global Impact of DNA Methylation on Alternative Splicing
- High on food: the interaction between the neural circuits for feeding and for reward
- Heterochromatin Protein 1β (HP1β) has distinct functions and distinct nuclear distribution in pluripotent versus differentiated cells
- Haptic computer-assisted patient-specific preoperative planning for orthopedic fractures surgery
- Gut feeling: MicroRNA discriminators of the intestinal TLR9–cholinergic links
- Glycolysis-Mediated Changes in Acetyl-CoA and Histone Acetylation Control the Early Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
- Global statistics are not neglected
- Global Order and Local Disorder in Brain Maps
- Functional segregation of voltage-activated calcium channels in motoneurons of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
- Functional cooperation between the IP3 receptor and phospholipase C secures the high sensitivity to light of Drosophila photoreceptors in vivo
- Fingerprints of Learned Object Recognition Seen in the fMRI Activation Patterns of Lateral Occipital Complex
- Fear and C-reactive protein cosynergize annual pulse increases in healthy adults
- Evidence of Change of Intention in Picking Situations
- Do sensorimotor β-oscillations maintain muscle synergy representations in primary motor cortex?
- Differential Association of Chromatin Proteins Identifies BAF60a/SMARCD1 as a regulator of embryonic stem cell differentiation.
- Detecting the unexpected
- Dendritic Excitability and Gain Control in Recurrent Cortical Microcircuits
- Dendritic and Axonal Architecture of Individual Pyramidal Neurons across Layers of Adult Human Neocortex
- Computing an average when part of the population is not perceived
- Chromatin remodeling and bivalent histone modifications in embryonic stem cells
- Change of Intention in ‘Picking’ Situations
- BindDB: an integrated database and webtool platform for “reverse-ChIP” epigenomic analysis
- Automatic lung tumor segmentation with leaks removal in follow-up CT studies
- Attention: The Claustrum
- An Information Theoretic Approach to Chord Categorization and Functional Harmony
- An assumption-free quantification of neural responses to electrical stimulations
- A tale of two species: Neural integration in zebrafish and monkeys
- A Novel Role for VICKZ Proteins in Maintaining Epithelial Integrity during Embryogenesis
- A new genetic model for calcium induced autophagy and ER-stress in Drosophila photoreceptor cells
- A Computational Model of Implicit Memory Captures Dyslexics’ Perceptual Deficits
- Becoming a mother – circuit plasticity underlying maternal behavior
- Auditory Streaming as an Online Classification Process with Evidence Accumulation
- When synchronizing to rhythms is not a good thing: Modulations of preparatory and post-target neural activity when shifting attention away from on-beat times of a distracting rhythm
- Weakened cholinergic blockade of inflammation associates with diabetes-related depression
- Unique membrane properties and enhanced signal processing in human neocortical neurons. Eyal et al.
- Turning Symbolic: The Representation of Motion Direction in Working Memory
- Tuning Curves for Arm Posture Control in Motor Cortex Are Consistent with Random Connectivity.
- Transcriptome profiling in Parkinson’s leukocytes: from early diagnostics to neuroimmune therapeutic prospects
- The Temporal Dynamics of Scene Processing: A Multifaceted EEG Investigation
- The Representation of Prediction Error in Auditory Cortex
- The linker histone H1.0 determines epigenetic and functional intratumor heterogeneity
- The influence of varying the number of characters per row on the accuracy and reproducibility of the ETDRS visual acuity chart
- The Impact of Structural Heterogeneity on Excitation-Inhibition Balance in Cortical Networks
- The Alternative Omen Effect: Illusory negative correlation between the outcomes of choice options
- Systems genetics identifies Hp1bp3 as a novel modulator of cognitive aging
- Systematic identification of gene family regulators in mouse and human embryonic stem cells.
- Subthalamic, not striatal, activity correlates with basal ganglia downstream activity in normal and parkinsonian monkeys
- Stop and Think about Basal Ganglia Functional Organization: The Pallido-Striatal “Stop” Route.
- Statistics of RGBD Images
- Social Ultrasonic Vocalization in Awake Head-Restrained Mouse
- Signal, Noise, and Variation in Neural and Sensory-Motor Latency.
- Shaping Neural Circuits by High Order Synaptic Interactions
- Safra Neuron Screen
- Quaternary Lidocaine Derivative QX-314 Activates and Permeates Human TRPV1 and TRPA1 to Produce Inhibition of Sodium Channels and Cytotoxicity.
- Privileged crosstalk between TRPV1 channels and mitochondrial calcium shuttling machinery controls nociception.
- Practice Improves Peri-saccadic Shape Judgment but does not Diminish Target Mislocalization
- Power-Efficient Cameras Using Natural Image Statistics
- Photocatalytic Reactive Oxygen Species Formation by Semiconductor-Metal Hybrid Nanoparticles. Toward Light-Induced Modulation of Biological Processes
- Pallidal spiking activity reflects learning dynamics and predicts performance.
- Painting with Rainbows: Patterning Light in Space, Time, and Wavelength for Multiphoton Optogenetic Sensing and Control
- Optogenetic Stimulation of Neural Grafts Enhances Neurotransmission and Downregulates the Inflammatory Response in Experimental Stroke Model
- Optogenetic activation of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons rapidly inhibits spontaneous but not odor-evoked activity in olfactory cortex
- Nuclear receptors control pro-viral and antiviral metabolic responses to hepatitis C virus infection
- Non-Sinusoidal Activity Can Produce Cross-Frequency Coupling in Cortical Signals in the Absence of Functional Interaction between Neural Sources
- Neural substrates for linguistic and musical abilities: a neurolinguist’s perspective
- Neural networks within multi-core optic fibers
- Muscle and kinematic representations for arm and BMI control exist in orthogonal subspaces
- Molecular Mechanisms Regulating LPS-Induced Inflammation in the Brain
- Microsaccades mediate a bottom-up mechanism for cross frequency coupling in early visual cortex. (Commentary on Lowet et al.)
- MicroRNA regulators of cholinergic signaling link neuromuscular, cardiac and metabolic systems
- MicroRNA Regulators of Anxiety and Metabolic Disorders
- Mapping synaptic cortico-claustral connectivity in the mouse
- Location, location, location: Validating the position of deep brain stimulation electrodes.
- Limitations of Neural Map Topography for Decoding Spatial Information
- Leveraging open source software and cloud infrastructure to optimise model parameters in neuroscience
- KV 7/M channels as targets for lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory neuronal hyperexcitability.
