Shaul Hochstein Lab

ELSC Members

Shaul Hochstein

Professor Emeritus

Phone: +972-2-6585152
Address: The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences,
Neurobiology Department,
Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 9190401
Greenfield chair in Neurobiolgy, Emeritus

Shaul Hochstein’s research contributions span the spectrum of vision research. Investigations at his lab ranged from biophysics of photo-transduction, when light is absorbed in the eye, through electrophysiology of visual information processing in eye and brain, building and storing internal representations of the external world in a hierarchy of cortical areas, to psychophysics and cognitive psychology of perceptual skill learning and conscious perception. Israeli research into many of these fields was pioneered at Shaul Hochstein’s lab, and two dozen of his students and their students now form the core of sensory system research at various Israeli academic institutions.

Shaul Hochstein’s recent work relates to cerebral changes occurring with sensory experience, adaptation, expectation and perceptual learning, the role of neural networks in short- and long-term memory, characterization and categorization of perceived objects, and perception of the identity, order, and summary statistics of a series of objects. Confronting the most difficult challenge of brain science, the study of consciousness, he and his colleagues are investigating the nature of brain activity reflecting automatic sub-conscious processes and that related to conscious perceptual experience. Together with Merav Ahissar he proposed the influential Reverse Hierarchy Theories of Perceptual Learning and of Conscious Perception.

Hochstein S, Pavlovskaya M.

J Vis. (2020)

Khayat, N., & Hochstein, S

Attention Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 81(5), 1–14 (2019)

Hochstein S

Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 81(8), 1-10 (2019)

Hochstein S

Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 81(8), 1-10 (2019)

S. Hochstein


S. Hochstein, M.Pavlovskaya, Y. Bonneh & N. Soroker

Journal of Vision, Vol.18, 12 (2018)

Khayat, N., & Hochstein, S.

Journal of Vision, 18(9):23, 1–14 (2018)

S. Hochstein

Perception 47(9), 985–990 (2018)

Pavlovskaya M, Soroker N, Bonneh YS, Hochstein S.

J Cogn Neurosci. ;27(7):1397-411 (2015)

Shaul Hochstein; Marina Pavlovskaya; Yoram S. Bonneh; Nachum Soroker

Journal of Vision, Vol.15, 7 (2015)

S. Hochstein

The Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology, Harold (Hal) L. Miller, editor (2015)

S. Hochstein

Einayim (in Hebrew) #151 – The Brain (2013)

V. Yakovlev, S. Romani, S. Hochstein and Y. Amit

pp 379-382 In: “Selected Papers of Daniel Amit 1938-2007”, N. Brunel, P. del Giudice, S. Fusi, G. Parisi & M. Tsodyks, eds. World Scientific (2013)

V. Yakovlev, Y. Amit and S. Hochstein

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 765 (2013)

Y. Amit, V. Yakovlev and S. Hochstein

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 408 (2013)

A. Bernacchia, V. Yakovlev, T. Orlov and Shaul Hochsteins

pp 331-334 In: “Selected Papers of Daniel Amit 1938-2007”, N. Brunel, P. del Giudice, S. Fusi, G. Parisi & M. Tsodyks, eds. World Scientific (2013)

S. Hochstein

Wolfe, J. & Robertson, L., Eds. “From Perception to Consciousness: Searching with Anne Treisman” Oxford U Press (2012)

M. Jacob & S. Hochstein

Cognitive Computation, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp 105–123 (2011)

Haroush K, Deouell LY, Hochstein S.

J Neurosci. 2011 Jan 19;31(3):922-7 (2011)

M. Wolf, S Hochstein

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5: 129 (2011)

S. Gershoni & S. Hochstein

iPerception (issue on Art & Perception) 2: 508-27 (2011)

M. Pavlovskaya & S. Hochstein

Journal of Vision, Vol.11, 8 (2011)

Haroush K, Hochstein S, Deouell LY.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 22 , No. 7, p.1440-1451 (2010)

Merav Ahissar , Mor Nahum , Israel Nelken and Shaul Hochstein

Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (2009)

Hillman, P., S. Hochstein and B. Minke

Physiological Reviews, Volume 63, Pages 668-772 (1983)

Hochstein, S., B. Minke, P. Hillman and B. Knight

Biological Cybernetic, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp 23–32 (1978)

Minke, B., S. Hochstein and P. Hillman

Biological Cybernetics, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp 33–43 (1978)

Hillman, P.S. Hochstein, and B. Minke

Journal of General Physiology, vol. 68 no. 2 227-245 (1976)

Minke, B., S. Hochstein, and P. Hillman

Biophysical Journal, Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 490-512 (1974)

Hochstein, S., B. Minke, and P. Hillman

Journal of General Physiology, vol. 62 no. 1 105-128 (1973)

Minke, B., S. Hochstein and P. Hillman

Journal of General Physiology, vol. 62 no. 6 787-791 (1973)

Minke, B., S. Hochstein, and P. Hillman

Journal of General Physiology, vol. 62 no. 1 87-104 (1973)

Hillman, P., F.A. Dodge, Jr., S. Hochstein, B. Knight and B. Minke

Journal of General Physiology, vol. 62 no. 1 77-86 (1973)

Hillman, P., S. Hochstein and B. Minke

Science, Vol. 175, Issue 4029, pp. 1486-1488 (1972)

Hochstein, S., B. Minke and P. Hillman

The Visual System pp 65-73 (1972)

At this time there are no available positions in the lab.

Shaul Hochstein

Professor Emeritus

Phone: +972-2-6585152
Address: The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences,
Neurobiology Department,
Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 9190401

“Working memory”