Lab Members

Dan Valsky

PhD Student

Interested in human microelectrode recordings in stereotactic neurosurgery for Deep Brain Stimulation

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Hagai Bergman

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Hagai Bergman

1. Valsky D, Marmor-Levin O, Deffains M, Eitan R, Blackwell KT, Bergman H, Israel Z. Stop! border ahead: Automatic detection of subthalamic exit during deep brain stimulation surgery. Journal of Movement Disorders, 2017;32(1):70-79. doi:10.1002/mds.26806

2. Valsky D, Blackwell KT, Tamir I, Eitan R, Bergman H, Israel Z. Real-time machine learning classification of pallidal borders during deep brain stimulation surgery. J Neural Eng. 2020;17(1):016021. Published 2020 Jan 6. doi:10.1088/1741-2552/ab53ac

3.Valsky D, Heiman Grosberg S, Israel Z, Boraud T, Bergman H, Deffains M. What is the true discharge rate and pattern of the striatal projection neurons in Parkinson’s disease and Dystonia? [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 19]. Elife. 2020;9:e57445. doi:10.7554/eLife.57445

Lab of Prof. Hagai Bergman

“Working memory”