- Introduction to the special issue on functional selectivity in perceptual and cognitive systems – a tribute to Shlomo Bentin (1946-2012)
- Intensified vmPFC surveillance over PTSS under perturbed microRNA-608/AChE interaction
- Impact of Auditory Context on Executed Motor Actions
- Human Intracranial recordings link suppressed transients rather than ‘filling-in’ to perceptual continuity across blinks
- HP1BP3 expression determines maternal behavior and offspring survival
- Hierarchy of prediction errors for auditory events in human temporal and frontal cortex
- Heterogeneous Suppression of Sequential Effects in Random Sequence Generation, but Not in Operant Learning
- Genetically Targeted All-Optical Electrophysiology with a Transgenic Cre-Dependent Optopatch Mouse
- Gene Expression Differences in Peripheral Blood of Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Distinct Progression Profiles
- From Neuron Biophysics to Orientation Selectivity in Electrically Coupled Networks of Neocortical L2/3 Large Basket Cells
- Extracting duration information in a picture category decoding task using hidden Markov Models
- Epithelial-Mesenchymal transitions during Neural Crest and Somite development
- Epigenetics: It’s Getting Old. Past Meets Future in Paleoepigenetics.
- Early multisensory integration of self and source motion in the auditory system.
- Early indices of deviance detection in humans and animal models.
- Dyslexics’ usage of visual priors is impaired.
- Dynamics of BMP and Hes1/Hairy1 signaling in the dorsal neural tube underlies the transition from Neural Crest to definitive Roof Plate
- Div-Seq: Single-nucleus RNA-Seq reveals dynamics of rare adult newborn neurons
- Distinct Spatiotemporal Response Properties of Excitatory Versus Inhibitory Neurons in the Mouse Auditory Cortex
- Current state of computer navigation and robotics in unicompartmental and total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review with meta-analysis
- Comparison of Snellen and Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study charts using a computer simulation
- Comments and General Discussion on “The Anatomical Problem Posed by Brain Complexity and Size: A Potential Solution”
- Claustral Delusions
- CircRNAs in the brain
- Cholinergic Surveillance over Hippocampal RNA Metabolism and Alzheimer’s-Like Pathology
- Cholinergic Regulation of hnRNPA2/B1 Translation by M1 Muscarinic Receptors
- Beyond Brightness Constancy: Learning Noise Models for Optical Flow
- Automated point-neuron simplification of data-driven microcircuit models
- Ameliorating Active Ulcerative Colitis via an Orally Available Toll-Like Receptor-9 Modifier: A Prospective Open-Label, Multicenter Phase II Trial
- A tight convex upper bound on the likelihood of a finite mixture
- A geometric method for the detection and correction of segmentation leaks of anatomical structures in volumetric medical images
- Ultrafast optical recording reveals distinct capsaicin-induced ion dynamics along single nociceptive neurite terminals in vitro.
- TRP channels in vision.
- Transient inhibition and long-term facilitation of locomotion by phasic optogenetic activation of serotonin neurons
- Timed Synaptic Inhibition Shapes NMDA Spikes, Influencing Local Dendritic Processing and Global I/O Properties of Cortical Neurons. Doron et al.
- Three-Dimensional Analysis of Acute Scaphoid Fracture Displacement: Proximal Extension Deformity of the Scaphoid
- Theory of nonstationary Hawkes processes
- The Stress-Responding miR-132-3p Shows Evolutionarily Conserved Pathway Interactions
- The role of microglia and their CX3CR1 signaling in adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb
- The Role of Kv7/M Potassium Channels in Controlling Ectopic Firing in Nociceptors
- The Phosphorylation State of the Drosophila TRP Channel Modulates the Frequency Response to Oscillating Light In Vivo.
- The latency of the light response is modulated by the phosphorylation state of Drosophila TRP at a specific site.
- Teriparatide attenuates scarring around murine cranial bone allograft via modulation of angiogenesis
- Stimulus-specific adaptation in a recurrent network model of primary auditory cortex
- Spontaneous Activity in the Zebrafish Tectum Reorganizes over Development and Is Influenced by Visual Experience
- Sparse 3D Radon Space Rigid Registration of CT Scans: Method and Validation Study
- Slow diffusive dynamics in a chaotic balanced neural network
- Size constancy following long-term visual deprivation
- Sensory Deprivation Triggers Synaptic and Intrinsic Plasticity in the Hippocampus
- Rich cell-type-specific network topology in neocortical microcircuitry
- Reflection separation using guided annotation
- Reduced-Dose Imageless Needle and Patient Tracking in Interventional CT Procedures
- Radon Space Dose Optimization in Repeat CT Scanning
- Primary Auditory Cortex is Required for Anticipatory Motor Response
- Poor sensitivity to sound statistics impairs the acquisition of speech categories in dyslexia
- Personalized genetics of the cholinergic blockade of neuroinflammation
- Persistent neural activity encoding real-time presence of visual stimuli decays along the ventral stream
- Parallel processing of internal and external feedback in the spinocerebellar system of primates
- Optimal Degrees of Synaptic Connectivity
- New Breakthroughs in Understanding the Role of Functional Interactions Between the Neocortex and the Claustrum
- Neuroscience: Formation of a Percept in the Rat Cortex
- Neuronal-expressed microRNA-targeted pseudogenes compete with coding genes in the human brain
- Neural Mechanisms of Rhythm-based Temporal Prediction: Delta Phase-locking Reflects Temporal Predictability but not Rhythmic Entrainment
- Mutant alpha-Synuclein Overexpression Induces Stressless Pacemaking in Vagal Motoneurons at Risk in Parkinson’s Disease
- Massively parallel single-nucleus RNA-seq with DroNc-seq
- Long term beneficial effect of neurotrophic factors-secreting mesenchymal stem cells transplantation in the BTBR mouse model of autism
- Local vs. volume conductance activity of field potentials in the human subthalamic nucleus
- Intrinsic volatility of synaptic connections – a challenge to the synaptic trace theory of memory
- Insights into the mechanisms of deep brain stimulation
- Increasing suppression of saccade-related transients along the human visual hierarchy
- In vivo analysis of synaptic activity in cerebellar nucleineurons unravels the efficacy of excitatory inputs
- History-dependent odor processing in the mouse olfactory bulb
- Hierarchies of Attention and Experimental Designs: Effects of Spatial and Intermodal Attention Revisited
- Functional Plasticity of Odor Representations during Motherhood
- Electrophysiological Method for Whole-cell Voltage Clamp Recordings from Drosophila Photoreceptors.
- Ectopic Expression of Mouse Melanopsin in Drosophila Photoreceptors Reveals Fast Response Kinetics and Persistent Dark Excitation.
- Dyslexics’ faster decay of implicit memory for sounds and words is manifested in their shorter neural adaptation.
- Dynamic changes in murine forebrain miR-211 expression associate with cholinergic imbalances and epileptiform activity
- Distinct Sources of Deterministic and Stochastic Components of Action Timing Decisions in Rodent Frontal Cortex
- Dissecting patterns of preparatory activity in the frontal eye fields during pursuit target selection.
