ELSC: Becker Auditorium, Goodman Brain Sciences Building.

On June 18-20 we celebrated ELSC’s 10th anniversary in an international conference, “Brainy Days in Jerusalem: An Interdisciplinary Celebration”. This was the third conference in a series of meetings that aim to bring together scientists from different fields of neuroscience to discuss common topics from many points of view. The conference, organized by Prof. Israel Nelken, Prof. Merav Ahissar, Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein and Dr. Inbal Goshen, was a great success. Nine speakers from all around the world and nine local speakers gave fascinating talks to a crowd of over 250 eager listeners from ELSC and other research institutions. The conference was held in the impressive Goodman Brain Sciences Building, which served as the perfect background to the cutting edge studies presented by the speakers.
Videos available on our YouTube channel:
Cocktail party: Celebrating ELSC’s 10th anniversary – photos:
Brainy days in Jerusalem – 3rd edition, expresses the deep commitment of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center to interdisciplinary research. Leading scientists from Israel, US and Europe will discuss topics ranging from molecular events underlying synaptic plasticity, to cognitive functions in humans and in animal models. The integration of the three pillars of neuroscience: Biology, cognition and theory, lies at the center of this exciting scientific event.
>> Registration – closed (There is no registration fee)
>> Agenda and Sessions (updated 16/06/2019)Please notice change in the schedule on Wednesday, June 19, Prof. Ofer Yizhar will be giving his lecture at 12:30. (Prof. Platt will not be attending the conference- we apologize) >>Abstracts Guest list:
- Yoav Adam, Harvard University
- Merav Ahissar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Inbal Arnon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Lilach Avitan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Omri Barak, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology
- Simon Baron-Cohen, University of Cambridge
- Carlos Brody, Princeton University
- Edward Chang, University of California San Francisco
- Inbal Goshen, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Kate Jeffery, University College London
- Sheena Josselyn, University of Toronto
- Christian Machens, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
- Aviv Mezer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Elly Nedivi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Asya Rolls, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
- Mark Shein-Idelson, Tel Aviv University
- Tim Vogels, University of Oxford
- Ofer Yizhar, Weizmann Institute of Science
Organizing Committee: