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Home » ELSC Seminar Series » Emergence and stabilization of working memory representations in cortex and hippocampus

Prof. Peyman Golshani
David Geffen School of Medicine
Emergence and stabilization of working memory representations in cortex and hippocampus
Working memory (WM), the process through which information is transiently maintained and manipulated over a brief period, is essential for most cognitive functions. However, the mechanisms underlying the generation and evolution of WM neuronal representations at the population level over long timescales remain elusive. We have found that secondary motor cortex activity is essential for performance of a pair association WM task. We use volumetric light bead imaging to record from over 30,000 neurons simultaneously over weeks in M2 as animals perform the working memory task to discover how these representations evolve during consolidation of the task performance. We will compare these results to those found in hippocampal CA1 neurons during learning and performance of a similar WM task. We will end by discussing new open-source 2-photon miniaturized microscopy tools developed by the lab to enable large-field of view imaging in freely behaving animals.
Seminar Date & Time:
March 30th, 2023
14:00 (IST)
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