Billing info

The microscopy usage rates are valid for peak hours: Sunday-Thursday 09:00-17:00. A 60% discount is applicable for off-peak hours. Training sessions cost three times as much.

“Train a friend” promotion! Your lab will be reimbursed by 500 ILS for every researcher that a lab member trains on the confocal, multi-photon or light sheet microscopes. That includes both within-lab and across-lab training.
Each researcher is required to endure five minutes of personal safety training delivered by ECMU unit head, before using the confocal and multi-photon microscopes.
Our hourly usage rates [ILS/hour] are as follows:
UsersHUJIHUJIAcademic Non-HUJIIndustry 
Timepeak hoursoff-peak hoursany timeany time 
60% discount   
Asset    Comments
Wide-field microscope5020100400 
Confocal microscope10040200800
Mandatory laser safety training and on-site safety briefing.
Light-sheet microscope652665195
Two-photon microscope6526130520
Surgery room20840160 
(free for ELSC)
Not available20004000

“Working memory”