Become a user
Our microscopes are bookable through BookitLab.
New users should register to BookitLab by clicking the blue ‘HUJI University Login’ button, relate themselves to their lab and ask their lab manager to approve their lab membership.
New users should register to BookitLab by clicking the blue ‘HUJI University Login’ button, relate themselves to their lab and ask their lab manager to approve their lab membership.
You may then book yourself a microscope through this link.
Laser scanning microscopes (confocal, multi-photon and light-sheet) necessitate both an institutional laser safety training and a 5-minute on-site safety briefing.
Confocal microscope users are kindly asked to carefully read our usage instructions and undergo on-site or virtual training in addition to the safety training and briefing.
Laser scanning microscopes (confocal, multi-photon and light-sheet) necessitate both an institutional laser safety training and a 5-minute on-site safety briefing.
Confocal microscope users are kindly asked to carefully read our usage instructions and undergo on-site or virtual training in addition to the safety training and briefing.