Registration for “Brainy Days in Jerusalem 4: The Future of Neuroscience” is closed.
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is proud to host “Brainy Days in Jerusalem: The Future of Neuroscience.” This three-day symposium will gather preeminent researchers from around the world to examine and discuss recent transformative developments in neuroscience and to articulate their visions for the future of the field. This will be the fourth “Brainy Days” symposium held at ELSC.
Recent years have witnessed an explosive growth in experimental tools allowing for the probing and manipulation of brain circuits and behaviors at unprecedented scale and detail. Computational breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science have given rise to new and powerful methodologies for data analysis and modeling in neuroscience. Have these tools already generated breakthrough discoveries? What will be the most promising directions of neuroscience research in the next decades?
The “Brainy Days” symposium will bring together leading researchers from diverse fields including systems, computational and cognitive neuroscience as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning. These researchers will address the recent and major advances in our understanding of the brain and will discuss their bold visions for the future of the field, along the following main themes:
-The Future of Human Neuroscience
-The Quest for the Symbolic Brain
-The Naturalistic Social Brain
-Remembering and Predicting
-The Promise and Challenges of Big Data in Neuroscience
-The Future of AI and Neuroscience
Invited speakers: