News & Announcements

Congratulations to our new ELSC graduates!

On June 30 we celebrated the graduation of our students who earned their M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years.

We celebrated the achievements of our new graduates with a reception in the Goodman Building courtyard, followed by the main ceremony in the Becker Auditorium.

We marked a major milestone for the students who will be continuing at ELSC, as they received their M.Sc. degrees. We look forward to the great work they will do as Ph.D. students and wish them good luck in their academic journey.

We also said goodbye to those students who have concluded their time at ELSC. In many cases, graduation marks the end of our students’ time at ELSC. As such, it was an opportunity both to look back on their time at the Hebrew University and to look ahead to their next steps. We look forward to welcoming our graduates back to ELSC for future events as alumni!

Attached is the list of graduates:

2019-20 M.Sc. graduates:

  • Adi Amichai Kaduri (advisor: Prof. Michael London)
  • Carmel Ash Auerbach (advisor: Prof. Leon Deouell)
  • David Beniaguev (advisor: Prof. Idan Segev)
  • Lea Cohen (advisor: Prof. Eran Meshorer)
  • Lotem Elber (advisor: Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein)
  • Ayelet Gertsovski (advisor: Prof. Merav Ahissar)
  • Omri Gilday (advisor: Prof. Adi Mizrahi)
  • Alex Kaplan (advisor: Prof. Hagai Bergman)
  • Alex Kazakov (advisor: Prof. Israel Nelken)
  • Lior Lebovich (advisor: Prof. Yonatan Loewenstein)
  • Toviah Moldwin (advisor: Prof. Idan Segev )
  • Pnina Rappel (advisor: Prof. Hagai Bergman)
  • Kamini Sehrawat (advisor: Prof. Israel Nelken)

2020-21 M.Sc. graduates:

  • Aharon Azulay (advisor: Prof.  Yair Weiss)
  • Daniel Batyrev (advisor: Prof. Eran Meshorer)
  • Shir Filo (advisor: Prof. Aviv Mezer)
  • Guy Hacohen (advisor: Prof. Daphna Weinshall)
  • Noga Larry (advisor: Prof. Mati Joshua)
  • Nir Ophir (advisor: Prof. Ayelet Landau)
  • Noa Rahamim (advisor: Prof. Hagai Berman)
  • Noa Rivlin (advisor: Prof. Ami Citri)
  • I-An Tan (advisor: Prof. Yosef Grodzinsky)

2019-20 Ph.D. graduates:

  • Nadav Amir (advisors: Prof. Israel Nelken and Prof. Naftali Tishby)
  • Daniel Hershcovich (advisors: Prof. Ari Rappoport and Prof. Omri Abend)
  • Neta Ravid (advisor: Prof. Yoram Burak)
  • Tamar Regev (advisors: Prof. Leon Deouell and Prof. Israel Nelken)
  • Matan Sorek (advisor: Prof. Eran Meshorer)
  • Tohar Yarden (advisors: Prof. Israel Nelken and Prof. Adi Mizrahi)
  • Rotem Yogev Dan (advisors: Prof. Gadi Goelman and Prof. Omer Bonne)
  • Noga Zaslavsky (advisor: Prof. Naftali Tishby)

2020-21 M.Sc. with Thesis graduates:

  • Lilach Edelstein (advisor: Prof. Roi Reichart)
  • Libi Feigin (advisor: Prof. Adi Mizrahi)
  • Mor Harpaz (advisor: Prof. Israel Nelken)
  • Hadas Manor (advisors: Prof. Idan Segev and Prof. Israel Nelken)

2020-21 Ph.D. graduates:

  • Jonathan Bain (advisor: Prof. Aviv Mezer)
  • Yair Deitcher (advisors: Prof. Michael London and Prof. Idan Segev)
  • Michael Doron (advisors: Prof. Dafna Shahaf and Prof. Idan Segev)
  • Eyal Gal (advisor: Prof. Idan Segev)
  • Itamar D. Landau (advisor: Prof. Haim Sompolinsky)
  • Hadar Levi-Aharoni (advisors: Dr. Oren Shriki and Prof. Naftali Tishby)
  • Oren Peles (advisor: Prof. Eilon Vaadia)
  • Haran Shani-Narkiss (advisor: Prof. Adi Mizrahi)
  • Dan Valsky (advisor: Prof. Hagai Bergman)
  • Nadav Yayon (advisor: Prof. Hermona Soreq)

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