Eran Meshorer Lab

ELSC Members

Eran Meshorer


Phone: +972-2-6585161
Address: Department of Genetics, The Institute of Life Sciences, Silberman Building, Room 2-541. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram. Yael Riback, Lab administrator, 02-6585144
Arthur Gutterman Family Chair in Stem Cell Biology Endowment Fund
Epigenetics, stem cells, & neurons

The Meshorer lab is studying

1. Epigenetic regulation in stem cells and differentiation;
2. Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. HD) using pluripotent stem cell models;
3. Paleo-epigenetics: reconstructing DNA methylation in archaic genomes.

Tzukit Tal
Joint student with TEVA
Shalhevet Klemfner
Graduate student
Ayelet – Hashahar Cohen
Research Associate (Teacher-Researcher)
Daniel Batyrev
PhD Student
Juliane Oliveira Viegas
PhD Student
Lea Cohen
PhD Student
Moria Ben Yishay
PhD Student
Siang Lin Lim
PhD Student
Tamar Segal
PhD Student
ww (1)
Walaa Oweis
PhD Student
Malka Nissim-Rafinia PhD
Lab Manager
Thabat Khatib
Post Doc
Bar S, Vershkov D, Keshet G, Lezmi E, Meller N, Yilmaz A, Yanuka O, Nissim-RafiniaM, Meshorer E, Eldar-Geva T, Benvenisty N.

Nat Commun. (2021)

Leader Y, Lev Maor G, Sorek M, Shayevitch R, Hussein M, Hameiri O, Tammer L, Zonszain J, Keydar I, Hollander D, Meshorer E, Ast G.

Nat Commun. (2021)

Pablo Aurelio Gómez-García, Stephanie Portillo-Ledesma, Maria Victoria Neguembor, Martina Pesaresi, Walaa Oweis, Talia Rohrlich, Stefan Wieser, Eran Meshorer, Tamar Schlick, Maria Pia Cosma, Melike Lakadamyali

Cell Reports, Volume 34, Issue 2, 2021, 108614, ISSN 2211-1247 (2021)

Sorek, M., Oweis, W., Nissim-Rafinia, M. Maman M, Simon S, Hession CC, Adiconis X, Simmons SK, Sanjana NE, Shi X, Lu C, Pan JQ, Xu X, Pouladi MA, Ellerby LM, Zhang F, Levin JZ, Meshorer E.

Genome Biol 22, 73 (2021)

Danny Bavli, Xue Sun, Chen Kozulin, Dena Ennis, Alex Motzik, Alva Biran, Shlomi Brielle, Adi Alajem, Eran Meshorer, Amnon Buxboim, Oren Ram

Developmental Cell, ISSN 1534-5807, (2021)

Ben-Ami R, Klochendler A, Seidel M, Sido T, Gurel-Gurevich O, Yassour M, Meshorer E, Benedek G, Fogel I, Oiknine-Djian E, Gertler A, Rotstein Z, Lavi B, Dor Y, Wolf DG, Salton M, Drier Y; Hebrew University-Hadassah COVID-19 diagnosis team

Clin Microbiol Infect. (2020)

Harikumar A, Lim PSL, Nissim-Rafinia M, Park JE, Sze SK, Meshorer E.

Stem Cell Reports (2020)

Lim PSL, Meshorer E.

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol (2020)

Meshorer E, Plath K.

Stem Cell Reports (2020)

Pattabiraman S, Azad GK, Amen T, Brielle S, Park JE, Sze SK, Meshorer E, Kaganovich D.

