The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is proud to host “Brains at the Crossroads of Theory and Experiment: A Worldwide Homage to Carl van Vreeswijk (1962-2022)” to be held on June 5-8, 2023.
Carl was an exceptionally gifted theoretical neuroscientist. With his deep understanding of theoretical tools, his curiosity and close collaborations with experimentalists, he introduced and developed many pioneering concepts and techniques which have shaped our current understanding of recurrent neuronal networks and cortical dynamics.
Beyond his prolific scientific wisdom and creativity, Carl was an inspiration to many, a generous and beloved friend and collaborator, and an extraordinarily caring mentor. As he was keen on teaching, he spent ample time bringing his exceptional knowledge to many young researchers at several summer schools, workshops, and conferences.
The conference will bring together leading neuroscientists whose research is at the crossroads of theory and experiment in the spirit of the works of Carl. They will address advances and perspectives in our understanding of the brain at our epoch of an explosive growth in experimental tools, allowing probing and manipulating brain circuits and behaviors at unprecedented scale and detail.
Confirmed Speakers:
Larry Abbott, Columbia University
Yoav Adam, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ad Aertsen, University Freiburg
Lilach Avitan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mark Bear, MIT
Naama Brenner, Technion
Nicolas Brunel, Duke University, USA
Tushar Chauhan, MIT
Frédéric Chavane, CNRS
Ran Darshan, HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Brent Doiron, The University of Chicago
Farzada Farkhoi, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Ila Fiete, MIT
Yves Frégnac, CNRS
David Golomb, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Robert Gütig, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin & BIH
David Kleinfeld, UC San Diego
Ilan Lampl, Weizmann Institute
German Mato, Centro Atomico, Bariloche
David McLaughlin, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Claude Meunier, CNRS
Gianluigi Mongillo, CNRS
Israel Nelken, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Cengiz Pehlevan, Harvard University
Nicholas Priebe, The University of Texas at Austin
Maoz Shamir, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Tatyana Sharpee, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla
Haim Sompolinsky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Harvard University
Misha Tsodyks, Weizmann Institute
Tim Vogels, IST, Klosterneuburg
Organizing committee:
Yoram Burak, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
David Hansel, CNRS
Carol Levenes, CNRS
Yonatan Loewenstein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem