
Tenure-Track Position 2024-2025

Each year, the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem offers a tenure-track position to excellent early-career scientists with a strong interest in establishing active, innovative and interdisciplinary research programs in neuroscience.

We at ELSC provide a thriving interface between theoretical and experimental neuroscience across all levels, and build on the Hebrew University’s record of excellence and innovation in our multidisciplinary approach to brain science.

We offer:
     • State-of-the-art research facilities
     • State-of-the-art custom-built laboratories
     • A top-ranking, interdisciplinary Ph.D. program
     • An outstanding academic milieu
     • Competitive start-up funding

For more information, please contact us at brain@elsc.huji.ac.il 
or by phone at +972-2-658-6085

Mid-career candidates should contact ELSC directors at elsc-director@mail.huji.ac.il

Apply at http://ttp.huji.ac.il – go to the External Applicants tab and start by creating an account.


ELSC Members

“Working memory”