Walaa Oweis
Postdoctoral student in Professor Eran Meshorer Lab. I am working on the identification of pathological pathways in Huntington’s disease.
Ph.D., Genetics, Institute of Life Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J.Safra Campus, Givat Ram, Jerusalem.
Prof. Eran Meshorer Lab.
Research topic: Cellular systems for the identification of pathological pathways in Huntington’s disease.
M.Sc., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Institute of Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC), Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem.
Prof. Reuven Wiener Lab.
Research topic: Characterization of the structural dynamics of the Ufm1 activating enzyme, Uba5.
B.Sc., Life Science (Biology), Hebrew University, Jerusalem.