Sci Rep. (2020)

Gokhman, D., M. Nissim-Rafinia, L. Agranat-Tamir, G. Housman, R. Garcia-Perez, E. Lizano, O. Cheronet, S. Mallick, M. A. Nieves-Colon, H. Li, S. Alpaslan-Roodenberg, M. Novak, H. Gu, J. M. Osinski, M. Ferrando-Bernal, P. Gelabert, I. Lipende, D. Mjungu, I. Kondova, R. Bontrop, O. Kullmer, G. Weber, T. Shahar, M. Dvir-Ginzberg, M. Faerman, E. E. Quillen, A. Meissner, Y. Lahav, L. Kandel, M. Liebergall, M. E. Prada, J. M. Vidal, R. M. Gronostajski, A. C. Stone, B. Yakir, C. Lalueza-Fox, R. Pinhasi, D. Reich, T. Marques-Bonet, E. Meshorer, and L. Carmel.

Nat Commun (2020)

Lezmi E, Weissbein U, Golan-Lev T, Nissim-Rafinia M, Meshorer E, Benvenisty N.

Stem Cell Reports 2020;S2213-6711(20)30186-7. (2020)

Imke K. Mandemaker, Di Zhou, Serena T. Bruens, Dick H. Dekkers, Pernette J. Verschure, Raghu R. Edupuganti, Eran Meshorer, Jeroen A. Demmers, Jurgen A. Marteijn

Journal of Cell Science jcs.235473 (2020)

Yoav Mathov, Daniel Batyrev, Eran Meshorer, Liran Carmel

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development Pages 23-29, ISSN 0959-437X (2020)

Hanan, M., Simchovitz, A., Yayon, N., Vaknine, S., Cohen-Fultheim, R., Karmon, M., Madrer, N., Rohrlich, T.M., Maman, M., Bennett, E.R., Greenberg, D.S., Meshorer, E., Levanon, E.Y., Soreq, H. & Kadener, S.

EMBO Mol Med (2020)

Viegas JO, Meshorer E

Cell Stem Cell (2019), Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 589-591 (2019)

Gold A, Eini L, Nissim-Rafinia M, Viner R, Ezer S, Erez K, Aqaqe N, Hanania R, Milyavsky M, Meshorer E, Goldberg M

Oncogene, volume 38, pages 3103–3118 (2019)

Gokhman D, Mishol N, de Manuel M, de Juan D, Shuqrun J, Meshorer E, Marques-Bonet T, Rak Y, Carmel L.

Cell, Volume 179, Issue 1, Pages 180-192.e10 (2019)

Cohen-Carmon D, Sorek M, Lerner V, Nissim-Rafinia M, Yarom Y, Meshorer E

Molecular Neurobiology (2019)

Schlesinger S and Meshorer E

Developmental Cell, Volume 48, Issue 2, 28 January 2019, Pages 135-150 (2019)

Mallm JP, Windisch P, Biran A, Gal Z, Schumacher S, Glass R, Herold-Mende C, Meshorer E, Barbus M, Rippe K

International Journal of Cancer (2019)

Gokhman D, Agranat L, Housman G, Nissim-Rafinia M, Colon MN, Gu H, Ferrando M, Gelabert P, Lipende I, Quillen EE, Meissner A, Stone AC, Pusey AE, Mjungu D, Kandel L, Liebergall M, Prada ME, Vidal JM, Krause J, Yakir B, Reich D, Fox CL, Marques-Bonet T, Eran Meshorer and Liran Carmel

BioRxiv (2019)

Azad GK, Ito K, Sailaja BS, Biran A, Nissim-Rafinia M, Brown DT, Takizawa T and Meshorer E

Journal of Cell Biology, 217(2):473-481 (2018)

Harikumar A, Edupuganti RR, Sorek M, Azad GK, Markoulaki S, Sehnalová P, Legartová S, Bártová E, Farkash-Amar S, Jaenisch R, Alon U and Meshorer E

Stem Cell Reports, Volume 9, Issue 4, 10 October 2017, Pages 1304-1314 (2017)

Edupuganti RR, Harikumar A, Aaronson Y, Biran A, Sailaja BS, Nissim-Rafinia M, Azad GK, Cohen MM, Park JE, Shivalila CS, Markoulaki S, Sze SK, Jaenisch R and Meshorer E

