Our research group use physiological (multiple electrode) tools to explore the computation physiology of the basal ganglia, their disorders and therapy. We record the activity of several neurons in the different basal ganglia nuclei during behavioral tasks and over the wake-sleep cycle. We do it before and after induction of disease-like state (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia) in animal models and in human patients undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) procedures. Our goal is to provide better understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of the basal ganglia, and to use this understanding to develop better methods for treatment (eg closed-loop DBS).
Hagai Bergman Lab
ELSC Members
Home » ELSC Members » Hagai Bergman
Open Positions
Additional Information
Simone and Bernard Guttman Chair in Brain Research
The French Friends Parkinson’s Laboratory
Liu X, Xu Y, Bergman H, Li S, Wang W.
Neurosurg Rev. (2021)
Sand D, Arkadir D, Abu Snineh M, Marmor O, Israel Z, Bergman H, Hassin-Baer S, Israeli-Korn S, Peremen Z, Geva AB, Eitan R.
Front Syst Neurosci. (2021)
Iskhakova, L. P. Rappel, G. Fonar , O. Marmor, R. Paz , Z. Israel , R. Eitan, H. Bergman
bioRxiv (2021)
Mizrahi-Kliger, A. D., A. Kaplan, Z. Israel, M. Deffains, and H. Bergman.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2020)
Valsky D, Heiman Grosberg S, Israel Z, Boraud T, Bergman H, Deffains M.
Elife (2020)
Nir Asch, Yehuda Herschman, Rotem Maoz, Carmel Aurbach-Asch, Dan Valsky, Muneer Abu-Snineh, David Arkadir, Eduard Linetsky, Renana Eitan, Odeya Marmor, Hagai Bergman and Zvi Israel;
Brain communications (2020)
Benady A, Zadik S, Eimerl D, Heymann S, Bergman H, Israel Z, Raz A.
Sci Rep. (2020)
L. Iskhakova, P. Rappel, M. Deffains, G. Fonar, O. Marmor, R. Paz, Z. Israel, R. Eitan & H. Bergman
Nat Commun 12, 7026 (2021)
Jing Guang, Halen Baker, Orilia Ben-Yishay Nizri, Shimon Firman, Uri Werner-Reiss, Vadim Kapuller, Zvi Israel & Hagai Bergman
npj Parkinson’s Disease (2021)
Kaplan, A., Mizrahi-Kliger, A.D., Israel, Z. et al.
Nat Neurosci 23, 556–564 (2020)
Menchón, J.M., Real, E., Alonso, P. et al.
Mol Psychiatry (2019)
Snineh MA, Hajyahya A, Linetsky E, Eitan R, Bergman H, Israel Z, Arkadir D
Journal of Parkinson's Disease (2019)
Eitan R, Arkadir D, Linetsky E, Bick AS, Gilad M, Freedman S, Bergman H, Israel Z
Harefua, Issue 158, Volume 7, Pages 418-422 (2019)
Shamir RR, Duchin Y, Kim J, Patriat R, Marmor O, Bergman H, Vitek JL, Sapiro G, Bick A, Eliahou R, Eitan R, Israel Z, Harel N
Neurosurgery, 84, no. 3, 749–757 (2019)
Marmor O, Rappel P, Valsky D, Bick AS, Arkadir D, Linetzky E, Peled O, Tamir I, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R
Neurobiology of Disease, 104716 (2019)
Ben Engelhard, Ran Darshan, Nofar Ozeri-Engelhard, Zvi Israel, Uri Werner-Reiss, David Hansel, Hagai Bergman, Eilon Vaadia
bioRxiv (2019)
Marc Deffains, Hagai Bergma
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders (2019)
Valsky D, Blackwell K, Tamir I, Eitan R, Bergman H, Israel Z
Journal of Neural Engineering (2019)
Rappel P, Grosberg S, Arkadir D, Linetsky E, Abu Snineh M, Bick AS, Tamir I, Valsky D, Marmor O, Abo Foul Y, Peled O, Gilad M, Daudi C, Ben-Naim S, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R.
Movement Disorders (2019) (2019)
Wichmann T, Bergman H, DeLong MR
Journal of Neural Transmission, Volume 125, Issue 3, pp 419–430 (2018)
Mizrahi-Kliger, Kaplan, Israel and Bergman
PNAS, 115 (18) E4274-E4283 (2018)
Deffains M, Iskhakova L, Katabi S, Israel Z, Bergman H.