- Differential cytotoxicity and intracellular calcium-signaling following activation of the calcium-permeable ion channels TRPV1 and TRPA1
- Depletion of Membrane Cholesterol Suppresses Drosophila Transient Receptor Potential-Like (TRPL) Channel Activity.
- Dance to the rhythm, cautiously: Isolating unique indicators of oscillatory entrainment
- Computer-aided surgery meets predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine
- Comprehensive Morpho-Electrotonic Analysis Shows 2 Distinct Classes of L2 and L3 Pyramidal Neurons in Human Temporal Cortex.
- Cell fate decisions during neural crest ontogeny
- Balanced excitation and inhibition are required for high-capacity, noise-robust neuronal selectivity
- BACE inhibition-dependent repair of Alzheimer’s pathophysiology
- Automatic detection of new tumors and tumor burden evaluation in longitudinal liver CT scan studies
- Auditory-visual integration modulates location-specific repetition suppression of auditory responses
- Auditory Stimulus Processing and Task Learning Are Adequate in Dyslexia, but Benefits From Regularities Are Reduced
- Association of Catastrophic Neonatal Outcomes With Increased Rate of Subsequent Cesarean Deliveries
- Antisense miR-132 blockade via the AChE-R splice variant mitigates cortical inflammation
- An endogenously tagged fluorescent fusion protein library in mouse embryonic stem cells
- Alzheimer’s Disease and ncRNAs
- Alzheimer’s brains show inter-related changes in RNA and lipid metabolism
- Alternative SET/TAFI Promoters Regulate Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation
- Activity patterns of serotonin neurons underlying cognitive flexibility
- Accuracy of Computer-Aided Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: How Can It Be Defined, Measured Experimentally, and Analyzed from a Clinical Perspective?
- A new method for the automatic retrieval of medical cases based on the RadLex ontology
- A hyperdynamic H3.3 nucleosome marks promoter regions in pluripotent embryonic stem cells
- Synchronous Infra-Slow Bursting in the Mouse Accessory Olfactory Bulb Emerge from Interplay between Intrinsic Neuronal Dynamics and Network Connectivity
- Rule-I, intensional predicates, and children’s pronominal reference assignment
- Weak lensing shear estimation beyond the shape-noise limit: a machine learning approach
- Victims of war—Psychoendocrine evidence for the impact of traumatic stress on psychological well‐being of adolescents growing up during the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
- Using subthreshold events to characterize the functional architecture of electrically coupled networks
- TRPM2 Mediates Neutrophil Killing of Disseminated Tumor Cells
- The Hard and Soft Wired Nature of the Olfactory Map
- The Eyes Wide Shut Illusion
- The Drosophila light-activated TRP and TRPL channels – Targets of the phosphoinositide signaling cascade.
- The claustrum supports resilience to distraction
- The Analysis of less-Comparatives: Evidence from the Processing Cost of Downward Entailingness
- TDP-43 regulates the alternative splicing of hnRNP A1 to yield an aggregation-prone variant in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Striatal action-value neurons reconsidered
- Social place-cells in the bat hippocampus
- Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement of Monkeys Naive to Laboratory Setups With Pictures and Artificial Stimuli.
- Shorter cortical adaptation in dyslexia is broadly distributed in the superior temporal lobe and includes the primary auditory cortex
- Salient Experiences are Represented by Unique Transcriptional Signatures in the Brain
- Robust-Seed: seed-based segmentation improvement by optimisation
- Principles of Functional Circuit Connectivity: Insights From Spontaneous Activity in the Zebrafish Optic Tectum
- Perceptron learning and classification in a modeled cortical pyramidal cell
- Perceiving set mean and range: Automaticity and precision
- Patients with Broca’s aphasia and Young Children can reconstruct elided VPs
- Patient-specific and global convolutional neural networks for robust automatic liver tumor delineation in follow-up CT studies
- Path integral approach to random neural networks
- PARP1-dependent eviction of the linker histone H1 mediates immediate early gene expression during neuronal activation
- On the superiority of visual processing in spatiotopic coordinates
- On GANs and GMMs
- Object Representations in Human Visual Cortex Formed Through Temporal Integration of Dynamic Partial Shape Views
- Non-uniform weighting of local motion inputs underlies dendritic computation in the fly visual system
- Neural crest emigration: From start to stop
- Multi optically-coupled channels module and related methods of computation
- Molecular Regulatory Pathways Link Sepsis With Metabolic Syndrome: Non-coding RNA Elements Underlying the Sepsis/Metabolic Cross-Talk
- miRNA-132 induces hepatic steatosis and hyperlipidaemia by synergistic multitarget suppression
- Longer β oscillatory episodes reliably identify pathological subthalamic activity in Parkinsonism
- Linguistic barriers to logical reasoning: a new perspective on Aristotelian syllogisms
- Learning Data Manifolds with a Cutting Plane Method.
- Lack of Automatic Imitation in Newly Sighted Individuals.
- Investigating the transition from recent to remote memory using advanced tools
- Intranasal administration of exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells improves autistic-like behaviors of BTBR mice
- Intranasal administration of exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells ameliorates autistic-like behaviors of BTBR mice
- Inter-observer variability of manual contour delineation of structures in CT
- Intensify3D: Normalizing signal intensity in large heterogenic image stacks
- Integration despite Fractionation: Continuous Flash Suppression
- Inhibitory connectivity defines the realm of excitatory plasticity
- Human posterior parietal cortex responds to visual stimuli as early as peristriate occipital cortex
- Human Cortical Pyramidal Neurons: From Spines to Spikes via Models
- Glial responses during epileptogenesis in Mus musculus point to potential therapeutic targets
- Genome-Wide MicroRNA Analysis Implicates miR-30b/d in the Etiology of Alopecia Areata
- Genetic tagging of active neurons in auditory cortex reveals maternal plasticity of coding ultrasonic vocalizations
- Future Perspectives on Statistical Shape Models in Computer-Aided Orthopedic Surgery: Beyond Statistical Shape Models and on to Big Data
- Fast GPU Computation of 3D Isothermal Volumes in the Vicinity of Major Blood Vessels for Multiprobe Cryoablation Simulation
- Encoding of reward and decoding movement from the frontal eye field during smooth pursuit eye movements
- Emergence of spontaneous assembly activity in developing neural networks without afferent input
- Dynamic Patterns of Spontaneous Ongoing Activity in the Visual Cortex of Anesthetized and Awake Monkeys are Different
- DORA the explorer: directed outreaching reinforcement action-selection
- Direct Evidence for Prediction Signals in Frontal Cortex Independent of Prediction Error
- Deviance sensitivity in the auditory cortex of freely moving rats
- Detecting neural assemblies in calcium imaging data
- De-synchronization of slow oscillations in the basal ganglia during natural sleep
- Critical dynamics, anesthesia and information integration: Lessons from multi-scale criticality analysis of voltage imaging data
- Coordinated cerebellar climbing fiber activity signals learned sensorimotor predictions
- Computer-based radiological longitudinal evaluation of meningiomas following stereotactic radiosurgery
- Computer-Aided Orthopedic Surgery: Incremental Shift or Paradigm Change?
