What underlies the transition from recent to remote memory? How does local modulation of neuronal activity by glia cells directly affect plasticity and behavior? To solve these puzzles we employ a variety of research approaches, integrating behavior, calcium imaging, electrophysiology and molecular biology, and apply optogenetics or chemogenetics in all of these levels.
Lab Website
Inbal Goshen Lab
ELSC Members
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Neurons and Glia in Memory Lab
The Belgian Friends Optogenetics Laboratory
Refaeli R, Kreisel T, Groysman M, Adamsky A, Goshen I
Curr Biol. Sep 25;33(18):3942-3950 (2023)
Refaeli R, Kreisel T, Goshen I
STAR Protoc Mar 15;5(1):102840 (2024)
Refaeli R, Kreisel T, Yaish TR, Groysman M, Goshen I
Cell Rep. Mar 26;43(3):113943 (2024)
Inbal Goshen, Raz Yirmiya, Adi Kol
Neuron Feb 2;110(3):363-365 (2022)
Ron Refaeli, Inbal Goshen
J Vis Exp. Mar 31;(181). (2022)
Adi Doron, Alon Rubin, Aviya Benmelech-Chovav, Netai Benaim, Tom Carmi, Ron Refaeli, Nechama Novick, Tirzah Kreisel, Yaniv Ziv & Inbal Goshen
Nature volume 609, pages772–778 (2022)
Refaeli R*, Doron A*, Benmelech-Chovav A, Groysman M, Kreisel T, Loewenstein Y, Goshen I
Glia. 12 June (2021)
Kol A, Goshen I
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 67 pages 131-137 (2021)
Hirbec H, Déglon N, Foo LC, Goshen I, Grutzendler J, Hangen E, Kreisel T, Linck N, Muffat J, Regio S, Rion S, Escartin C
Glia. Sep;68(9):1692-1728 (2020)
Adi Kol, Adar Adamsky, Maya Groysman, Tirzah Kreisel, Michael London & Inbal Goshen
Nature Neuroscience (2020)
Adi Doron, Inbal Goshen
Neuron Volume 105, Issue 1, Pages 9-11 (2020)
Adamsky A, Goshen I
Neuroscience, Volume 370, Pages 14-26 (2018)
Adar Adamsky*, Adi Kol*, Tirzah Kreisel, Adi Doron, Nofar Ozeri-Engelhard, Talia Melcer, Ron Refaeli, Henrike Horn, Limor Regev, Maya Groysman, Michael London, Inbal Goshen
Cell, Volume 174, Issue 1, 28 June 2018, Pages 59-71 (2018)
Doron A, Goshen I
Brain Research Bulletin, Volume 141, Pages 35-43 (2018)
Atlan G, Terem A, Peretz-Rivlin N, Sehrawat K, Gonzales BJ, Pozner G, Tasaka G-i, Goll Y, Refaeli R, Zviran O, Lim BK, Groysman M, Goshen I, Mizrahi A, Nelken I, Citri A,
Current Biology, Volume 28, Issue 17, 10 September 2018, Pages 2752-2762 (2018)
Milshtein-Parush H, Frere S, Regev L, Lahav C, Benbenishty A, Ben-Eliyahu S, Goshen I, Slutsky I
Cerebral Cortex, Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 3457–3470 (2017)
Daadi MM, Klausner JQ, Bajar B, Goshen I, Lee-Messer C, Lee SY, Winge MC, Ramakrishnan C, Lo M, Sun G, Deisseroth K, Steinberg GK.
Cell Transplantation, Vol 25, Issue 7 (2016)
Goshen I.
Trends in Neurosciences, Volume 37, Issue 9, Pages 511-522 (2014)
Prakash R, Yizhar O, Grewe B, Ramakrishnan C, Wang N, Goshen I, Packer AM, Peterka DS, Yuste R, Schnitzer MJ, Deisseroth K.
Nature Methods, volume 9, pages 1171–1179 (2012)
Ben Menachem-Zidon O, Avital A, Ben-Menahem Y, Goshen I, Kreisel T, Shmueli EM, Segal M, Ben Hur T, Yirmiya R.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 1008-1016 (2011)
Goshen I, Brodsky M, Prakash R, Wallace J, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K.
