
Murine and human mast cell express acetylcholinesterase

Expression of catalytically active protein was detected in a murine mast cell line. The primary type of AChE mRNA produced by these cells was found to be the brain and muscle type by PCR amplification of alternative exons from the 3′ of mast cells AChE cDNA. AChE was further found to be expressed in the HMC-1 the human mast cell precursor line. Furthermore, utilizing the single cell RT-PCR method we detected AChE mRNA expression in Fc epsilon RI-positive single cells derived from human colonic mucosal biopsies. Our findings predict the involvement of mast cell AChE in neuronal-mast cell interactions.

Authors: Nechushtan H, Soreq H, Kuperstein V, Tshori S, Razin E.
Year of publication: 1996
Journal: FEBS Lett. 1996 Jan 22;379(1):1-6.

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