About Us

Contact us:
Lee Ashkenazi
Administration & Helsinki Coordinator
Telefax: +972-2-549-4799
Email: lee.ash@mail.huji.ac.il

Mailing address:
ELSC Neuroimaging Unit
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
High-Tech Village, 3/13 Pavilion
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Edmond J. Safra Campus
Jerusalem 91904

By car or by foot:  type “היחידה לדימות מוחי” in Waze, or click here for Waze directions (mobile only)
By public transportation: take Egged bus line 68 or 69, and get off at the Zweig Dormitories stop (Stop ID 1302). From there it is a five-minute walk.
Click here for a printable campus map with directions to the ENU.

“Working memory”