- Comparing set summary statistics and outlier pop out in vision
- Coherent chaos in a recurrent neural network with structured connectivity
- Code Under Construction: Neural Coding Over Development
- Cerebellar Shaping of Motor Cortical Firing Is Correlated with Timing of Motor Actions
- Brain-wide Organization of Neuronal Activity and Convergent Sensorimotor Transformations in Larval Zebrafish
- Blocking c-Fos Expression Reveals the Role of Auditory Cortex Plasticity in Sound Frequency Discrimination Learning.
- Basal ganglia, movement disorders and deep brain stimulation: advances made through non-human primate research
- Automatic segmentation variability estimation with segmentation priors
- Automatic Measurement of Fetal Brain Development from Magnetic Resonance Imaging: New Reference Data
- Astrocytic activation generates de-novo neuronal potentiation and memory enhancement
- Astrocytes in Memory Function: Pioneering Findings and Future Directions
- Area-specific processing of cerebellar-thalamo-cortical information in primates
- Alternative outcomes create biased expectations regarding the received outcome: evidence from event-related potentials
- All-optical synaptic electrophysiology probes mechanism of ketamine-induced disinhibition
- Adrenergic Modulation Regulates the Dendritic Excitability of Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons In Vivo
- Activation of serotonin neurons promotes active exploitation in a probabilistic foraging task
- Acoustic recordings data from an echoic environment and a toolkit for its analysis
- Acoustic calibration in an echoic environment.
- A fully automatic end-to-end method for content-based image retrieval of CT scans with similar liver lesion annotations
- YAP promotes neural crest emigration through interactions with BMP and Wnt activities
- Wide-area all-optical neurophysiology in acute brain slices
- Why do deep convolutional networks generalize so poorly to small image transformations?
- Whole blood microRNA expression associated with stroke: Results from the Framingham Heart Study
- Voltage imaging and optogenetics reveal behaviour-dependent changes in hippocampal dynamics
- Vertebrate Embryo: Patterning the Neural Crest Lineage
- Velocity coupling of grid modules enables stable embedding of a low dimensional variable in a high dimensional attractor
- Variability and directionality of inferior olive neuron dendrites revealed by detailed 3D characterization of an extensive morphological library
- Using extracellular low frequency signals to improve the spike sorting of cerebellar complex spikes
- TRPC Channels—Insight from the Drosophila Light Sensitive Channels
- Theta‐alpha oscillations characterize emotional subregion in the human ventral subthalamic nucleus
- The role of the genome in experience-dependent plasticity: Extending the analogy of the genomic action potential
- The Princess and the P: Pluripotent Stem Cells and P-Bodies
- The Pre-synaptic Landscape of Mitral/Tufted Cells of the Main Olfactory Bulb
- The power of populations: representing features, categories, and set summary statistics
- The Neural Crest: A Remarkable Model System for Studying Development and Disease
- The Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS)
- The gist of Anne Treisman’s revolution
- Tau impairs neural circuits, dominating amyloid-β effects, in Alzheimer models in vivo.
- Systemic inflammation impairs microglial Aβ clearance through NLRP3 inflammasome
- Systematic comparison between a wireless EEG system with dry electrodes and a wired EEG system with wet electrodes
- Subregion-specific rules govern the distribution of neuronal immediate-early gene induction
- Spironolactone inhibits the growth of cancer stem cells by impairing DNA damage response
- Social Minds Sync Alike
- Single Cortical Neurons as Deep Artificial Neural Networks
- Reversible Block of Cerebellar Outflow Reveals Cortical Circuitry for Motor Coordination
- Relating Categorization to Set Summary Statistics Perception
- Reconstructing Denisovan Anatomy Using DNA Methylation Maps
- Real-time machine learning classification of pallidal borders during deep brain stimulation surgery
- Rapid Changes in Synaptic Strength After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
- Progerin-Induced Transcriptional Changes in Huntington’s Disease Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neurons
- Preserved left and upper visual field advantages in older adults’ orienting of attention
- Platelet-derived growth factor activates nociceptive neurons by inhibiting M-current and contributes to inflammatory pain
- Perceptual bias reveals slow-updating in autism and fast-forgetting in dyslexia
- Parkinsonism-related β oscillations in the primate basal ganglia networks – Recent advances and clinical implications
- Open chromatin, epigenetic plasticity and nuclear organization in pluripotency
- Nuclei multiplexing with barcoded antibodies for single-nucleus genomics
- Neuronal activity and learning in local cortical networks are modulated by the action-perception state
- Neuron Geometry Underlies a Universal Local Architecture in Neuronal Networks
- NEAT1 is overexpressed in Parkinson’s disease substantia nigra and confers drug-inducible neuroprotection from oxidative stress
- Movement context modulates neuronal activity in motor and limbic-associative domains of the human parkinsonian subthalamic nucleus
- Modulation of Transient Receptor Potential C Channel Activity by Cholesterol
- Modulation of hippocampal neuronal resilience during aging by the Hsp70/Hsp90 co‐chaperone STI1
- Microelectrode Recordings Validate the Clinical Visualization of Subthalamic-Nucleus Based on 7T Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Machine Learning for Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery
- Measuring the cognitive cost of downward monotonicity by controlling for negative polarity
- Logical negation mapped onto the brain
- Location and Plasticity of the Sodium Spike Initiation Zone in Nociceptive Terminals in vivo
- Limits on spectral resolution measurements by quantum probes
- Large Scale Calcium Imaging of the Cerebellar Vermis During Sensory Stimulus Unravels Two Response’s Components That Differ in Their Spatiotemporal Properties
- Integrative Transcriptomics Reveals Sexually Dimorphic Control of the Cholinergic/Neurokine Interface in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
- Idiosyncratic choice bias naturally emerges from intrinsic stochasticity in neuronal dynamics
- GPU-based 3D iceball modeling for fast cryoablation simulation and planning
- Glioblastoma initiating cells are sensitive to histone demethylase inhibition due to epigenetic deregulation
- Functional diversity among sensory neurons from efficient coding principles
- From choice architecture to choice engineering
- Flexible needle and patient tracking using fractional scanning in interventional CT procedures
- Fear, Fat, and Genes: New Answers to Old Questions
- Extensive Regulatory Changes in Genes Affecting Vocal and Facial Anatomy Separate Modern from Archaic Humans
- Evidence for Linear but Not Helical Automatic Representation of Pitch in the Human Auditory System.