Stem Cell Reports, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 1291-1303 (2017)

Schlesinger S, Kaffe B, Melcer S, Aguilera JDA, Mundackal DS, Kaplan T and Meshorer E

Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 45, Issue 21, 1 December 2017, Pages 12181–12194 (2017)

Torres CM, Biran A,S, Burney MJ, Patel H, Henser-Brownhill T, Cohen AS, Li Y, Ben Hamo R, Nye E, Spencer-Dene B, Chakravarty P, Efroni S, Matthews N, Misteli T, Meshorer E and Scaffidi P

Science, Vol 353, Issue 6307 30 September 2016 (2016)

Aaronson, Y, Livyatan I, Gokhman D, Meshorer E.

Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 44, Issue 9, Pages 4080–4089 (2016)

Gokhman, D, Meshorer E, Carmel L.

Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Volume 31, Issue 4, Pages 290-300 (2016)

Kfir N, Glaich O, Lev-Maor G, Alajem A, Datta A, Sze SK, Meshorer E and Ast G

Cell Reports, Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 618-629 (2015)

Yearim A, Gelfman S, Shayevitch R, Melcer S, Glaich O, Mallm JP, Nissim-Rafinia M, Cohen A, Rippe K, Meshorer E and Ast G

Cell Reports Volume 10, Issue 7, Pages 1122-1134 (2015)

Moussaieff A, Rouleau M, Kitsberg D, Cohen M, Levy G, Barasch D, Nemirovski A, Shen-Orr S, Laevsky I, Amit M, Bomze D, Elena-Herrmann B, Scherf T, Nissim-Rafinia M, Kempa S, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Meshorer E, Aberdam D, Nahmias Y.

Cell Metabolism, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages 392-402 (2015)

Alajem A, Biran A, Harikumar A, Sailaja BS, Aaronson Y, Livyatan I, Nissim-Rafinia M, Sommer AG, Mostoslavsky G, Gerbasi VR, Golden DE, Datta A, Sze SK and Meshorer E

Cell Reports, Volume 10, Issue 12, 31 March 2015, Pages 2019-2031 (2015)

Harikumar A and Meshorer E

EMBO reports, 16, 1609-1619 (2015)

Livyatan I, Aaronson Y, Gokhman D, Ashkenazi R and Meshorer E

Cell Stem Cell, LETTER| VOLUME 17, ISSUE 6, P647-648, DECEMBER 03, 2015 (2015)

Ben-David U, Biran A, Scaffidi P, Herold-Mende C, Boehringer M, Meshorer E and Benvenisty N

Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 267–269 (2014)

Blumberg A, Sailaja BS, Kundaje A, Levin L, Dadon S, Shmorak S, Shaulian S, Meshorer E and Mishmar D

Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 6, Issue 10, Pages 2634–2646 (2014)

Alvarez-Saavedra M, De Repentigny Y, Lagali P, Ram EV, Yan K, Hashem E, Ivanochko D, Huh M, Doo Y, Mears A, Todd M, Corcoran C, Bassett E, Tokarew N, Kokavec J, Majumder R, Ioshikhes I, Wallace V, Kothary R, Meshorer E, Stopka T, Skoultchi A and Picketts D

Nature Communications, volume 5, Article number: 4181 (2014)

Gokhman D, Lavi E, Prüfer K, Fraga MF, Riancho JA, Kelso J, Pääbo S, Meshorer E* and Carmel L*

Science, Vol 344, Issue 6183 02 May 2014 (2014)

Raviv S, Bharti K, Rencus-Lazar S, Cohen-Tayar Y, Schyr R, Evantal N, Meshorer E, Zilberberg A, Grebe R, Rosin-Arbesfeld R, Lauderdale J, Lutty G, Arnheiter H and Ashery-Padan R

PLoS Genetics, 10(5):e1004360 (2014)

