Michael London Lab

ELSC Members

Michael London

Associate Professor

Phone: +972-2-6586337
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 1, Room 2103, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
Sachs Family Lecturer in Brain Science
Laboratory of neural coding

The main focus of the lab is on the interface between the biophysical properties of individual neurons and neuronal coding. In particular, we focus on questions that relate the interaction between nonlinear processes in dendrites and their effect on the way neurons encode information. A key factor of neuronal coding is neuronal noise, both at the cellular level and in the network. Therefore, we are also interested in the interaction between the single neuron and the network in which it is embedded – the effect neuron’s activity on the network as well as the effect of the network’s activity on the neuron.

Concerning model systems, we believe that it is essential to consider both sensory systems where stimuli are external to the organism as well as self-generated activity. For the first, we focus on the barrel cortex in mice, and for the latter, we are beginning to explore the mouse ultrasonic vocalization motor system as well as the prefrontal cortex. We aspire to carry out experiments inspired by theoretical predictions and to combine modeling in order to access aspects of the questions that are not accessible by experiments. We use a variety of advanced techniques in order to answer these questions including Whole-cell patch clamp, Two-Photon imaging, Optogenetics, Ultrasonic sound recordings, and computer simulations.

David photo website 2025
David Beniaguev
Post Doc
Adi Kaduri Amichai
PhD Student
Amir Dudai
PhD Student
Benjamin Weiner
PhD Student
Shiran (2)
Shiran Michael
PhD Student
Stav Hertz
PhD Student
Vitaly Lerner
PhD Student
Yair Deitcher
PhD Student
Neta Zylbermann
Lab Manager
Hertz S, Weiner B, Perets N, London M.

Commun Biol. (2020)

Dudai A, Yayon N, Soreq H, London M.

J Neurochem (2020)

Amir Dudai, Michael Doron, Idan Segev and Michael London

Journal of Neuroscience, JN-RM-1470-21 (2021)

Amir Dudai,Nadav Yayon,Vitaly Lerner,Gen-ichi Tasaka,Yair Deitcher,Karin Gorfine,Naomi Niederhoffer,Adi Mizrahi,Hermona Soreq,Michael London

PLOS Biology 18(2): e3000613. (2020)

David Beniaguev, Idan Segev, Michael London

Neuron, ISSN 0896-6273 (2021)

Dudai A, Yayon N, Lerner V, Tasaka Gi, Deitcher Y, et al.

PLOS Biology 18(2): e3000613 (2020)

Eyal Gal, Rodrigo Perin, Henry Markram, Michael London, Idan Segev

bioRxiv preprint first posted online May. 31, 2019 (2019)

David Beniaguev, Idan Segev, Michael London

bioRxiv preprint first posted online Apr. 18, 2019; (2019)

Christina Labarrera, Yair Deitcher, Amir Dudai, Benjamin Weiner, Adi Kaduri Amichai, Neta Zylbermann, Michael London

Cell reports 23 (4), 1034-1044 (2018)

Adar Adamsky*, Adi Kol*, Tirzah Kreisel, Adi Doron, Nofar Ozeri-Engelhard, Talia Melcer, Ron Refaeli, Henrike Horn, Limor Regev, Maya Groysman, Michael London, Inbal Goshen

Cell, Volume 174, Issue 1, 28 June 2018, Pages 59-71 (2018)

N Yayon, A Dudai, N Vrieler, O Amsalem, M London, H Soreq

Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 4311 (2018)

Z Zalevsky, M London, E Cohen, A Shemer, D Malka

US Patent App. 15/755,138 (2018)

Perets N, Segal-Gavish H, Gothelf Y, Barzilay R, Barhum Y, Abramov N, Hertz S, Morozov D, London M, Offen D

Behavioural Brain Research Volume 331, Pages 254-260 (2017)

Eyal Gal, Michael London, Amir Globerson, Srikanth Ramaswamy, Michael W Reimann, Eilif Muller, Henry Markram & Idan Segev

Nature Neuroscience, VOLUME 20 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2017 (2017)

Cohen E, Malka D, Shemer A, Zalevsky Z and London M

Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 29080 (2016)

Weiner B, Hertz S, Perets N, London M

Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10:236 (2016)

London M, Segev I.

Nat Neurosci. 2004 Sep;7(9):904-5. (2004)

London M, Segev I.

Nat Neurosci. 2001 Sep;4(9):853-5. (2002)

London M, Schreibman A, Häusser M, Larkum ME, Segev I.

Nat Neurosci. 2002 Apr;5(4):332-40. (2002)

Steinmetz PN, Manwani A, Koch C, London M, Segev I.

J Comput Neurosci. 2000 Sep-Oct;9(2):133-48. (2000)

Segev I, London M.

Science. 2000 Oct 27;290(5492):744-50 (2000)

Michael London, Claude Meunier and Idan Segev

Journal of Neuroscience 1 October 1999, 19 (19) 8219-8233 (1999)

At this time there are no available positions in the lab.

Michael London

Associate Professor

Phone: +972-2-6586337
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 1, Room 2103, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401

“Working memory”