Cell, Volume 147, Issue 3, Pages 678-689 (2011)
Yirmiya R, Goshen I.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 181-213 (2011)
Yizhar O, Fenno LE, Prigge M, Schneider F, Davidson TJ, O'Shea DJ, Sohal VS, Goshen I, Finkelstein J, Paz JT, Stehfest K, Fudim R, Ramakrishnan C, Huguenard JR, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K.
Nature, volume 477, pages 171–178 (2011)
Anikeeva P, Andalman AS, Witten IB, Warden MR, Goshen I, Grosenick L, Gunaydin LA, Frank LM, Deisseroth K.
Nature Neuroscience, volume 15, pages 163–170 (2011)
Licht T*, Goshen I*, Avital A, Kreisel T, Zubedat S, Eavri R, Segal M, Yirmiya R, Keshet E.
PNAS, 108 (12) 5081-5086 (2011)
Lee JH, Durand R, Gradinaru V, Zhang F, Goshen I, Kim DS, Fenno, LE, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K.
Nature, volume 465, pages 788–792 (2010)
Gradinaru V, Zhang F, Ramakrishnan C, Mattis J, Prakash R, Diester I, Goshen I, Thompson KR, Deisseroth K.
Cell, Volume 141, Issue 1, Pages 154-165 (2010)
Licht, T, Eavri R, Goshen I, Shlomai Y, Mizrahi A, Keshet E.
Development, 137: 261-271 (2010)
Goshen I, Avital A, Kreisel T, Licht T, Segal M, Yirmiya R.
Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (11) 3395-3403 (2009)
Goshen I, Yirmiya R
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 30-45 (2009)
Ounallah-Saad H, Beeri R, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Renbaum P, Levy-Lahad E
Gene, Volume 446, Issue 2, Pages 81-89 (2009)
Goshen I, Kreisel T, Ben-Menachem-Zidon O, Licht T, Weidenfeld, J., Ben-Hur T and Yirmiya R.
Molecular Psychiatry, volume 13, pages 717–728 (2008)
Ben Menachem-Zidon O, Goshen I, Kreisel T, Ben Menahem Y, Reinhartz E, Ben Hur T, Yirmiya R.
Neuropsychopharmacology, volume 33, pages 2251–2262 (2008)
Goshen I, Kreisel T, Ounallah-Saad H, Renbaum P, Zalzstein Y, Ben-Hur T, Levy-Lahad, E, Yirmiya R.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 32, Issues 8–10, Pages 1106-1115 (2007)
Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Kreisel T, Goshen I, Weidenfeld J, Poole S, Shavit Y.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 21, Issue 5, Pages 652-659 (2007)
Yirmiya R, Goshen I, Bajayo A, Kreisel T, Feldman S, Tam J, Trembovler V, Csernus V, Shohami E, Bab I.
PNAS, 103 (45) 16876-16881 (2006)
Bajayo A*, Goshen I*, Feldman S, Csernus V, Iverfeldt K, Shohami E, Yirmiya R, Bab I.
PNAS, 102 (36) 12956-12961 (2005)
Shavit Y, Wolf G, Goshen I, Livshits D, Yirmiya R.
Pain Volume 115, Issues 1–2, Pages 50-59 (2005)
Weidenfeld J, Itzik A, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Ben-Hur T.
Neuroendocrinology, 81:267–272 (2005)
Avital A*, Goshen I*, Kamsler A*, Segal M, Iverfeldt K, Richter-Levin G, Yirmiya R.
Hippocampus, Volume 13, Issue 7, Pages 826-834 (2003)
Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Goshen I, Iverfeldt K, Holmlund L, Takeda K, Shavit Y.
Pain, Volume 104 - Issue 3 - p 471–480 (2003)
Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Iverfeldt K, Weidenfeld J.
Endocrinology, Volume 144, Issue 10, Pages 4453–4458 (2003)
Pollak Y, Ovadia H, Goshen I, Gurevich R, Monsa K, Avitsur R, Yirmiya R.
Journal of Neuroimmunology, Volume 104, Issue 1, Pages 31-36 (2002)
Yirmiya R, Winocur G, Goshen I.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Volume 78, Issue 2, Pages 379-389 (2002)
Pollak Y, Orion E, Goshen I, Ovadia H, Yirmiya R.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 16, Issue 5, Pages 533-543 (2002)
Barak O, Weidenfeld J, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 16, Issue 6, Pages 720-735 (2002)
Barak O, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Weidenfeld J, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R.
Brain Research, Volume 933, Issue 2, Pages 98-108 (2002)
We are always happy to add talented and motivated students to our group!
Graduate Students
We are looking for highly motivated and creative students who are passionate about neuroscience, and would like to be involved in multidisciplinary research examining the role of glia cells and neurons in behavior. Students will have the opportunity to acquire a variety of techniques, from molecular biology and electrophysiology, to imaging and behavior.
Postdoc candidates with experience in imaging / electrophysiology / behavior are welcome to send their CV, along with contact information for 2-3 references.
Undergraduate Students
The lab is happy to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to experience science first hand. Each student is first mentored by a Ph.D. student, and then expected to run their own project independently. Relevant majors: Biology, Physics, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Chemistry.
Graduate Students
We are looking for highly motivated and creative students who are passionate about neuroscience, and would like to be involved in multidisciplinary research examining the role of glia cells and neurons in behavior. Students will have the opportunity to acquire a variety of techniques, from molecular biology and electrophysiology, to imaging and behavior.
Postdoc candidates with experience in imaging / electrophysiology / behavior are welcome to send their CV, along with contact information for 2-3 references.
Undergraduate Students
The lab is happy to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to experience science first hand. Each student is first mentored by a Ph.D. student, and then expected to run their own project independently. Relevant majors: Biology, Physics, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Chemistry.
Lab Website
פריצת דרך ישראלית: המחקר שעשוי לתת תקווה לחולי אלצהיימר, עיתון מעריב
פרופ' ענבל גושן והדוקטורנטית עדי קול גילו את המנגנון במוח שבורר חוויות משמעותיות בחיים שלנו ומייצר מהם זיכרונות ארוכי טווח, אתר האוניברסיטה העברית
תאי המוח שמחליטים מה נזכור גם בעוד שנים, גלובס
המחקר מעמיק והסברה מתחזקת: ייתכן שזיכרון בכלל לא אמור לדייק, הארץ
חשבנו שהנוירונים אחרים לכל התהליכים החשובים במוח. ייתכן שלגמרי טעינו? - על מחקריה החלוציים של פרופ' ענבל גושן, עיתון הארץ
פרופ' ענבל גושן
הכוכבים החדשים בשיפור זיכרון
עדי קול
Open Box Science
רון רפאלי
CNS*2021, Workshop
Lab Website
פריצת דרך ישראלית: המחקר שעשוי לתת תקווה לחולי אלצהיימר, עיתון מעריב
פרופ' ענבל גושן והדוקטורנטית עדי קול גילו את המנגנון במוח שבורר חוויות משמעותיות בחיים שלנו ומייצר מהם זיכרונות ארוכי טווח, אתר האוניברסיטה העברית
תאי המוח שמחליטים מה נזכור גם בעוד שנים, גלובס
המחקר מעמיק והסברה מתחזקת: ייתכן שזיכרון בכלל לא אמור לדייק, הארץ
חשבנו שהנוירונים אחרים לכל התהליכים החשובים במוח. ייתכן שלגמרי טעינו? - על מחקריה החלוציים של פרופ' ענבל גושן, עיתון הארץ
פרופ' ענבל גושן
הכוכבים החדשים בשיפור זיכרון
עדי קול
Open Box Science
רון רפאלי
CNS*2021, Workshop

Inbal Goshen
Associate Professor
Email: inbal.goshen@elsc.huji.ac.il
Phone: +972-2-6585716
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 1, Room 1104, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 1, Room 1104, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
Neurons and Glia in Memory Lab
The Belgian Friends Optogenetics Laboratory
What underlies the transition from recent to remote memory? How does local modulation of neuronal activity by glia cells directly affect plasticity and behavior? To solve these puzzles we employ a variety of research approaches, integrating behavior, calcium imaging, electrophysiology and molecular biology, and apply optogenetics or chemogenetics in all of these levels.