Movement disorders. 33(10):1609-1618 (2018)
Ashkan K, Rogers P, Bergman H, Ughratdar I
Nature Reviews Neurology, volume 13, pages 548–554 (2017)
Marmor O, Valsky D, Joshua M, Bick AS, Arkadir D, Tamir I, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R.
Journal of Neurophysiology 117(6):2140-2151 (2017)
Israel, Z, Bergman H.
Movement disorders, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 259-259 (2016)
Schechtman, E, Noblejas M I, Mizrahi AD, Dauber O, Bergman H.
PNAS, 113 (41) E6281-E6289 (2016)
Deffains, M, Iskhakova L, Bergman H.
Neuron, Volume 89, Issue 2, Pages 237-239 (2016)
Deffains, Iskhakova, Katabi, Haber, Israel & Bergman
eLife 2016;5:e16443 (2016)
Soreq, L., Salomonis, N., Guffanti, A., Bergman, H., Israel, Z. and Soreq, H.
Genomics Data, Volume 3, Pages 57-60 (2015)
Soreq, L., Guffanti, A., Salomonis, N., Simchovitz, A., Israel, Z., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Plos computational biology, 10(3):e1003517 (2014)
Soreq, L., Bergman, H., Israel, Z. and Soreq, H.
BMC Genomics, 14:478 (2013)
Adler A, Katabi S, Finkes I, Prut Y, Bergman H
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:47 (2013)
Adler A, Finkes I, Katabi S, Prut Y, Bergman H
Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (11) 4854-4866 (2013)
Engelhard B, Ozeri N, Israel Z, Bergman H, Vaadia E.
Neuron; 77(2):361-75 (2013)
Soreq, L., Salomonis, N., Bronstein, M., Greenberg, D.S., Israel, Z. Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 6, article 10, 20 pp (2013)
BenMoyal-Segal, L., Soreq, L., Ben-Shaul, Y., Ben-Ari, S., Ben-Moshe, T., Aviel, S., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Neurodegenerative Disease 9, 87-98 (2012)
Soreq, L., Israel, Z., Greenberg, D.S., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 16, 1496-1507 (2012)
Soreq, L., Greenberg, D.S., Bergman, H., Israel, Z. and Soreq, H.
Neurodegenerative Disease 10, 203-206 (2012)
Soreq, L., Ben-Shaul, Y., Israel, Z., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Neurobiology of Disease, Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 1018-1030 (2012)
R.R. Shamir, A. Zaidel, L. Joskowicz, H. Bergan, Z. Israel
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 90(5):325-335 (2012)
Adler A, Katabi S, Finkes I, Israel Z, Prut Y, Bergman H.
Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (7) 2473-2484; (2012)
Rosin B, Slovik M, Mitelman R, Rivlin-Etzion M, Haber SN, Israel Z, Vaadia E, Bergman H.
Neuron, 72(2), 370-384 (2011)
Adler, A, Joshua M, Rivlin-Etzion M, Mitelman R, Marmor O, Prut Y, Bergman H.
Journal of neurophysiology. 103(1):346-59 (2010)
Joshua, M. Adler, A. and Bergman, H.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8;3:2 (2010)
Zaidel A, Spivak A, Grieb B, Bergman H, Israel Z.
Brain. 133(Pt 7):2007-21 (2010)
Mitelman, R, Joshua M, Adler A, Bergman H.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 178, Issue 2, Pages 350-356 (2009)
Joshua, M, Adler A, Rosin B, Vaadia E, Bergman H.
Journal of neurophysiology, Volume 101, Issue 2, Pages 758-772 (2009)
Joshua M, Adler A, Prut Y, Vaadia E, Wickens JR, Bergman H.
Neuron. 62(5):695-704 (2009)
Joshua, M, Adler, A. and Bergman, H.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 19, Issue 6, Pages 615-620 (2009)
Soreq L, Israel Z, Bergman H, Soreq H.
J Neuroimmunol. 2008 Sep 15;201-202:227-36. (2008)
At this time there are no available positions in the lab.
