Becker Auditorium, Goodman Brain Sciences Building.
ELSC and the ENU are hosting the Israeli Human Neuroimaging conference on May 27, 2019. Our vision is to establish a yearly get-together, where we can exchange ideas and knowledge and present our research to peers in Israel. We feel that such a forum, which deals specifically with human neuroimaging, is missing at the moment, and hope that together with you we can make this happen for the benefit of all of us.
Videos available on our YouTube channel:
Full list of abstracts and authors: Posters and Oral Presentations (updated 16/07/2019).
Full program (updated 23/05/2019).
The conference’s aim is to discuss and present new scientific work in any cognitive or methodological topic that relates to neuroimaging in humans and uses neuroimaging techniques such as MRI, EEG, eCoG, or TMS. The date was chosen as it precedes the international HBM conference by two weeks. We encourage researchers to use this opportunity to present research to the local crowd as well as to get feedback. We consider this initiative to be an all-Israeli event so we encourage students and faculty from all academic institutes to participate.
Keynote speaker: Prof. Angelika Lingnau (affiliated institute?), on the topic of “The role of the lateral occipitotemporal cortex in action processing – evidence from human fMRI and MEG”
Abstract Submission:
The event will include oral and poster presentations. You are encouraged to submit your abstract.
NOTE: If you want to submit figures with your abstract, please do so via this email address. Abstracts submitted this way still need to comply with the guidelines below.
Abstract guidelines:
The deadline for submitting an abstract is April 8, 2019. Please state if you prefer poster or oral presentation.
Abstracts should be formatted to include the following (OHBM guidelines):
- Title – 100 characters
- Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions – 4,000 Total Character Limit (includes spaces)
- Figures (optional / maximum 2) – submit by mail
- References
Poster presentation – requirements and limitations:
- Required poster dimensions will be sent with abstract acceptance. (We will match our requirements with those of the OHBM for your convenience.)
Oral presentations – requirements and limitations:
- Oral presentations will be 12 minutes long.
Participation is free. Free lunch will be provided only for registered attendants!
This year we will meet at ELSC, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, on May 27th for a day of lectures and presentations. The event will take place at the ELSC Goodman Building, Safra campus (Givat Ram).
You should be able to enter campus grounds with your car upon presenting this invitation. Please park only in valid parking spots so as not to disturb university traffic. Note that parking spaces inside and outside the campus are scarce! Make sure you arrive on time, as walking from the university gate to the building takes about 20 minutes!

Further information: lee.ash@mail.huji.ac.il