
The Gatsby tri-center meeting for theoretical neuroscience 2022 30/5-1/6

The Gatsby meeting is an annual gathering of three centers for theoretical neuroscience at Columbia University, University College London, and ELSC. The talks are by researchers and students from the three centers. 
The schedule will run from 09:00 to 18:00 for the first two days and end Wednesday, 1/6, at noon. In addition, we will have an optional social gathering on Monday evening, 30/5. 

=The event is full and registration is closed= 

Alessandro Sanzeni (Columbia)
Andrew Saxe (UCL)
Arthur Gretton (UCL)
Ching Fang (Columbia)
Dan Biderman (Columbia)
David Beniaguev (ELSC)
Eli Nelken (ELSC)
Franziska Broker (UCL)
Laureline Logiaco (Columbia)
Lilach Avitan (ELSC)
Lorenzo Posani (Columbia)
Merav Ahissar (ELSC)
Peter Orbanz UCL (UCL)
Samuel Muscinelli (Columbia)
Stefano Mannelli (UCL)
Tomer Barak (ELSC)
Uri Cohen (ELSC)
Valeria Fascianelli (Columbia)
William Walker (UCL)
Yoram Burak (ELSC)
Valeria Fascianelli (Columbia)
William Walker (UCL Gatsby Unit)
Yoram Burak (ELSC)

“Working memory”