Michael Bruno Memorial Award in 2003
Baruch Rapport prize for excellence in bio-medical research in 2013
the Rotchild prize in life science 2016
Michael Bruno Memorial Award in 2003
Baruch Rapport prize for excellence in bio-medical research in 2013
the Rotchild prize in life science 2016

Hagai Bergman
Email: hagaibe@ekmd.huji.ac.il
Phone: +972-2-6757388
Fax: +972-2-6439736
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1304 Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1304 Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
Simone and Bernard Guttman Chair in Brain Research
The French Friends Parkinson’s Laboratory
Our research group use physiological (multiple electrode) tools to explore the computation physiology of the basal ganglia, their disorders and therapy. We record the activity of several neurons in the different basal ganglia nuclei during behavioral tasks and over the wake-sleep cycle. We do it before and after induction of disease-like state (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia) in animal models and in human patients undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) procedures. Our goal is to provide better understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of the basal ganglia, and to use this understanding to develop better methods for treatment (eg closed-loop DBS).
Liu X, Xu Y, Bergman H, Li S, Wang W.
Neurosurg Rev. (2021)
Sand D, Arkadir D, Abu Snineh M, Marmor O, Israel Z, Bergman H, Hassin-Baer S, Israeli-Korn S, Peremen Z, Geva AB, Eitan R.
Front Syst Neurosci. (2021)
Iskhakova, L. P. Rappel, G. Fonar , O. Marmor, R. Paz , Z. Israel , R. Eitan, H. Bergman
bioRxiv (2021)
Mizrahi-Kliger, A. D., A. Kaplan, Z. Israel, M. Deffains, and H. Bergman.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2020)
Valsky D, Heiman Grosberg S, Israel Z, Boraud T, Bergman H, Deffains M.
Elife (2020)
Nir Asch, Yehuda Herschman, Rotem Maoz, Carmel Aurbach-Asch, Dan Valsky, Muneer Abu-Snineh, David Arkadir, Eduard Linetsky, Renana Eitan, Odeya Marmor, Hagai Bergman and Zvi Israel;
Brain communications (2020)
Benady A, Zadik S, Eimerl D, Heymann S, Bergman H, Israel Z, Raz A.
Sci Rep. (2020)
L. Iskhakova, P. Rappel, M. Deffains, G. Fonar, O. Marmor, R. Paz, Z. Israel, R. Eitan & H. Bergman
Nat Commun 12, 7026 (2021)
Jing Guang, Halen Baker, Orilia Ben-Yishay Nizri, Shimon Firman, Uri Werner-Reiss, Vadim Kapuller, Zvi Israel & Hagai Bergman
npj Parkinson’s Disease (2021)
Kaplan, A., Mizrahi-Kliger, A.D., Israel, Z. et al.
Nat Neurosci 23, 556–564 (2020)
Menchón, J.M., Real, E., Alonso, P. et al.
Mol Psychiatry (2019)
Snineh MA, Hajyahya A, Linetsky E, Eitan R, Bergman H, Israel Z, Arkadir D
Journal of Parkinson’s Disease (2019)
Eitan R, Arkadir D, Linetsky E, Bick AS, Gilad M, Freedman S, Bergman H, Israel Z
Harefua, Issue 158, Volume 7, Pages 418-422 (2019)
Shamir RR, Duchin Y, Kim J, Patriat R, Marmor O, Bergman H, Vitek JL, Sapiro G, Bick A, Eliahou R, Eitan R, Israel Z, Harel N
Neurosurgery, 84, no. 3, 749–757 (2019)
Marmor O, Rappel P, Valsky D, Bick AS, Arkadir D, Linetzky E, Peled O, Tamir I, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R
Neurobiology of Disease, 104716 (2019)
Ben Engelhard, Ran Darshan, Nofar Ozeri-Engelhard, Zvi Israel, Uri Werner-Reiss, David Hansel, Hagai Bergman, Eilon Vaadia
bioRxiv (2019)
Marc Deffains, Hagai Bergma
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders (2019)
Valsky D, Blackwell K, Tamir I, Eitan R, Bergman H, Israel Z
Journal of Neural Engineering (2019)
Rappel P, Grosberg S, Arkadir D, Linetsky E, Abu Snineh M, Bick AS, Tamir I, Valsky D, Marmor O, Abo Foul Y, Peled O, Gilad M, Daudi C, Ben-Naim S, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R.
Movement Disorders (2019) (2019)
Wichmann T, Bergman H, DeLong MR
Journal of Neural Transmission, Volume 125, Issue 3, pp 419–430 (2018)
Mizrahi-Kliger, Kaplan, Israel and Bergman
PNAS, 115 (18) E4274-E4283 (2018)
Deffains M, Iskhakova L, Katabi S, Israel Z, Bergman H.