- Effect of Aging on Change of Intention
- Dorsal Striatal Circuits for Habits, Compulsions and Addictions
- Deviation from the matching law reflects an optimal strategy involving learning over multiple timescales
- Delayed Complex Spike Response Evoked by Conditioned Stimulus Encodes Movement Onset Time and Is Determined by Intrinsic Inferior Olive Properties
- Deep brain stimulation for obsessive compulsive disorder: case report of the first OCD patient in Israel
- Current understanding of fear learning and memory in humans and animal models and the value of a linguistic approach for analyzing fear learning and memory in humans
- Compressed Hadamard microscopy for high-speed optically sectioned neuronal activity recordings
- Comparative docking analysis of cholesterol analogs to ion channels to discriminate between stereospecific binding vs. stereospecific response
- Cerebellar climbing fibers encode expected reward size
- Automatic detection and diagnosis of sacroiliitis in CT scans as incidental findings
- Auditory frequency discrimination is correlated with linguistic skills, but its training does not improve them or other pitch discrimination tasks.
- An efficient analytical reduction of detailed nonlinear neuron models
- A Real-Life Search for the Optimal Set of Conversion Factors to Levodopa-Equivalent-Dose in Parkinson’s Disease Patients on Polytherapy
- A prospective international multi-center study on safety and efficacy of deep brain stimulation for resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder
- A Comparison of different scoring terminations rules for visual acuity testing: from a computer simulation to a clinical study
- 2-APB and CBD-Mediated Targeting of Charged Cytotoxic Compounds Into Tumor Cells Suggests the Involvement of TRPV2 Channels
- Vertebrate Embryo: Patterning the Neural Crest Lineage
- Why Do Some Children Struggle to Read?
- Whole-Neuron Synaptic Mapping Reveals Spatially Precise Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Limiting Dendritic and Somatic Spiking
- Using subthreshold events to characterize the functional architecture of the electrically coupled inferior olive network
- Transcription Factor Binding in Embryonic Stem Cells Is Constrained by DNA Sequence Repeat Symmetry
- The “creatures” of the human cortical somatosensory system
- The Temporal Association Cortex Plays a Key Role in Auditory-Driven Maternal Plasticity
- The Chromatin Regulator ZMYM2 Restricts Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Growth and Is Essential for Teratoma Formation
- Synaptic Recruitment Enhances Gap Termination Responses in Auditory Cortex
- Stimulus-specific adaptation to behaviorally-relevant sounds in awake rats
- Spans attributed to short-term memory are explained by sensitivity to long-term statistics in both musicians and individuals with dyslexia
- Separability and geometry of object manifolds in deep neural networks
- Resting-state EEG topographies: Reliable and sensitive signatures of unilateral spatial neglect
- Predicted Archaic 3D Genome Organization Reveals Genes Related to Head and Spinal Cord Separating Modern from Archaic Humans
- Phase-Specific Microstimulation Differentially Modulates Beta Oscillations and Affects Behavior
- Neural tube development depends on notochord-derived sonic hedgehog released into the sclerotome
- Neural correlates of learning pure tones versus natural sounds in the auditory cortex
- Learning-related population dynamics in the auditory thalamus
- Inference-Based Decisions in a Hidden State Foraging Task: Differential Contributions of Prefrontal Cortical Areas
- Histone H1 eviction by the histone chaperone SET reduces cell survival following DNA damage
- Hierarchical cortical gradients in somatosensory processing
- Harnessing epigenetics to study human evolution
- Guidelines and definitions for research on epithelial–mesenchymal transition
- Glia: The Glue Holding Memories Together
- Face Selective Neural Activity: Comparisons Between Fixed and Free Viewing
- Encoding of eye movements explains reward-related activity in cerebellar simple spikes
- Dissociable roles of ventral pallidum neurons in the basal ganglia reinforcement learning network
- Disease-associated astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease and aging
- Conduction Delays in the Visual Pathways of Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Patients Covary with Brain Structure
- Claustral Neurons Projecting to Frontal Cortex Mediate Contextual Association of Reward
- Cholino-ncRNAs Modulate Sex-Specific- And Age-Related Acetylcholine Signals
- Cholinergic Stress Signals Accompany MicroRNA-Associated Stereotypic Behavior and Glutamatergic Neuromodulation in the Prefrontal Cortex
- Capacity of short-term memory in dyslexia is reduced due to less efficient utilization of items’ long-term frequency
- Benefits From Morphological Regularities in Dyslexia Are Task Dependent
- Barrel cortex VIP/ChAT interneurons suppress sensory responses in vivo
- Associations of Reading Efficiency with White Matter Properties of the Cerebellar Peduncles in Children
- Abnormal Reinnervation of Denervated Areas Following Nerve Injury Facilitates Neuropathic Pain
- A lncRNA survey finds increases in neuroprotective LINC-PINT in Parkinson’s disease substantia nigra
- Definitions and Guidelines for Research on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition
- Morphometric reconstructions atlas shows insult-driven plasticity in cortical VIP/ChAT interneurons
- Transfer RNA fragments replace microRNA regulators of the cholinergic post-stroke immune blockade.
- The neat dance of COVID-19: NEAT1, DANCR and co-modulated Cholinergic RNAs link to inflammation.
- A Parkinson’s disease CircRNAs Resource reveals a link between circSLC8A1 and oxidative stress
- Adult Born Neurons Improve Odor Coding by Mitral Cells
- Behavioral Signatures of a Developing Neural Code
- Emergence of spontaneous assembly activity in developing neural networks without afferent input.
- Astrocytes contribute to remote memory formation by modulating hippocampal–cortical communication during learning
- On the Weaknesses of Reinforcement Learning for Neural Machine Translation
- Associations of reading skills and properties of cerebral white matter pathways in 8-year-old children born preterm
- Short-term memory capacity and sensitivity to language statistics in dyslexia and among musicians
- Training-induced improvement in working memory tasks results from switching to efficient strategies
- The gradient clusteron: A model neuron that learns to solve classification tasks via dendritic nonlinearities, structural plasticity, and gradient descent
- Auditory Corticothalamic Neurons Are Recruited by Motor Preparatory Inputs
- Flexible categorization in the mouse olfactory bulb
- NDNF interneurons in layer 1 gain-modulate whole cortical columns according to an animal’s behavioral state
- All-optical electrophysiology in behaving animals
- High-fidelity estimates of spikes and subthreshold waveforms from 1-photon voltage imaging in vivo
- Photoactivated voltage imaging in tissue with an archaerhodopsin-derived reporter
- Exploration: from machines to humans
- Hippocampal neurons with stable excitatory connectivity become part of neuronal representations
- Dissecting the Roles of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning in Perceptual Discrimination Judgments
- Mesoscale Modeling and Single-Nucleosome Tracking Reveal Remodeling of Clutch Folding and Dynamics in Stem Cell Differentiation
- Pluripotent stem cell-derived models of neurological diseases reveal early transcriptional heterogeneity
- CloneSeq: A highly sensitive analysis platform for the characterization of 3D-cultured single-cell-derived clones
- From Neural Crest to Definitive Roof Plate: The Dynamic Behavior of the Dorsal Neural Tube
- Notch signaling is a critical initiator of roof plate formation as revealed by the use of RNA profiling of the dorsal neural tube
- A Computational Model of Dyslexics’ Perceptual Difficulties as Impaired Inference of Sound Statistics
- NEGATION AND THE BRAIN: Experiments in health and in focal brain disease, and their theoretical implications
- Egr2 induction in spiny projection neurons of the ventrolateral striatum contributes to cocaine place preference in mice
- Emergence of abstract sound representations in the ascending auditory system
- Transition to Chaos in Random Neuronal Networks
- Optimal architectures in a solvable model of deep networks
- Statistical Mechanics of Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition
- Cortex-cerebellum dynamics in the execution and learning of a motor task
- Layer-specific neural ensembles contributing to ignition and plasticity of perception
- Cortex-cerebellum dynamics in the execution and learning of a motor task
- Statistical mechanics of deep learning
- Predictive coding in balanced neural networks with noise
- Constructing realistic engrams: poststimulus activity of hippocampus and dorsal striatum predicts subsequent episodic memory
- Loss of reliable temporal structure in event-related averaging of naturalistic stimuli
- Hippocampal immediate post-stimulus activity in the encoding of consecutive naturalistic episodes
- Shifting gears in hippocampus: Temporal dissociation between familiarity and novelty signatures in a single event
- Peri-encoding Predictors of Memory Encoding and Consolidation
- Memory Retrieval in Mice and Men
- From Nose to Brain: Un-Sensed Electrical Currents Applied in the Nose Alter Activity in Deep Brain Structures
- Knowledge Acquisition is Governed by Striatal Prediction Errors
- The hippocampal film-editor: sensitivity and specificity to event boundaries in continuous experience
- Prestimulus Activity in the Cingulo-Opercular Network Predicts Memory for Naturalistic Episodic Experience
- The limited reach of surprise: Evidence against effects of surprise on memory for preceding elements of an event
- A Comparison of Quantitative R1 and Cortical Thickness in Identifying Age, Lifespan Dynamics, and Disease States of the Human Cortex
- Sparse Coding in Temporal Association Cortex Improves Complex Sound Discriminability
- Emerging technologies to study glial cells
- The memory orchestra: the role of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in parallel to neurons
- Features of hippocampal astrocytic domains and their spatial relation to excitatory and inhibitory neurons
- Single cortical neurons as deep artificial neural networks
- Toward asleep DBS: cortico-basal ganglia spectral and coherence activity during interleaved propofol/ketamine sedation mimics NREM/REM sleep activity
- Slow update of internal representations impedes synchronization in autism
- Statistical Mechanics of Deep Linear Neural Networks: The Backpropagating Kernel Renormalization
- Learning to perceive shape from temporal integration following late emergence from blindness
- The Role of Hub Neurons in Modulating Cortical Dynamics
- Burst control: Synaptic conditions for burst generation in cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons
- Knockdown of Dehydrodolichyl Diphosphate Synthase in the Drosophila Retina Leads to a Unique Pattern of Retinal Degeneration
- The temporal association cortex is involved in auditory driven maternal plasticity
- Functional characterization of cortical ChAT/VIP interneurons and their effect on the circuit in vivo.
- Maternal plasticity of coding ultrasonic vocalizations in the auditory cortex revealed by genetic tagging of active neurons
- Plasticity during motherhood: changes in excitatory and inhibitory layer 2/3 neurons in auditory cortex
- Time lapse electrical recordings of single neurons from the mouse neocortex
- Dynamic copula networks for modeling real-valued time series.
- Long term imaging reveals dynamic changes in the neuronal composition of the glomerular layer
- Area-specific thalamocortical synchronization underlies the transition from motor planning to execution
- Passive Motor Learning: Oculomotor Adaptation in the Absence of Behavioral Errors
- Predicting the outputs of finite deep neural networks trained with noisy gradients
- Synaptic input and ACh modulation regulate dendritic Ca2+ spike duration in pyramidal neurons, directly affecting their somatic output
- Modulation of dopamine tone induces frequency shifts in cortico-basal ganglia beta oscillations
- Reduced Learning of Sound Categories in Dyslexia Is Associated with Reduced Regularity-Induced Auditory Cortex Adaptation
- Fixational drift is driven by diffusive dynamics in central neural circuitry
- Grid-cell modules remain coordinated when neural activity is dissociated from external sensory cues
- From Bipotent Neuromesodermal Progenitors to Neural-Mesodermal Interactions during Embryonic Development
- Infants’ cortex undergoes microstructural growth coupled with myelination during development
- Training allows switching from limited-capacity manipulations to large-capacity perceptual processing
- Neurobiological underpinnings of rapid white matter plasticity during intensive reading instruction
- Not so spontaneous: Multi-dimensional representations of behaviors and context in sensory areas
- The glial framework reveals white-matter fiber architecture in human and primate brains
- Uncovering molecular iron compounds in the living human brain
- Completion of neural crest cell production and emigration is regulated by retinoic-acid-dependent inhibition of BMP signaling
- Neuroscientific Evidence for Processing Without Awareness
- Representation of sustained visual experience by time-invariant distributed neural patterns
- Context sensitivity across multiple time scales with a flexible frequency bandwidth
- Brain-based concealed memory detection is driven mainly by orientation to salient items
- Unilateral neglect within the predictive processing framework
- Maintenance of Bound or Independent Features in Visual Working Memory is Task-dependent
- Distinct interacting cortical networks for stimulus-response and repetition-suppression
- Context-Dependent Inhibitory Control of Stimulus-Specific Adaptation
- Repeated series learning revisited with a novel prediction on the reduced effect of item frequency in dyslexia
- Neural Correlates of Statistical Learning in Developmental Dyslexia: An Electroencephalography Study
- Mapping microstructural gradients of the human striatum in normal aging and Parkinson’s disease
- Hippocampal astrocytes encode reward location
- Investigation of Spatial Interaction Between Astrocytes and Neurons in Cleared Brains
- Mentoring: A three-generation perspective
