**This event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic**
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is proud to host the CRCNS 2020 PI meeting. CRCNS (Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience, https://nsf.gov/crcns) is a research program dedicated to the support of computational neuroscience, and is managed by an international consortium of funding agencies, including US (NSF and NIH), France (ANR), Germany (BMBF), Israel (BSF), and Japan (NICT).
This year’s CRCNS conference will be hosted by ELSC at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The meeting will take place over two full days at the Goodman building, the new research building hosting ELSC. The conference will bring together researchers in computational neuroscience, as well as the funder program officers.
Call for Abstracts – CRCNS 2020
The CRCNS 2020 organizing committee invites researchers in computational neuroscience to submit abstracts for presentation during the annual CRCNS 2020 PI Meeting. The conference is open to anyone interested in computational neuroscience, and is not limited to CRCNS program participants. Presentations will be accepted as either contributed talks or posters. Notification of acceptance and the form of the presentation will be sent as soon as possible following the submission deadline.
The CRCNS 2020 PI meeting will take place 29-30 June 2020.
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building
Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
The program will be updated soon. As usual, the single-track meeting will include keynote presentations, contributed talks, and poster sessions.
Abstract submission
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30 April, 2020.
Abstracts are to be submitted through online form. Abstract length should not be more than 4000 characters. If absolutely necessary PDFs of any charts, images or text formatting that are essential for the review process may be sent via email to crcns2020@mail.huji.ac.il, after you have first completed the online submission.
If you have trouble submitting your abstract through the online form, or have any questions about the submission requirements or process, please contact us by email at crcns2020@mail.huji.ac.il.
To register to CRCNS 2020, please complete and submit this form.
The following fees apply:
Faculty and government employees: $185; early registration discount: $160
Students and postdoctoral researchers: $60; early registration discount: $50
Early registration deadline: 30 April, 2020.
Refreshments and lunch on both conference days are included in the registration fees. Participants are responsible for their own evening meals, travel and accommodation costs.
Payment is to be made by credit card.
To request a formal confirmation of your registration, please email crcns2020@mail.huji.ac.il.
If you have any questions regarding registering or fees for attending CRCNS 2020, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: crcns2020@mail.huji.ac.il
Hotel Accommodation
We are currently negotiating special offers for attendees of CRCNS 2020 at certain hotels in Jerusalem. A list of recommended hotels and special offers will be published online on 1 March, 2020.
The CRCNS 2020 organizing committee:
Prof. Israel Nelken (Hebrew University), Prof. Jackie Schiller (Technion), Prof. Tatyana Sharpee (Salk Institute), and Dr. David Omer (Hebrew University)