ELSC Core Microscopy

The ELSC Core Microscopy Unit (ECMU) is a shared facility providing microscopy services to you, the ELSC community. The ECMU houses top-of-the-line multi-photon, confocal, light-sheet and wide-field fluorescence microscopes in our 150 m² lab space. Our philosophy is based on trust. As such we are here for you for any scientific question or inquiry, and we offer free access to the unit’s microscopy and analysis resources 24/7/365. From our users, we expect that you respect our equipment and our time.
The ECMU aspires to share the latest neuro-photonical knowledge across ELSC labs and to optimize microscopy-related procedures and image processing pipelines. As an ELSC researcher, you are entitled to free consulting services, aimed at quickly identifying the most suitable imaging technique for your biological questions. We will also hold specialized workshops on useful tools.
Neuro-photonical consulting: