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Victor Pedrosa
Victor got his PhD degree in Computational Neuroscience from Imperial College London in 2019, working with Claudia Clopath. During his PhD, he collaborated with several experimental labs, working mostly on simulations of hippocampal place cells. During his first postdoc, in the Clopath lab, Victor proposed a novel inhibitory plasticity model as a mechanism supporting homeostasis, neuronal diversity, and network flexibility. He joined Yonatan’s lab and Athena Akrami’s lab in January 2021, and he is currently interested in the mechanisms underlying the development of biased perception. He currently holds a joint ELSC-SWC Fellowship co-sponsored by Athena Akrami (SWC/LIM Lab) and Yonatan Loewenstein (ELSC). When he is not in the lab, he loves pottery, coffee, and being outdoors. Read more about Victor here.