Short term memory to tones (STMT) was investigated by recording single unit activity in the auditory cortex of a behaving monkey. The activity of each unit was studied in two behavioral conditions: a) During task performance, the monkey had to compare two tones separated by one second of silence (inter-stimulus interval). b) During a non-performing period; the monkey heard the two tones but did not respond behaviorally. It was noted that the firing rate of many units during the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) was dependent on the frequency of the first tone. Such dependency was observed even towards the end of the ISI, both during task performance trials (50% of the units) and during the non-performing period (32% of the units). The activity of these units could be the basis of STMT in both of these behavioral states. In 65% of all the units tested, the responses during the ISI were of a higher magnitude in the performance period than were the responses in the non-performance period. The activity of these units may be related either to general processes such as attention and expectation or to short-term memory processes. During task performance, the responses of 23% of the units to the second tone were dependent on whether its frequency was identical to that of the first tone. Such dependency was never observed during the non-performing period. These units may detect similarity or non similarity between two tones presented one second apart. Periodic patterns of firing were not found in the study, thus suggesting that the ISI responses were not generated by reverberatory activity in simple closed loops. On the basis of these results, several alternative mechanisms of STMT are suggested.
Home » Publications » Single unit activity in the auditory cortex of a monkey performing a short term memory task
Single unit activity in the auditory cortex of a monkey performing a short term memory task
Authors: Gottlieb Y, Vaadia E, Abeles M.
Year of publication: 1989
Journal: Exp Brain Res. 1989;74(1):139-48.
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