Neurons – these aesthetic elementary microchips of the brain and their synapses change as they receive and transmit information. This enables us to learn and adapt to the complicated environment around us, have new ideas and create new “brain inspired” learning machines, Art and Science. A deep understanding of a computing and learning system such as our own brain requires understanding the computational and plastic functions of its basic components – the nerve cells, their synapses and the specific neuronal networks that they form. Our laboratory utilizes detailed computer simulations of detailed cortical circuits (as part of the Blue Brain Project), big data and machine learning approaches, and analytic methods to study the relationships between neurons’ geometry, network connectivity/plasticity and network dynamics. A recent challenge at the lab. is to understand the unique properties of Human cortical neurons and cortical circuits, measured in fresh human tissue obtained following brain operations, and in close collaboration with several international groups (under the “Cell Census” NIH BRAIN Initiative).
Idan Segev Lab
ELSC Members
Home » ELSC Members » Idan Segev
Nature (2021)
bioRxiv (2020)
bioRxiv (2020)
bioRxiv (2020)
bioRxiv (2020)
Cereb Cortex (2020)
Journal of Neuroscience, JN-RM-1470-21 (2021)
PLoS Comput Biol 17(11): e1009558. (2021)
Frontiers in Neural Circuits (2021)
Neuron, ISSN 0896-6273 (2021)
PLOS Computational Biology 17(5): e1009015 (2021)
eLife (2020)
Nat Commun 11, 288 (2019)
bioRxiv preprint first posted online May. 31, 2019 (2019)
bioRxiv preprint first posted online Apr. 18, 2019; (2019)
doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00181 (2018)
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2018) 8:5787 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-23998-9 (2018)
bioRxiv preprint first posted online Nov. 9, 2018; doi: (2018)
bioRxiv preprint (2018)
Cerebral Cortex, 2017; 1-17, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx226 (2017)
Nature Neuroscience, VOLUME 20 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2017 (2017)
Cell Reports 21, 1550-1561 (2017)
arXiv:1604.00087 (2016)
Frontiers Neuroanat., 10 June 2016 (2016)
Cerebral Cortex 26(8): 3655–3668. (2016)
Frontiers Neuroinform. 2016; 10: 17. (2016)
eLife 2016;5:e16553. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.16553 (2016)
Cereb Cortex; 25(12):4839-53 (2015)
Cereb Cortex. 25(10):3561-71 (2015)
Cell Volume 163, Issue 2, P456-492 (2015)
Front Neural Circuits; 9:44 (2015)
Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (24) 8063-8071 (2014)
PLOS Computational Biology | Volume 10 | Issue 8 | e1003775 (2014)
Cereb Cortex. 25(4): 849–858. (2013)
Front. Neural Circuits (2013)
J Neurophysiol. 109(12):2972-81 (2013)
Front Neural Circuits. 7: 116. (2013)
Cereb Cortex. 23(12):2994-3006. (2012)
PLOS Computational Biology 7:e1002133 (2012)
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Volume 6, Article 16 (2012)
Neuron; 75(2):330-41 (2012)
PLoS Computational Biology, Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e1002580 (2012)
PLoS Computational Biology | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e1002107 (2011)
J Neurophysiol 105:989-998 (2010)
J Neurophysiol. 101(6): 3226–3234 (2009)
Front Cell Neurosci. 13;2:3 (2008)
Biol Cybern. 99(4-5):371-9. (2008)
Idan Segev
Professor Emeritus
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 2, Room 1202, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
Neurons – these aesthetic elementary microchips of the brain and their synapses change as they receive and transmit information. This enables us to learn and adapt to the complicated environment around us, have new ideas and create new “brain inspired” learning machines, Art and Science. A deep understanding of a computing and learning system such as our own brain requires understanding the computational and plastic functions of its basic components – the nerve cells, their synapses and the specific neuronal networks that they form. Our laboratory utilizes detailed computer simulations of detailed cortical circuits (as part of the Blue Brain Project), big data and machine learning approaches, and analytic methods to study the relationships between neurons’ geometry, network connectivity/plasticity and network dynamics. A recent challenge at the lab. is to understand the unique properties of Human cortical neurons and cortical circuits, measured in fresh human tissue obtained following brain operations, and in close collaboration with several international groups (under the “Cell Census” NIH BRAIN Initiative).
Nature (2021)
bioRxiv (2020)
bioRxiv (2020)
bioRxiv (2020)
bioRxiv (2020)
Cereb Cortex (2020)
Journal of Neuroscience, JN-RM-1470-21 (2021)
PLoS Comput Biol 17(11): e1009558. (2021)
Frontiers in Neural Circuits (2021)
Neuron, ISSN 0896-6273 (2021)
PLOS Computational Biology 17(5): e1009015 (2021)
eLife (2020)
Nat Commun 11, 288 (2019)
bioRxiv preprint first posted online May. 31, 2019 (2019)
bioRxiv preprint first posted online Apr. 18, 2019; (2019)
doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00181 (2018)
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2018) 8:5787 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-23998-9 (2018)
bioRxiv preprint first posted online Nov. 9, 2018; doi: (2018)
bioRxiv preprint (2018)
Cerebral Cortex, 2017; 1-17, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx226 (2017)
Nature Neuroscience, VOLUME 20 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2017 (2017)
Cell Reports 21, 1550-1561 (2017)
arXiv:1604.00087 (2016)
Frontiers Neuroanat., 10 June 2016 (2016)
Cerebral Cortex 26(8): 3655–3668. (2016)
Frontiers Neuroinform. 2016; 10: 17. (2016)
eLife 2016;5:e16553. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.16553 (2016)
Cereb Cortex; 25(12):4839-53 (2015)
Cereb Cortex. 25(10):3561-71 (2015)
Cell Volume 163, Issue 2, P456-492 (2015)
Front Neural Circuits; 9:44 (2015)
Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (24) 8063-8071 (2014)
PLOS Computational Biology | Volume 10 | Issue 8 | e1003775 (2014)
Cereb Cortex. 25(4): 849–858. (2013)
Front. Neural Circuits (2013)
J Neurophysiol. 109(12):2972-81 (2013)
Front Neural Circuits. 7: 116. (2013)
Cereb Cortex. 23(12):2994-3006. (2012)
PLOS Computational Biology 7:e1002133 (2012)
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Volume 6, Article 16 (2012)
Neuron; 75(2):330-41 (2012)
PLoS Computational Biology, Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e1002580 (2012)
PLoS Computational Biology | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e1002107 (2011)
J Neurophysiol 105:989-998 (2010)
J Neurophysiol. 101(6): 3226–3234 (2009)
Front Cell Neurosci. 13;2:3 (2008)
Biol Cybern. 99(4-5):371-9. (2008)
Idan Segev
Professor Emeritus
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 2, Room 1202, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401