- Heterophilic Type II Cadherins Are Required for High-Magnitude Synaptic Potentiation in the Hippocampus
- The orbitofrontal cortex maps future navigational goals
- ProSTRIP: A method to find similar structural repeats in three-dimensional protein structures
- The intellectual disability gene Kirrel3 regulates target-specific mossy fiber synapse development in the hippocampus
- The classic cadherins in synaptic specificity
- Entamoeba invadens: cloning and molecular characterization of chitinases
- White matter properties underlying reading abilities differ in 8-year-old children born full term and preterm: A multi-modal approach
- Spatial profiles provide sensitive MRI measures of the midbrain micro- and macrostructure
- Neuronal activity drives pathway-specific depolarization of peripheral astrocyte processes
- Filters: When, Why, and How (Not) to Use Them
- Detection of Tones Masked by Fluctuating Noise in Rat Auditory Cortex
- Neural Population Coding of Natural Sounds in Non-flying Mammals
- From neurons to behavior: the view from auditory cortex
- Single-neuron representation of learned complex sounds in the auditory cortex
- Immunohistological and Ultrastructural Study of the Inflammatory Response to Perforated Polyimide Cortical Implants: Mechanisms Underlying Deterioration of Electrophysiological Recording Quality
- In Vivo Functional Mapping of a Cortical Column at Single-Neuron Resolution
- Value-complexity tradeoff explains mouse navigational learning
- The Effect of Partial Time-Frequency Masking of the Direct Sound on the Perception of Reverberant Speech
- Extrinsic rewards, intrinsic rewards, and non-optimal behavior
- A simple model of the attentional blink and its modulation by mental training
- Gaze following requires early visual experience
- Development of multisensory integration following prolonged early-onset visual deprivation
- The presence of semantic content in a visual recognition memory task reduces the severity of neglect
- The local and long-range input landscape of inhibitory neurons in mouse auditory cortex
- Surround suppression in mouse auditory cortex underlies auditory edge detection
- Learning Induced Odor Modulation of Neuronal Activity in Auditory Cortex
- Perceptual history biases in serial ensemble representation
- Stability and flexibility of odor representations in the mouse olfactory bulb
- Poor synchronization yet adequate tempo-keeping in adults with autism
- The Input-Output Relation of Primary Nociceptive Neurons is Determined by the Morphology of the Peripheral Nociceptive Terminals
- Optical Assessment of Nociceptive TRP Channel Function at the Peripheral Nerve Terminal
- In vivo optical recordings of ion dynamics in mouse corneal primary nociceptive terminals
- Photopharmacological modulation of native CRAC channels using azoboronate photoswitches
- mTORC2 mediates structural plasticity in distal nociceptive endings that contributes to pain hypersensitivity following inflammation
- Encoding of inflammatory hyperalgesia in mouse spinal cord
- Nociception and pain in humans lacking a functional TRPV1 channel
- Structural plasticity of axon initial segment in spinal cord neurons underlies inflammatory pain
- Age-dependent decrease in inhibitory drive on the excitatory superficial spinal dorsal horn neurons
- Kinesin family member 2A gates nociception
- Automatic change detection in sparse repeat CT scanning
- Automatic linear measurements of the fetal brain on MRI with deep neural networks
- Time-dependent uncertainty of critical care transitions in very old patients-lessons for time-limited trials
- A column-based deep learning method for the detection and quantification of atrophy associated with AMD in OCT scans
- Liver lesion changes analysis in longitudinal CECT scans by simultaneous deep learning voxel classification with SimU-Net
- Verification, evaluation, and validation: which, how and why in medical augmented reality system design
- Graph-based automatic detection and classification of lesion changes in pairs of CT studies for oncology follow-up
- Deep learning–based segmentation of whole-body fetal MRI and fetal weight estimation: assessing performance, repeatability, and reproducibility
- Future perspectives on statistical shape models in computer aided orthopaedic surgery
- Computer Aided Orthopaedic Surgery: incremental shift or paradigm change
- Image-based surgery planning
- The configuration space method for kinematic design of mechanisms
- Computational geometry with independent and dependent uncertainties
- Sparse repeat CT scanning: registration, changes detection and needle tracking in Radon space
- fmr1 Mutation Alters the Early Development of Sensory Coding and Hunting and Social Behaviors in Larval Zebrafish
- Cortical activity emerges in region-specific patterns during early brain development
- Spontaneous and evoked activity patterns diverge over development
- Features of hippocampal astrocytic domains and their spatial relation to excitatory and inhibitory neurons
- Paradoxical relationship between speed and accuracy in olfactory figure-background segregation
- Negative Sentences Exhibit a Sustained Effect in Delayed Verification Tasks
- Experienced entropy drives choice behavior in a boring decision-making task
- Sex-specific declines in cholinergic-targeting tRNA fragments in the nucleus accumbens in Alzheimer’s disease
- Computational Models in Cognition
- Plasticity in auditory cortex during parenthood
- Adaptive olfactory circuitry restores function despite severe olfactory bulb degeneration
- Frequency-Specific Contributions to Auditory Perceptual Priors: Testing the Predictive-Coding Hypothesis
- Reduced categorical learning of faces in dyslexia
- Do Retinal Neurons Also Represent Somatosensory Inputs? On Why Neuronal Responses Are Not Sufficient to Determine What Neurons Do
- On the computational principles underlying human exploration
- Homeostasis of a representational map in the neocortex
- Zero-Episode Few-Shot Contrastive Predictive Coding: Solving intelligence tests without prior training
- Naive Few-Shot Learning: Uncovering the fluid intelligence of machines
- Non-invasive assessment of normal and impaired iron homeostasis in the brain
- System and method for using medical imaging devices to perform non-invasive diagnosis of a subject
- Multiparametric quantitative MRI uncovers putamen microstructural changes in Parkinson’s Disease
- Multi-scale entropy assessment of magnetoencephalography signals in schizophrenia
- A comprehensive protocol for quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of the brain at 3 Tesla
- Deformable registration and region-of-interest image reconstruction in sparse repeat CT scanning
- High-dimensional dynamics of generalization error in neural networks
- A theory of joint attractor dynamics in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex accounts for artificial remapping and grid cell field-to-field variability
- Sedative drugs modulate the neuronal activity in the subthalamic nucleus of parkinsonian patients
- Large-scale implementation of pooled RNA extraction and RT-PCR for SARSCoV-2 detection
- Deep Learning Automatic Fetal Structures Segmentation in MRI Scans with Few Annotated Datasets
- Cortical VIP+ /ChAT+ interneurons: from genetics to function
- Cheating with (recursive) models
- Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation Is Regulated by SET through Interactions with p53 and β-Catenin
- Temporal structure of mouse courtship vocalizations facilitates syllable labeling
- Perceptual learning of ensemble and outlier perception
- The value–complexity trade-off for reinforcement learning based braincomputer interfaces
- Dppa2 and Dppa4 safeguard bivalent chromatin in order to establish a pluripotent epigenome
- Organization of the Pluripotent Genome
- Establishing Human Male and Female Models of Cholinergic Neurons via Neurokine-Mediated Differentiation of LA-N-2 and LA-N-5 Neuroblastoma Cells
- Chromatin and Nuclear Architecture in Stem Cells
- Independently Together: Subthalamic Theta and Beta Opposite Roles in Predicting Parkinson’s Tremor
- Single cell RNA sequencing of human microglia uncovers a subset associated with Alzheimer’s disease
- Vimentin protects differentiating stem cells from stress
- Blood acetylcholinesterase activity is associated with increased 10 year all-cause mortality following coronary angiography
- Pharmaceutical Implications of Sex-Related RNA Divergence in Psychiatric Disorders
- Pogz deficiency leads to transcription dysregulation and impaired cerebellar activity underlying autism-like behavior in mice.
