Welcome to the FabLab The ELSC fabrication laboratory (or FabLab) is a platform for designing and prototyping hardware solutions for neuroscience experiments. The workshop is equipped with advanced analog and automated machines (such as 3D printers and CNC milling machines) that enable the FabLab to manufacture custom-made solutions from a variety of materials.
The FabLab invites researchers to invent and design any instrument they may require in the service of their science.
Operated by an industrial designer and a mechanical technician, the FabLab provides services in measuring, designing, planning and fabricating to help researchers construct a prototype. Prior to design, each project idea is examined at the site in which the experiment will be performed, ensuring a perfect fit for the needs of the researcher.
Alongside the Fablab you can make your own projects independently in the Makerspace. If you eager to “Do it yourself”, or at least to make your own prototype before manufacturing in the Fablab, a fleet of automatic machines are there for needs- 3D printers, laser cutting and manual tools.
The goal of the FabLab is to provide fast and professional in-house solutions, as well as to share knowledge of design and construction. The FabLab supports the creativity of ELSC researchers, helping identify potential obstacles to an experiment and then designing appropriate solutions.
For additional information, guidelines & safety, training and to create a project please click here