Competitive Travel Grants
for Advanced PhD Students and Post-doc candidates
to join us and present their work at
The 2019 ELSC Annual Retreat
February 24-26, Kibbutz Ein Gedi, IsraelWhere
Kibbutz Ein Gedi

ELSC is a multidisciplinary neuroscience center. Our retreat covers the whole spectrum of brain research, including molecular, cellular, systems, cognitive and computational neuroscience.
The ELSC retreat is an optimal venue for advanced PhD students and Post-doc candidates to present their work and get familiar with the ground breaking research conducted in ELSC. The program includes talks by our advanced graduate students and invited international plenary speakers, and a desert hike. See last year’s program.
ELSC offers competitive scholarships to support the travel and accommodation foroutstanding international PhD students, who are interested in pursuing their academic future in ELSC. Candidates are encouraged to initiate scientific interactions with ELSC labs and highlight it in theirs letter of intent or in the recommendation letter.
Candidates are requested to send their CV, a letter of intent, and a recommendation letter to by November 15th.
Awardees will be announced no later than December 1st, 2018.
ELSC invites selected attendees to extend their visit and spend 2-3 days visiting ELSC labs, exploring opportunities for a postdoctoral internship and collaborations. We will be delighted to assist with the necessary arrangements. Information about ELSC’s PIs and their labs can be seen here.
Registration – closed.