Lab Website
Refaeli R, Kreisel T, Groysman M, Adamsky A, Goshen I
Curr Biol. Sep 25;33(18):3942-3950 (2023)
Refaeli R, Kreisel T, Goshen I
STAR Protoc Mar 15;5(1):102840 (2024)
Refaeli R, Kreisel T, Yaish TR, Groysman M, Goshen I
Cell Rep. Mar 26;43(3):113943 (2024)
Inbal Goshen, Raz Yirmiya, Adi Kol
Neuron Feb 2;110(3):363-365 (2022)
Ron Refaeli, Inbal Goshen
J Vis Exp. Mar 31;(181). (2022)
Adi Doron, Alon Rubin, Aviya Benmelech-Chovav, Netai Benaim, Tom Carmi, Ron Refaeli, Nechama Novick, Tirzah Kreisel, Yaniv Ziv & Inbal Goshen
Nature volume 609, pages772–778 (2022)
Refaeli R*, Doron A*, Benmelech-Chovav A, Groysman M, Kreisel T, Loewenstein Y, Goshen I
Glia. 12 June (2021)
Kol A, Goshen I
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 67 pages 131-137 (2021)
Hirbec H, Déglon N, Foo LC, Goshen I, Grutzendler J, Hangen E, Kreisel T, Linck N, Muffat J, Regio S, Rion S, Escartin C
Glia. Sep;68(9):1692-1728 (2020)
Adi Kol, Adar Adamsky, Maya Groysman, Tirzah Kreisel, Michael London & Inbal Goshen
Nature Neuroscience (2020)
Adi Doron, Inbal Goshen
Neuron Volume 105, Issue 1, Pages 9-11 (2020)
Adamsky A, Goshen I
Neuroscience, Volume 370, Pages 14-26 (2018)
Adar Adamsky*, Adi Kol*, Tirzah Kreisel, Adi Doron, Nofar Ozeri-Engelhard, Talia Melcer, Ron Refaeli, Henrike Horn, Limor Regev, Maya Groysman, Michael London, Inbal Goshen
Cell, Volume 174, Issue 1, 28 June 2018, Pages 59-71 (2018)
Doron A, Goshen I
Brain Research Bulletin, Volume 141, Pages 35-43 (2018)
Atlan G, Terem A, Peretz-Rivlin N, Sehrawat K, Gonzales BJ, Pozner G, Tasaka G-i, Goll Y, Refaeli R, Zviran O, Lim BK, Groysman M, Goshen I, Mizrahi A, Nelken I, Citri A,
Current Biology, Volume 28, Issue 17, 10 September 2018, Pages 2752-2762 (2018)
Milshtein-Parush H, Frere S, Regev L, Lahav C, Benbenishty A, Ben-Eliyahu S, Goshen I, Slutsky I
Cerebral Cortex, Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 3457–3470 (2017)
Daadi MM, Klausner JQ, Bajar B, Goshen I, Lee-Messer C, Lee SY, Winge MC, Ramakrishnan C, Lo M, Sun G, Deisseroth K, Steinberg GK.
Cell Transplantation, Vol 25, Issue 7 (2016)
Goshen I.
Trends in Neurosciences, Volume 37, Issue 9, Pages 511-522 (2014)
Prakash R, Yizhar O, Grewe B, Ramakrishnan C, Wang N, Goshen I, Packer AM, Peterka DS, Yuste R, Schnitzer MJ, Deisseroth K.
Nature Methods, volume 9, pages 1171–1179 (2012)
Ben Menachem-Zidon O, Avital A, Ben-Menahem Y, Goshen I, Kreisel T, Shmueli EM, Segal M, Ben Hur T, Yirmiya R.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 1008-1016 (2011)
Goshen I, Brodsky M, Prakash R, Wallace J, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K.