Movement disorders. 33(10):1609-1618 (2018)
Ashkan K, Rogers P, Bergman H, Ughratdar I
Nature Reviews Neurology, volume 13, pages 548–554 (2017)
Marmor O, Valsky D, Joshua M, Bick AS, Arkadir D, Tamir I, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R.
Journal of Neurophysiology 117(6):2140-2151 (2017)
Israel, Z, Bergman H.
Movement disorders, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 259-259 (2016)
Schechtman, E, Noblejas M I, Mizrahi AD, Dauber O, Bergman H.
PNAS, 113 (41) E6281-E6289 (2016)
Deffains, M, Iskhakova L, Bergman H.
Neuron, Volume 89, Issue 2, Pages 237-239 (2016)
Deffains, Iskhakova, Katabi, Haber, Israel & Bergman
eLife 2016;5:e16443 (2016)
Soreq, L., Salomonis, N., Guffanti, A., Bergman, H., Israel, Z. and Soreq, H.
Genomics Data, Volume 3, Pages 57-60 (2015)
Soreq, L., Guffanti, A., Salomonis, N., Simchovitz, A., Israel, Z., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Plos computational biology, 10(3):e1003517 (2014)
Soreq, L., Bergman, H., Israel, Z. and Soreq, H.
BMC Genomics, 14:478 (2013)
Adler A, Katabi S, Finkes I, Prut Y, Bergman H
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:47 (2013)
Adler A, Finkes I, Katabi S, Prut Y, Bergman H
Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (11) 4854-4866 (2013)
Engelhard B, Ozeri N, Israel Z, Bergman H, Vaadia E.
Neuron; 77(2):361-75 (2013)
Soreq, L., Salomonis, N., Bronstein, M., Greenberg, D.S., Israel, Z. Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 6, article 10, 20 pp (2013)
BenMoyal-Segal, L., Soreq, L., Ben-Shaul, Y., Ben-Ari, S., Ben-Moshe, T., Aviel, S., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Neurodegenerative Disease 9, 87-98 (2012)
Soreq, L., Israel, Z., Greenberg, D.S., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 16, 1496-1507 (2012)
Soreq, L., Greenberg, D.S., Bergman, H., Israel, Z. and Soreq, H.
Neurodegenerative Disease 10, 203-206 (2012)
Soreq, L., Ben-Shaul, Y., Israel, Z., Bergman, H. and Soreq, H.
Neurobiology of Disease, Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 1018-1030 (2012)
R.R. Shamir, A. Zaidel, L. Joskowicz, H. Bergan, Z. Israel
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 90(5):325-335 (2012)
Adler A, Katabi S, Finkes I, Israel Z, Prut Y, Bergman H.
Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (7) 2473-2484; (2012)
Rosin B, Slovik M, Mitelman R, Rivlin-Etzion M, Haber SN, Israel Z, Vaadia E, Bergman H.
Neuron, 72(2), 370-384 (2011)
Adler, A, Joshua M, Rivlin-Etzion M, Mitelman R, Marmor O, Prut Y, Bergman H.
Journal of neurophysiology. 103(1):346-59 (2010)
Joshua, M. Adler, A. and Bergman, H.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8;3:2 (2010)
Zaidel A, Spivak A, Grieb B, Bergman H, Israel Z.
Brain. 133(Pt 7):2007-21 (2010)
Mitelman, R, Joshua M, Adler A, Bergman H.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 178, Issue 2, Pages 350-356 (2009)
Joshua, M, Adler A, Rosin B, Vaadia E, Bergman H.
Journal of neurophysiology, Volume 101, Issue 2, Pages 758-772 (2009)
Joshua M, Adler A, Prut Y, Vaadia E, Wickens JR, Bergman H.
Neuron. 62(5):695-704 (2009)
Joshua, M, Adler, A. and Bergman, H.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 19, Issue 6, Pages 615-620 (2009)
Soreq L, Israel Z, Bergman H, Soreq H.
J Neuroimmunol. 2008 Sep 15;201-202:227-36. (2008)
At this time there are no available positions in the lab.
Michael Bruno Memorial Award in 2003
Baruch Rapport prize for excellence in bio-medical research in 2013
the Rotchild prize in life science 2016
Michael Bruno Memorial Award in 2003
Baruch Rapport prize for excellence in bio-medical research in 2013
the Rotchild prize in life science 2016

Hagai Bergman
Email: hagaibe@ekmd.huji.ac.il
Phone: +972-2-6757388
Fax: +972-2-6439736
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1304 Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1304 Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401