
Light induced sodium dependent accumulation of calcium and potassium in the extracellular space of bee retina

Intense illumination of long duration induced a large transientincrease in extracellular calcium (Δ[Ca2+]o) and potassium (Δ[K+]o) during and after light in bee retina when measured with ion-selective microelectrodes. Whenever a large Δ[Ca2+]oappeared, it was accompanied by a transient afterdepolarization (TA). Both the increase in [Ca2+]o, [K+]o and the TA were reduced or abolished when sodium was replaced by arginine, choline or lithium (Li+) ions. At 0-Na conditions a Na independentdecrease in [Ca2+]o was observed during illumination only. A pronounced transient depolarization of the photoreceptor in the dark due to transient anoxia did not result in a significant change in [Ca2+]o. In some retinae the elevated level of [K+]o after light was absent, however asmall Na-dependent TA was still observed. The above findings suggest that intense long illumination induces a large Ca2+ influx into the photoreceptors which is followed by Na-dependent Ca2+efflux due to Na-Ca exchange. The light-induced afterdepolarization arises mainly from K+ accumulation in the extracellular space but partially from the electrogenicity of Na-Ca exchange.

Authors: Minke, B. and M. Tsacopoulos
Year of publication: 1986
Journal: Vision Research, Volume 26, Issue 5, Pages 679-690

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