Cell, Volume 147, Issue 3, Pages 678-689 (2011)
Yirmiya R, Goshen I.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 181-213 (2011)
Yizhar O, Fenno LE, Prigge M, Schneider F, Davidson TJ, O’Shea DJ, Sohal VS, Goshen I, Finkelstein J, Paz JT, Stehfest K, Fudim R, Ramakrishnan C, Huguenard JR, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K.
Nature, volume 477, pages 171–178 (2011)
Anikeeva P, Andalman AS, Witten IB, Warden MR, Goshen I, Grosenick L, Gunaydin LA, Frank LM, Deisseroth K.
Nature Neuroscience, volume 15, pages 163–170 (2011)
Licht T*, Goshen I*, Avital A, Kreisel T, Zubedat S, Eavri R, Segal M, Yirmiya R, Keshet E.
PNAS, 108 (12) 5081-5086 (2011)
Lee JH, Durand R, Gradinaru V, Zhang F, Goshen I, Kim DS, Fenno, LE, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K.
Nature, volume 465, pages 788–792 (2010)
Gradinaru V, Zhang F, Ramakrishnan C, Mattis J, Prakash R, Diester I, Goshen I, Thompson KR, Deisseroth K.
Cell, Volume 141, Issue 1, Pages 154-165 (2010)
Licht, T, Eavri R, Goshen I, Shlomai Y, Mizrahi A, Keshet E.
Development, 137: 261-271 (2010)
Goshen I, Avital A, Kreisel T, Licht T, Segal M, Yirmiya R.
Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (11) 3395-3403 (2009)
Goshen I, Yirmiya R
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 30-45 (2009)
Ounallah-Saad H, Beeri R, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Renbaum P, Levy-Lahad E
Gene, Volume 446, Issue 2, Pages 81-89 (2009)
Goshen I, Kreisel T, Ben-Menachem-Zidon O, Licht T, Weidenfeld, J., Ben-Hur T and Yirmiya R.
Molecular Psychiatry, volume 13, pages 717–728 (2008)
Ben Menachem-Zidon O, Goshen I, Kreisel T, Ben Menahem Y, Reinhartz E, Ben Hur T, Yirmiya R.
Neuropsychopharmacology, volume 33, pages 2251–2262 (2008)
Goshen I, Kreisel T, Ounallah-Saad H, Renbaum P, Zalzstein Y, Ben-Hur T, Levy-Lahad, E, Yirmiya R.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 32, Issues 8–10, Pages 1106-1115 (2007)
Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Kreisel T, Goshen I, Weidenfeld J, Poole S, Shavit Y.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 21, Issue 5, Pages 652-659 (2007)
Yirmiya R, Goshen I, Bajayo A, Kreisel T, Feldman S, Tam J, Trembovler V, Csernus V, Shohami E, Bab I.
PNAS, 103 (45) 16876-16881 (2006)
Bajayo A*, Goshen I*, Feldman S, Csernus V, Iverfeldt K, Shohami E, Yirmiya R, Bab I.
PNAS, 102 (36) 12956-12961 (2005)
Shavit Y, Wolf G, Goshen I, Livshits D, Yirmiya R.
Pain Volume 115, Issues 1–2, Pages 50-59 (2005)
Weidenfeld J, Itzik A, Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Ben-Hur T.
Neuroendocrinology, 81:267–272 (2005)
Avital A*, Goshen I*, Kamsler A*, Segal M, Iverfeldt K, Richter-Levin G, Yirmiya R.
Hippocampus, Volume 13, Issue 7, Pages 826-834 (2003)
Wolf G, Yirmiya R, Goshen I, Iverfeldt K, Holmlund L, Takeda K, Shavit Y.
Pain, Volume 104 – Issue 3 – p 471–480 (2003)
Goshen I, Yirmiya R, Iverfeldt K, Weidenfeld J.
Endocrinology, Volume 144, Issue 10, Pages 4453–4458 (2003)
Pollak Y, Ovadia H, Goshen I, Gurevich R, Monsa K, Avitsur R, Yirmiya R.
