We study the neural bases of linguistic and logical knowledge and processing. Linguistic knowledge (about how phonemes combines into morphemes and words, which in turn combine into complex meanings) is characterized by Linguistic Theory; logical knowledge is characterized by natural logic; processing ability stems from the implementation of this knowledge bases in cognitive structures that are supported by neural mechanisms. Our lab studies the intricate relation between these, that results in that rich ability that we humans have – the ability to express ourselves freely, and understands others who do so. We try to get a glimpse of the linguistic brain in health as well as in brain disease.
Yosef Grodzinsky Lab
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Neurolinguistics Lab
Grodzinsky Y, Pieperhoff P, Thompson C.
Cortex (2021)
Yosef Grodzinsky, Virginia Jaichenco, Isabelle Deschamps, Maria Elina Sanchez, Martin Fochs, Peter Pieperhoff, Yonatan Loewenstein, And Katrin Amunts
Oxford University Press (2020)
Grodzinsky Y, Deschamps I, Pieperhoff P, Iannilli F, Agmon G, Loewenstein Y, Amunts K
Brain Structure and Function (2019)
Galit Agmon, Yonatan Loewenstein, Yosef Grodzinsky
Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 36. (2019)
Haida A, Crnic, L, Grodzinsky, Y.
Proceedings of "Sinn und Bedeutung 22" (2018)
Grodzinsky, Y, Deschamps, I, Shapiro, L.
Forthcoming in The Oxford Book Handbook of Ellipsis, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Tanja Temmerman, eds. New York: Oxford University Press. (2018)
Grodzinsky, Y, Agmon, G, Snir, K, Deschamps, I, Loewenstein, Y.
Proceedings of "Sinn und Bedeutung 22" (2018)
Grodzinsky, Y
Rule-I, intensional predicates, and children’s pronominal reference assignment
In LaCara, Nicholas, Moulton, Keir, & Tessier, Anne-Michelle, "A Schrift to Fest Kyle Johnson". Linguistics Open Access Publications, 1, pp. 141-150. (2017)
Grodzinsky, Y
Neural substrates for linguistic and musical abilities: a neurolinguist’s perspective
In Ida Toivonen, Piroska Csúri, Emile van der Zee, eds. Structures in the Mind: Essays on Language, Music, and Cognition in Honor of Ray Jackendoff. (2016)
Deschamps I, Agmon G, Loewenstein Y, Grodzinsky Y.
Cognition. 2015 Oct;143:115-28. (2015)
At this time there are no available positions in the lab.

Yosef Grodzinsky
Phone: +972-2-6584496
Mobile: +972-52-5848514
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1302A, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1302A, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
Neurolinguistics Lab
We study the neural bases of linguistic and logical knowledge and processing. Linguistic knowledge (about how phonemes combines into morphemes and words, which in turn combine into complex meanings) is characterized by Linguistic Theory; logical knowledge is characterized by natural logic; processing ability stems from the implementation of this knowledge bases in cognitive structures that are supported by neural mechanisms. Our lab studies the intricate relation between these, that results in that rich ability that we humans have – the ability to express ourselves freely, and understands others who do so. We try to get a glimpse of the linguistic brain in health as well as in brain disease.
Grodzinsky Y, Pieperhoff P, Thompson C.
Cortex (2021)
Yosef Grodzinsky, Virginia Jaichenco, Isabelle Deschamps, Maria Elina Sanchez, Martin Fochs, Peter Pieperhoff, Yonatan Loewenstein, And Katrin Amunts
Oxford University Press (2020)
Grodzinsky Y, Deschamps I, Pieperhoff P, Iannilli F, Agmon G, Loewenstein Y, Amunts K
Brain Structure and Function (2019)
Galit Agmon, Yonatan Loewenstein, Yosef Grodzinsky
Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 36. (2019)
Haida A, Crnic, L, Grodzinsky, Y.
Proceedings of “Sinn und Bedeutung 22” (2018)
Grodzinsky, Y, Deschamps, I, Shapiro, L.
Forthcoming in The Oxford Book Handbook of Ellipsis, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Tanja Temmerman, eds. New York: Oxford University Press. (2018)
Grodzinsky, Y, Agmon, G, Snir, K, Deschamps, I, Loewenstein, Y.
Proceedings of “Sinn und Bedeutung 22” (2018)
Grodzinsky, Y
Rule-I, intensional predicates, and children’s pronominal reference assignment
In LaCara, Nicholas, Moulton, Keir, & Tessier, Anne-Michelle, “A Schrift to Fest Kyle Johnson”. Linguistics Open Access Publications, 1, pp. 141-150. (2017)
Grodzinsky, Y
Neural substrates for linguistic and musical abilities: a neurolinguist’s perspective
In Ida Toivonen, Piroska Csúri, Emile van der Zee, eds. Structures in the Mind: Essays on Language, Music, and Cognition in Honor of Ray Jackendoff. (2016)
Deschamps I, Agmon G, Loewenstein Y, Grodzinsky Y.
Cognition. 2015 Oct;143:115-28. (2015)
At this time there are no available positions in the lab.

Yosef Grodzinsky
Phone: +972-2-6584496
Mobile: +972-52-5848514
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1302A, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 3, Room 1302A, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401