Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Program in Brain Sciences
Useful Information
Visa to Israel
It is recommended that students planning to arrive in Israel for a post-doctoral internship acquire a multiple-entry A/2 student visa from the Israeli Consulate in their country of residence before arriving in Israel. This visa is generally issued for 12 months; thus students who are coming for the year are advised to obtain the visa close to their date of departure. If needed, the visa can be extended yearly until the end of the student’s studies.
If you are coming with family (spouse and/or child) they should acquire multiple-entry accompanying family A/4 visa prior to arrival in Israel. Please bring with you copies of your marriage license and your children’s birth certificates (official English translations), as applicable.
Please note that holders of A/2 student visas and A/4 accompanying family visas are not allowed to work in Israel. Students are allowed to receive fellowships.
Health Insurance
All students at the Hebrew University, including part-time and external students, must have health insurance coverage for the period of their studies.
Postdoctoral students:
For issuing a health insurance, please fill the form and email it to Elinor Drachsler.
Please call to confirm receipt of the form and discuss terms of payment – tel: 02-5880258

As an international student, you can now benefit from the student services provided by the Office of Student Life (OSL) at the Rothberg International School. The goal of the student service package is to help you adjust to life on campus and in Jerusalem. OSL will provide practical support throughout your time at the Hebrew University, from admission until departure. Besides support services, the office provides social and cultural extracurricular activities to enhance your time at the university.
The services which are currently available include:
Pre-arrival contact and information:
– ‘Get Acquainted’ meeting and orientation
– Acclimatization consultation (health insurance, Israeli bank account, ‘Rav Kav’ transportation card, SIM card)
– Friendly contact and fast response to inquiries
– Connection with relevant HUJI authorities
– Care and support during emergencies
– Hebrew classes for beginners
– Psychological services
– Social activities
Contact information for visiting research fellows, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers:
Yehuda Hersh, SSP Coordinator for International Research Students,
Rothberg International School
Edmond J. Safra Campus: Administration Building, Room 114, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00-15:00
Mount Scopus Campus: Boyar Building, Room 401, Sundays and Wednesdays 9:00-15:00
Ein Kerem Campus: By appointment
Phone: +97225882924
Visiting Research Fellows, Doctoral Students, Post-Doctoral Researcher on Facebook