
Location and Plasticity of the Sodium Spike Initiation Zone in Nociceptive Terminals in vivo

Specialized peripheral sensory neurons known as nociceptors alert us to potentially damaging stimuli at the skin by detecting extremes in temperature and pressure and injury-related chemicals, and transducing these stimuli into long-ranging electrical signals that are relayed to higher brain centers. The activation of functionally distinct cutaneous nociceptor populations and the processing of information they convey provide a rich diversity of pain qualities. Current work in this field is providing researchers with a more thorough understanding of nociceptor cell biology at molecular and systems levels and insight that will allow the targeted design of novel pain therapeutics.

Authors: Goldstein RH, Barkai O, Íñigo-Portugués A, Katz B, Lev S, Binshtok AM.
Year of publication: 2019
Journal: Neuron. 2019 May 22;102(4):801-812.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.03.005. Epub 2019 Mar 26.

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