Service & support

The EVCF offers a comprehensive toolbox of essential vector technologies and services:

    • Consulting service for the researchers

Support on experimental design, manufacturing and use of custom vectors.
Information and expert guidance in all vectors-related research aspects.

    • rAAV vectors

EVCF provides inventory (ready to use) and can manufacture tailor-made vectors upon demand, for specific in vitro and in vivo applications in three convenient scales. Samples can be provided in small (“Express AAV” – 0.3 ml), medium (0.6 ml) and large (up to 1.5 ml) volumes. rAAV vectors are available in AAV1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, DJ, Retro, PHP.B and PHP.S serotypes.

    • rLV vectors

Tailor-made rLV vectors can be manufactured upon request; optional on-site training is also available.
rLV vectors can be supplied as a crude preparation supernatant for infecting cells in vitro or as purified and concentrated vector preparations for in vivo experiments.

    • Vector design 

EVCF offers the subcloning of the new DNA constructs for the subsequent viral vectors manufacturing.
Wide array of genes for fluorescent marker proteins, bicistronic constructs and tissue-specific promoters and a library of relevant genes for the neuroscience applications are available from EVCF repository.

    • Plasmid DNA amplification and analysis

DNA amplification (midi/maxi preps)
Restriction enzyme digestions 

    • Quality control analysis for the viral vectors

Determination of genomic titer by qPCR
Vector infection in vitro assay

“Working memory”