Bošković A, Eid A, Pontabry J, Ishiuchi T, Spiegelhalter C, Ram EVS, Meshorer E and Torres-Padilla ME

Genes & Dev. 28: 1042-1047 (2014)

Bodaker M, Meshorer E, Mitrani E and Louzoun Y

Bioinformatics, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 406–413 (2014)

Schlesinger S, Meshorer E and Goff SP

Retrovirology, 11:31 (2014)

Shahar OD, Kalousi A, Eini L, Fisher B, Weiss A, Darr J, Mazina O, Bramson S, Kupiec M, Eden A, Meshorer E, Mazin AV, Brino L, Goldberg M and Soutoglou E

Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 42, Issue 9, Pages 5689–5701 (2014)

Efroni S, Meerzaman D, Schaefer CF, Greenblum S, Soo-Lyu M, Hu Y, Cultraro C, Meshorer E, Buetow KH

IET Systems Biology, Volume: 7 , Issue: 6, Pages: 243 – 251 (2013)

Livyatan I, Harikumar A, Nissim-Rafinia M, Duttagupta R, Gingeras TR and Meshorer E

Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 41, Issue 12, Pages 6300–6315 (2013)

Gokhman D, Livyatan I, Sailaja BS, Melcer S and Meshorer E

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, volume 20, pages 119–126 (2013)

Deng T, Zhu I, Zhang S, Leng F, Cherukuri S, Hansen L, Mariño-Ramírez L, Meshorer E, Landsman D and Bustin M

Molecular and Cellular Biology, 33(16):3377-89 (2013)

Farkash-Amar S, David Y, Polten A, Hezroni H, Eldar Y, Meshorer E, Yakhini Z and Simon I

PLoS ONE 7(11): e48986 (2012)

Sailaja BS, Cohen-Carmon D, Zimmerman G, Soreq H and Meshorer E

PNAS, 109 (52) E3687-E3695 (2012)

Sommer CA, Christodoulou C, Gianotti-Sommer A, Shen SS, Sailaja BS, Hezroni H, Meshorer E, Kotton DN and Mostoslavsky G.

PLoS ONE 7(12): e51711 (2012)

Cohen-Carmon D and Meshorer E

Nucleus, Volume 3, Issue 5, Pages 433-441 (2012)

Shahar O, Raghu Ram EVS, Shimshoni E, Hareli S, Meshorer E and Goldberg M

Oncogene, volume 31, pages 3495–3504 (2012)

Melcer S, Hezroni H, Rand E, Nissim-Rafinia M, Stewart C, Skoultchi A, Bustin M and Meshorer E

Nature Communications volume 3, Article number: 910 (2012)

Dutta B, Adav SS, Koh CG, Lim SK, Meshorer E and Sze SK

Journal of Proteomics, Volume 75, Issue 17, Pages 5493-5506 (2012)

Biran A and Meshorer E

Stem Cells, Volume 30, Issue 9, Pages 1793-1799 (2012)

Hezroni H, Sailaja BS and Meshorer E

The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286, 35977-35988 (2011)

Gaspar-Maia A, Alajem A, Meshorer E and Ramalho-Santos M

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, volume 12, pages 36–47 (2011)

Hezroni H, Tzchori I, Davidi A, Mattout A, Biran A, Nissim-Rafinia M, Westphal H and Meshorer E

Nucleus, Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 300-309 (2011)

Mattout A, Biran A and Meshorer E

Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, Volume 3, Issue 6, Pages 341–350 (2011)

Mattout, A and Meshorer E

Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 334-341 (2010)

Prokocimer M, Davidovich M, Nissim-Rafinia M, Wiesel-Motiuk N, Bar D, Barkan R, Meshorer E and Gruenbaum Y

Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 6, Pages 1059-1085 (2009)

Efroni, S, Melcer S, Nissim-Rafinia M and Meshorer E

Cell Cycle, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 43-48 (2009)

