This article describes FRACAS, a computer-integrated orthopedic system for assisting surgeons in performing closed medullary nailing of long bone fractures. FRACAS’s goal is to reduce the surgeon’s cumulative exposure to radiation and surgical complications associated with alignment and positioning errors of bone fragments, nail insertion, and distal screw locking. It replaces uncorrelated, static fluoroscopic images with a virtual reality display of three-dimensional bone models created from preoperative computed tomography and tracked intraoperatively in real time. Fluoroscopic images are used to register the bone models to the intraoperative situation and to verify that the registration is maintained. This article describes the system concept, software prototypes of preoperative modules (modeling, nail selection, and visualization), intraoperative modules (fluoroscopic image processing and tracking), and preliminary in vitro experimental results to date. Our experiments suggest that the modeling, nail selection, and visualization modules yield adequate results and that fluoroscopic image processing with submillimetric accuracy is practically feasible on clinical images.
Home » Publications » FRACAS: a System for Computer-Aided Image-Guided Long Bone Fracture Surgery
FRACAS: a System for Computer-Aided Image-Guided Long Bone Fracture Surgery
Authors: L. Joskowicz, C. Milgrom, A. Simkin, L. Tockus, Z. Yaniv
Year of publication: 1999
Journal: Computer Aided Surgery, Volume 3, Issue 6, Pages 271-288
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