Journal of Neuroimmunology, Volume 104, Issue 1, Pages 31-36 (2002)
Yirmiya R, Winocur G, Goshen I.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Volume 78, Issue 2, Pages 379-389 (2002)
Pollak Y, Orion E, Goshen I, Ovadia H, Yirmiya R.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 16, Issue 5, Pages 533-543 (2002)
Barak O, Weidenfeld J, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 16, Issue 6, Pages 720-735 (2002)
Barak O, Goshen I, Ben-Hur T, Weidenfeld J, Taylor AN, Yirmiya R.
Brain Research, Volume 933, Issue 2, Pages 98-108 (2002)
We are always happy to add talented and motivated students to our group!
Graduate Students
We are looking for highly motivated and creative students who are passionate about neuroscience, and would like to be involved in multidisciplinary research examining the role of glia cells and neurons in behavior. Students will have the opportunity to acquire a variety of techniques, from molecular biology and electrophysiology, to imaging and behavior.
Postdoc candidates with experience in imaging / electrophysiology / behavior are welcome to send their CV, along with contact information for 2-3 references.
Undergraduate Students
The lab is happy to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to experience science first hand. Each student is first mentored by a Ph.D. student, and then expected to run their own project independently. Relevant majors: Biology, Physics, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Chemistry.
Graduate Students
We are looking for highly motivated and creative students who are passionate about neuroscience, and would like to be involved in multidisciplinary research examining the role of glia cells and neurons in behavior. Students will have the opportunity to acquire a variety of techniques, from molecular biology and electrophysiology, to imaging and behavior.
Postdoc candidates with experience in imaging / electrophysiology / behavior are welcome to send their CV, along with contact information for 2-3 references.
Undergraduate Students
The lab is happy to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to experience science first hand. Each student is first mentored by a Ph.D. student, and then expected to run their own project independently. Relevant majors: Biology, Physics, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Sciences, Chemistry.
Lab Website
פריצת דרך ישראלית: המחקר שעשוי לתת תקווה לחולי אלצהיימר, עיתון מעריב
פרופ’ ענבל גושן והדוקטורנטית עדי קול גילו את המנגנון במוח שבורר חוויות משמעותיות בחיים שלנו ומייצר מהם זיכרונות ארוכי טווח, אתר האוניברסיטה העברית
תאי המוח שמחליטים מה נזכור גם בעוד שנים, גלובס
המחקר מעמיק והסברה מתחזקת: ייתכן שזיכרון בכלל לא אמור לדייק, הארץ
חשבנו שהנוירונים אחרים לכל התהליכים החשובים במוח. ייתכן שלגמרי טעינו? – על מחקריה החלוציים של פרופ’ ענבל גושן, עיתון הארץ
פרופ’ ענבל גושן
הכוכבים החדשים בשיפור זיכרון
עדי קול
Open Box Science
רון רפאלי
CNS*2021, Workshop
Lab Website
פריצת דרך ישראלית: המחקר שעשוי לתת תקווה לחולי אלצהיימר, עיתון מעריב
פרופ’ ענבל גושן והדוקטורנטית עדי קול גילו את המנגנון במוח שבורר חוויות משמעותיות בחיים שלנו ומייצר מהם זיכרונות ארוכי טווח, אתר האוניברסיטה העברית
תאי המוח שמחליטים מה נזכור גם בעוד שנים, גלובס
המחקר מעמיק והסברה מתחזקת: ייתכן שזיכרון בכלל לא אמור לדייק, הארץ
חשבנו שהנוירונים אחרים לכל התהליכים החשובים במוח. ייתכן שלגמרי טעינו? – על מחקריה החלוציים של פרופ’ ענבל גושן, עיתון הארץ
פרופ’ ענבל גושן
הכוכבים החדשים בשיפור זיכרון
עדי קול
Open Box Science
רון רפאלי
CNS*2021, Workshop

Inbal Goshen
Associate Professor
Email: inbal.goshen@elsc.huji.ac.il
Phone: +972-2-6585716
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 1, Room 1104, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 1, Room 1104, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401