Paper of the month

Paper of the month – March 2021 (Mizrahi’s Lab)

Mizrahi’s Lab: Flexible categorization in the mouse olfactory bulb

Elena Kudryavitskaya, Eran Marom, Haran Shani-Narkiss, David Pash, Adi Mizrahi

Current Biology, 2021, ISSN 0960-9822 (2021)

Lay summary:

We show that odor representations by olfactory bulb mitral cells (MC) are highly flexible and correlate with behavioral meaning. We trained mice to classify odor stimuli in a multiple decision boundary task and imaged MC activity using two-photon imaging during behavior. We found that MC representations change flexibly based on odor value following category learning. In addition, we found that behavioral choice is a strong component in MC responses. Learning related changes in MCs were particularly evident as increase in suppressive response profiles suggesting an inhibitory mechanism of learning related changes.

“Working memory”