- Model-based decoupling of evoked and spontaneous neural activity in calcium imaging data
- What is the true discharge rate and pattern of the striatal projection neurons in Parkinson’s disease and Dystonia?
- Advances in Architectures and Theories for Computer Vision. International Journal of Computer Vision
- Communicative need in colour naming
- ‘Basal ganglia beta oscillations during sleep underlie Parkinsonian insomnia
- Diseaseassociated astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease and aging
- Differential DNA methylation of vocal and facial anatomy genes in modern humans
- Synaptogenesis in the Adult CNS-Olfactory system
- Differential Structure of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons in the Human and Mouse
- Non-coding RNA regulators of diabetic polyneuropathy
- Longitudinal Basal Forebrain Degeneration Interacts with TREM2/C3 Biomarkers of Inflammation in Presymptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease
- Central and peripheral anti-inflammatory effects of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
- Correction to: Progerin-Induced Transcriptional Changes in Huntington’s Disease Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neurons
- A Claustro-Frontal Dopamine-Driven Circuit Essential For Contextual Association of Reward
- Flexible Representations of Odour Categories in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb
- Motor corollary discharge activates layer six circuits in the auditory cortex
- Dense Computer Replica of Cortical Microcircuits Unravels Cellular Underpinnings of Auditory Surprise Response
- Motor cortical plasticity in response to skill acquisition in adult monkeys
- A calcium-based plasticity model predicts long-term potentiation and depression in the neocortex
- Human cortical expansion involves diversification and specialization of supragranular intratelencephalic-projecting neurons
- Axonal gap junctions in the fly visual system enable fast prediction for evasive flight maneuvers
- Anesthesia in mice activates discrete populations of neurons throughout the brain
- Identifying regulators of parental imprinting by CRISPR/Cas9 screening in haploid human embryonic stem cells
- The upstream 5′ splice site remains associated to the transcription machinery during intron synthesis
- Frequency matters: Up- and Down-Regulation of Dopamine Tone Induces Similar Frequency Shifts in Cortico-Basal Ganglia Beta Oscillations
- Deep Brain Stimulation Can Differentiate Subregions of the Human Subthalamic Nucleus Area by EEG Biomarkers
- A systematic review of Twiddler’s syndrome: a hardware-related complication of deep brain stimulation
- Locally ordered representation of 3D space in the entorhinal cortex
- Cholinergic mechanisms: This is the Preface for the special issue “Cholinergic Mechanisms”
- MicroRNA-132 may be associated with blood pressure and liver steatosis-preliminary observations in obese individuals
- Regulators of cholinergic signaling in disorders of the central nervous system
- Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification
- Single cell biology-a Keystone Symposia report
- Early sample tagging and pooling enables simultaneous SARS-CoV-2 detection and variant sequencing.
- When Is Unsupervised Disentanglement Possible?
- Stable brain loci for the processing of complex syntax: A review of the current neuroimaging evidence
- Extensive representation of sensory deviance in the responses to auditory gaps in unanesthetized rats
- An automated, low-latency environment for studying the neural basis of behavior in freely moving rats
- Multiple Timescales Account for Adaptive Responses across Sensory Cortices
- Testing quantitative magnetization transfer models with membrane lipids
- Single neuron responses to perceptual difficulty in the mouse auditory cortex
- Cellular communities reveal trajectories of brain ageing and Alzheimer’s disease
- Vocal labeling of others by nonhuman primates
- Reduced benefit from long-term item frequency contributes to short-term memory deficits in dyslexia
- A Rapid Anterior Auditory Processing Stream Through the Insulo-Parietal Auditory Field in the Rat
- Sound preferences in mice are sex-dependent
- Task-related activity in auditory cortex enhances sound representation
- Rats synchronize predictively to metronomes
- Investigating learning-independent abstract reasoning in artificial neural networks
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of locomotor decisions in Drosophila melanogaster
- Idiosyncratic choice bias and feedback-induced bias differ in their long-term dynamics
- On the Geometry of Somatosensory Representations in the Cortex
- Mri based system and method for detecting iron-related entities in a region of interest
- Contextual and pure time coding for self and other in the hippocampus
- Astrocytes control recent and remote memory strength by affecting the recruitment of the CA1→ACC projection to engrams
- Analyzing engram reactivation and long-range connectivity
- Engram stability and maturation during systems consolidation
- Perceptual anchoring: Children with dyslexia benefit less than controls from contextual repetitions in speech processing
- Reduced monitoring of task performance is an effective biomarker of autism
- Social and nonsocial synchrony are interrelated and romantically attractive
- A qMRI approach for mapping microscopic water populations and tissue relaxivity in the in vivo human brain
- Inferring DNA methylation in non-skeletal tissues of ancient specimens
- A theoretical framework for the assessment of water fraction-dependent longitudinal decay rates and magnetisation transfer in membrane lipid phantoms
- Value Modulation of Self-Defeating Impulsivity
- Is it me, or is A larger than B: Uncovering the determinants of relational cognitive dissonance resolution
- Untrained neural networks can demonstrate memorization-independent abstract reasoning
- Modeling the Centaur: Human-Machine Synergy in Sequential Decision Making
- Approximating R1 and R2: a quantitative approach to clinical weighted MRI
- Strong and reliable synaptic communication between pyramidal neurons in adult human Cerebral Cortex
- Strong and reliable synaptic communication between pyramidal neurons in adult human Cerebral Cortex
- High‐throughput morphometric and transcriptomic profiling uncovers composition of naïve and sensory‐deprived cortical cholinergic VIP/CHAT neurons
- Morpho-electric diversity of human hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons
- Mapping thalamic innervation to individual L2/3 pyramidal neurons and modeling their ‘readout’of visual input.
- Stability and flexibility of odor representations in the mouse olfactory bulb
- Synaptic input and ACh modulation regulate dendritic Ca2+ spike duration in pyramidal neurons, directly affecting their somatic output
- Statistical Emulation of Neural Simulators: Application to Neocortical L2/3 Large Basket Cells
- A cerebellar origin of feedforward inhibition to the motor cortex in non-human primates
- Disentangling acute motor deficits and adaptive responses evoked by the loss of cerebellar output
- Cerebellar output shapes cortical preparatory activity during motor adaptation