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Home » ELSC Seminar Series » Functional and structural properties of synaptic inputs onto visual cortical neurons

Dr. Benjamin Scholl
University of Pennsylvania
Perelman School of Medicine, Department of Neuroscience
Functional and structural properties of synaptic inputs onto visual cortical neurons
Neocortical neurons receive myriad inputs woven throughout the dendritic trees. To study their structural and functional properties we primarily use in vivo two-photon calcium imaging of populations of dendritic spines, the recipients of excitatory synaptic inputs. Our work has uncovered functional diversity, the prevalence of small functional clusters, and begun to understand the unique properties of synapses within individual neurons. We further aim to understand the development, dynamics, and dysfunction of the organization of synaptic inputs.
Seminar Date & Time:
December 8th, 2022
14:00 (IST)
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