Raghu Ram EVS and Meshorer E

Genes & Dev. 23: 2793-2798 (2009)

Schwartz S, Meshorer E and Ast G

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology volume 16, pages 990–995 (2009)

Gaspar-Maia A, Alajem A, Polesso F, Sridharan R, Mason MJ, Heidersbach A, Ramalho-Santos J, McManus MT, Plath K, Meshorer E, Ramalho-Santos M

Nature, volume 460, pages 863–868 (2009)

Meshorer E and Gruenbaum Y

Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 181 no. 1 9-13 (2008)

Meshorer E

StemBook (2008)

Efroni S, Duttagupta R, Cheng J, Dehghani H, Hoeppner DJ, Dash C, Bazett-Jones DP, Le Grice S, McKay RDG, Buetow KH, Gingeras TR, Misteli T, Meshorer E

Cell Stem Cell, Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages 437-447 (2008)

Takizawa T and Meshorer E

Trends in Neurosciences, Volume 31, Issue 7, Pages 343-352 (2008)

Meshorer E

Histology and Histopathology, 22, 311-319 (2007)

Meshorer E and Soreq H

Trends in Neurosciences,Volume 29, Issue 4, Pages 216-224 (2006)

Meshorer E, Yellajoshula D, George E, Scambler PJ, Brown D and Misteli T

Developmental Cell, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 105-116 (2006)

Meshorer E, Bryk B, Toiber D, Cohen J, Podoly E, Dori A and Soreq H

Molecular Psychiatry, 10, 985–997 (2005)

Salmon A1, Erb C, Meshorer E, Ginzberg D, Adani Y, Rabinovitz I, Amitai G, Soreq H.

Chem Biol Interact. 2005 Dec 15;157-158:105-13. Epub 2005 Nov 11. (2005)

Meshorer E, Biton I, Ben-Shaul Y, Assaf Y, Soreq H and Cohen Y

The FASEB Journal, Vol. 19, No. 8 (2005)

Meshorer E, Toiber D, Zurel D, Sahly I, Dori A, Cagnano E, Schreiber L, Grisaru D, Tronche F and Soreq H

The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279, 29740-29751 (2004)

Meshorer E and Soreq H

Aging Cell, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 10-16 (2002)

Stoilov P, Meshorer E, Gencheva M, Glick D, Soreq H and Stamm S

DNA and Cell Biology, Vol. 21, No. 11 (2002)

Meshorer E, Erb C, Gazit R, Pavlovsky L, Kaufer D, Friedman A, Glick D, Ben-Arie N and Soreq H

Science, Vol. 295, Issue 5554, pp. 508-512 (2002)

Sigalevich P, Meshorer E, Helman Y and Cohen Y

Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:5005-5012 (2000)

Lev-Lehman E, Evron T, Broide RS, Meshorer E, Ariel I, Seidman S and Soreq H

Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, Volume 14, Issue 1–2, pp 93–105 (2000)

At this time there are no available positions in the lab.
2019 ‘Breakthrough of the Year’ Award by Science for Gokhman et al. Cell, 2019

2018 Coordinator, Marie Curie ITN Project award (‘EpiSyStem’)

2016 Gold Medal Award from the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

2016 Named the Arthur Gutterman Chair for Stem Cell Research

2015 Vigevani Research Prize, Israel-Italy (with Prof. Giuseppe Testa, Milano)

2013 Zelman Cowen Award for Biomedical Research, Hebrew University and University of Sydney

2012 Hestrin Prize for an outstanding young researcher, Israel Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2012 Klachky Prize for the advancement of science, Hebrew University

Lab Website
Lab Facebook Page

Eran Meshorer


Phone: +972-2-6585161
Address: Department of Genetics, The Institute of Life Sciences, Silberman Building, Room 2-541. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram. Yael Riback, Lab administrator, 02-6585144

“Working memory”