Lab Members

Odeya Marmor

PhD Student

I graduated with a B.A. in medical sciences (2005) and an M.Sc. in medical neurobiology (2008), both from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In my M.Sc. research, I focused on a primate model for Parkinson’s disease, investigating the cortico-basal ganglia pathway towards the development of closed-loop Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) treatment for Parkinson’s disease. In my Phd, I focus on Deep Brain stimulation for human patients with Parkinson’s disease and obsessive compulsive disorder.

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Hagai Bergman

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Hagai Bergman

1. Marmor O, Rapple P, Valsky D, Bick A, Arkadir D, Tamir I, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R (2018). Movement context modulates neuronal activity in motor and limbic-associative domains of the human subthalamic nucleus. BioRxiv BIORXIV/2018/392936

2. Rappel P*, Marmor O*, Bick A, Arkadir D, Linetsky E, Catrioto A, Tamir I, Freedman S, Mevorach T, Bergman H , Israel Z, Eitan, R. (2018). Subthalamic Theta Activity: A Novel Human Subcortical Biomarker for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Trans Psychiatry 8(1):118. *with equal contribution.

3. Marmor O, Valsky D, Joshua M, Bick AS, Arkadir D, Tamir I, Bergman H, Israel Z, Eitan R (2017). Local vs. volume conductance activity of field potentials in the human subthalamic nucleus. J Neurophysiol. 117(6):2140-2151.

Other Supervisors: Zvi Israel

“Working memory”