Inter-University Institute (IUI) – Eilat

The Otto Loewi Minerva Center will come to an end in 2011. Throughout its two decades of operation it provided a framework of international scientific activities highlighted by the Otto Loewi conference. We will celebrate this occasion with an international meeting entitled “The Otto Loewi’s Dream”. We hope that the fine tradition of these successful conferences will continue under the auspices of the recently established, Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) at the Hebrew University. It seems appropriate that the last Otto Loewi Symposium will be held in conjunction with ELSC’s first conference, in a hope to continue the fine tradition of these outstanding meetings.
The conference will take place November 26 – 30 at the Inter-University Institute (IUI) in Eilat. In the event of overwhelming registration we will consider an alternative that will increase the capacity of the meeting.
The Conference is open to the international scientific community. However, due to limited space, advanced registration is required and is limited to 120 participants. The registration fee of 400 NIS is needed in order to cover the daily expenses (Opening Reception, 3 lunches, Closing Gala Dinner and coffee breaks).

A limited number of rooms are available at the IUI dorms; they can accommodate 4 persons per room and will be granted to students on a first-come-first-served basis. Accommodation will also be provided at the Orchid Hotel, opposite to the IUI.
For more details: emanuel.sestieri@mail.huji.ac.il