Lilach Avitan Lab

ELSC Members

Lilach Avitan

Assistant Professor

Phone: +972-2-5494829
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 2, Room 1203, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401
The neural basis of behavior

Our sensation, perception and behavior arise from the activity of millions of interconnected neurons in the brain.  We are interested in how this network of neurons processes information and converts it into an appropriate behavior.  To address this question we use the zebrafish as a model system. Zebrafish larvae display a range complex behaviors, and are transparent allowing whole-brain imaging of neural activity at the single cell resolution.  In conjunction with these experiments, we use computational, statistical and mathematical tools to analyse the data and uncover the neural mechanism driving behavior.

Abeer Karmi Hallak
Abeer Karmi Hallak, Ph.D.
Lab Manager
Imri Lifshitz
Ph.D. Student
Shai Tishby
Ph.D. Student
Yoav Rubinstein
Ph.D. Student
Maayan Moshkovitz
MSc student
Netta Livneh
Netta Livneh
Undergraduate Student
Itay Ottenheimer
Itay Ottenheimer
Undergraduate Student
Triplett MA, Pujic Z, Sun B, Avitan L, Goodhill GJ.

PLoS Comput Biol. (2020)

Avitan L, Pujic Z, Mölter J, Zhu S, Sun B, Goodhill GJ

Elife, 19;10:e61942 (2021)

Marcus A. Triplett , Lilach Avitan , and Geoffrey J. Goodhill

Computational Biology (2020)

Avitan, L., Pujic, Z., Molter, J., Sun, B., Myhre,A.E., Goodhill, G.J.

Current Biology (2020)

Avitan L. and Goodhill G.J.

Trends in Neurosciences (2018)

Mölter, J., Avitan, L. & Goodhill, G.

BMC Biol (2018)

Triplett, M., Avitan, L. and Goodhill, G.J.

PLoS Computational Biology, 14(9):e1006421 (2018)

Marachlian, E., Avitan, L., Goodhill, G.J., and Sumbre, G.

Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 12, 46 (2018)

Avitan L., Pujic Z., Mölter J., Sun B., Van De Poll1 M., Teng H.,Amor R., Scott E.K., and Goodhill G.J.

Current Biology, Volume 27, Issue 16, Pages 2407-2419.e4 (2017)

Avitan, L., Pujic Z., Hughes J.N., Scott E.K. and Goodhill J.G.

Journal of Neuroscience, 36(19):5385–5396 (2016)

Suarez, R., Fenlon, L., Marek, R., Avitan, L., Sah, P., Goodhill, G.J. and Richards, L.J.

Neuron, Volume 82, Issue 6, Pages 1289-1298 (2014)

Avitan L., Teicher M., and Abeles M.

Journal of Neurophysiology, 102: 3046-3059 (2009)

Avitan L., Teicher M., and Abeles M.

Biological Cybernetics, 98(1):49-59 (2008)

We are looking for bright and highly motivated doctoral and postdoctoral students.

Lilach Avitan

Assistant Professor

Phone: +972-2-5494829
Address: The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
The Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building,
Level 2, Room 1203, Edmond J. Safra Campus,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 9190401

“Working memory”